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6.1 Advance Programme

The LLDA has been negotiating with the Philippine Fisheries Commission for acquisition of the Bay Fishery Station. The Authority hoped to obtain full usage and management of the station in September 1971. This date was earlier than a proposed new UNDP Country Programme could be implemented. Therefore, the following advance programme is presented to assist the LLDA in planning an immediate start of station operation:

  1. Obtain and install a 100 m3/h pump for operation from existing pond drainage to lake canal and install a water distribution system to nursery ponds 1 to 12 as shown in Fig. 4. Check existing sloped intake pump for adaptability as a temporary measure.

  2. Clean nursery ponds.

  3. Construct outlet gates and screens for each pond.

  4. Build one 2 m3 tank, with oxygen supply, for use in pickup truck for transport of brood stock and fingerlings.

  5. Obtain brood stock of common, Chinese and Indian carps and T. nilotica.

  6. Common carps and T. nilotica should be produced as soon as possible for stocking in Looc corral.

  7. Large ponds should be drained, if possible, and used for commercial production of common carp fingerlings.

  8. Initiate studies on improved design of Looc fish corral to improve durability.

6.2 Country Programme

Appendix 2 presents a proposed FAO/UNDP project for fish culture development on Laguna de Bay, corresponding to the recommendations made in this report. The programme should begin as early as possible in 1972 and would extend over a three-year period at an estimated cost of U.S. $229 400 and 544 000. The proposed project includes substantial costs for rehabilitation of the Bay Fishery Station. General details of the station are presented in Appendix 3 and Fig. 4.

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