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5.1 Availability of Technicians

The LLDA has on its staff competent and well trained technicians and managerial staff to operate its proposed hatchery and experimental station as well as its overall programme. Key personnel have had training and experience in the Philippines and abroad. In addition, competent personnel from the University of Philippines College of Fisheries and the Philippine Fisheries Commission are available.

5.2 Training Needs

Training needs for the LLDA Programme will arise during the next three to five years warranting specialized training, either by sending staff abroad or by bringing specialists to the Philippines, in fish culture techniques, limnology, fishery structure design, extension work and cooperative organization.

5.3 Cooperation

The United States Agency for International Development, the University of the Philippines and the Philippine Fisheries Commission are establishing an aquaculture project which will have experimental stations in Central Luzon and in Iloilo. The proposed work in the LLDA experimental station on nutrition problems, i.e. use of locally produced feeds for fish, should be coordinated and guided by the aquaculture stations' specialists.

In cooperation with the University of the Philippines College of Fisheries, continuing studies should be made on the dynamics of the aquatic biota, both with respect to natural food utilization and dynamics of change which may be caused by the proposed hydraulic control structure.

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