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Appendix 2

1. Summary

Laguna de Bay has been found to have exceptional potential for fish culture in pens or ponds within the lake. This method of fish culture is relatively new and requires extensive work on an experimental basis to establish commercial feasibility. The Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), as the authorized Government development agency for Laguna de Bay, is ready to undertake experimental and pilot programmes, to be followed by commercial ventures, for fish culture development on Laguna de Bay.

An FAO/UNDP assisted fish culture programme is proposed. The programme would extend over three years at an estimated cost of U.S. $229 400 and local costs of 544 000. The LLDA is designated as the cooperating body for the Government.

Financial Data

A. Proposed UNDP Inputs

 Total1st year2nd year3rd year
Personnel54135 0001742 500  640 0002152 500
Training -
2115 00010½7 50010½ 7 500--
Equipment 64 900 64 900----
Miscellaneous -
      Administrative support, reports
 14 500 1 500  1 500 11 500
T O T A L 229 400 116 400 49 000 64 000

B. Proposed Government Counterpart Contribution

 Total1st year2nd year3rd year
Personnel480   221 000160  70 000160  75 000160  76 000
Buildings, ponds, etc.-   188 000 188 000----
Office-supporting services, boat   135 000-  69 000-  33 000-  33 000
T O T A L   544 000 327 000 108 000 109 000

2. Background

  1. Purpose of Study

    The proposed programme is intended to assist the Authority in development of fish production through aquaculture techniques in enclosed areas in Laguna de Bay. The programme itself is not oriented to development of the lake fishery and it is intended that such development proposals be separately programmed.

  2. Scope

    The project would be undertaken at the existing Bay Fishery Station of the Philippine Fisheries Commission which would be made available to the LLDA for operation and management during the course of the study. The cooperating body for the Government would be LLDA. The study would be concerned with these programmes:

    1. To improve the existing fish hatchery and experimental facilities of the station. The fish hatchery would raise fingerlings of the fish species needed for experimental work in the station in pens and enclosures in the lake. The station would also raise fingerlings for sale to commercial fish pen and pond operators.

    2. To experiment with introduction of new species, mainly Tilapia nilotica, and balanced combinations of species for utilization of natural foods in the lake waters. Propagation and suitability for culture in Laguna de Bay would be developed on an experimental basis and would include work with local species such as Manila catfish, grey mullet, snakehead and others. The feasibility of utilizing locally available food sources would be studied.

    3. To develop economical and durable designs of fish pens and various types of enclosures for use within the lake.

    4. To initiate continuing studies of the dynamics of the aquatic biota for utilization in fish culture. Studies would also include analysis of changing ecologic conditions caused by the proposed hydraulic control structure on Laguna de Bay and by continuing development of the lake shoreland.

    5. To establish management techniques in fish pen culture for all aspects of operation from stocking to cropping and marketing.

    6. To assist the LLDA in establishment of extension services and the planning and organizing of cooperatives as soon as experimental findings warrant commercial development of fish pen culture on the lake.

  3. Reference Studies

    The proposed programme is based on conclusions and recommendations contained in this report and also in part on the LLDA Preliminary Programme of Work included as Appendix 1 of this report.

  4. Programme of Work for Proposed UNDP Project

    1st Year

    1. LLDA to acquire exclusive usage of Bay Fishery Station from Philippine Fisheries Commission.

    2. On an interim basis, begin to rehabilitate station, construct new water supply and hatchery facilities and modify pond system.

    3. Begin fry production of common carp and Tilapia nilotica.

    4. Acquire brood stock of Chinese and Indian carp species.

    5. Construct experimental pens at Looc and in representative areas of Laguna de Bay.

    6. Begin species combination study in pens and at Looc.

    7. Begin feasibility study of improved pen designs and breakwater production for pens.

    8. Initiate limnological studies on aquatic biota and establish cooperative programmes with the University of the Philippines.

    9. Initiate food nutrition programme in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) aquaculture programme.

    2nd Year

    1. Undertake major rehabilitation of station.

    2. Undertake intensive fry production of all species in initial combinations proposed.

    3. Begin trials of species combinations with T. nilotica, common carp, milkfish and Chinese carp.

    4. Continue work on experimental pen construction.

    5. Begin supplemental feeding experiments in pens and ponds in coordination with USAID aquaculture programme.

    6. Continue design work on pens and corrals and initiate pilot construction.

    7. Initiate experimental programme for combination duck and fish culture.

    8. Continue fish nutrition experiment.

    9. Continue limnological studies.

    10. Begin fellowship training.

    11. Survey for sources of mullet fingerlings.

    3rd Year

    (1–11) Continue work on preceding 11 items of 2nd year.

    1. Evaluate preceding work and decide on commercial pilot projects.

    2. Plan and implement extension services and organize cooperatives for pilot projects.

    3. Determine nature of succeeding UNDP project if warranted. Such a project would be concerned in greater detail with extension services, continuing work with cooperatives and development of the lake fishery.

3. Assistance Requested

 (1) Fish culturist and project managerm/m 
      3 years  36 
 (2) Consulting limnologist1    
      1st year-3 months  
      2nd year-2 months  
      3rd year-2 months  7 
 (3) Fisheries engineer    
      1st year-2 months  
      2nd year-2 months  4 
 (4) Extension expert team   
      3rd year    
      Extension methods-4 months  
      Cooperative organizations-3 months  7 
 T O T A L  54 
      Cost at $2 500 m/m   $ 135 000
b.Fellowship Training    
 Limnologist  9 
 Fish culture  4 
 Cooperatives  4 
 Extension services  4 
    21$    15 000
 Station pumps    
      1 Pump 300 m3/h  $ 3 000 
      1 Pump 100 m3/h     1 000 
      Controls        750 
 Pipe system 2 000 ft at $2.50   5 000 
 6 in (15/ft) fittings, specials   2 500 
 Station diesel generators (2) at 2.5 k/w   2 500 
 Small air compressor   1 000 
 Small power tools for shop and field   2 500 
 Air pumps      200 
 Oxygen equipment      200 
 Wheel tractor and accessories   6 500 
 SUB-TOTAL   $    25 150
 Boat, twin hull, engines, radio equipped$14 000 
 2 Station wagons  12 000 
 1 covered pickup    5 000 
 SUB-TOTAL   $    31 000
 Laboratory Equipment  
 PH meter, Beckman, with built-in voltage regulator$     700 
Dissolved oxygen meter, YST Model 51 5° to 45°C, with O2 probe for B.O.D., maintenance kit and calibration chamber
 Weighing scale, 1 kg cap, with milligram calibration       250 
 Refrigerator and freezer       500 
 Drying oven and burners       300 
 Fingerling imports    1 500 
 Chemicals, hormones, etc.       250 
 Miscellaneous, centrifuge, etc.    2 000 
 SUB-TOTAL   $    6 000
 1 Dissecting microscope$     500 
1 Compound microscope, stereoscope, with mechanical stage, triple eyepiece and camera adoptor
 1 Profile projector    1 000 
 1 Camera       200 
 SUB-TOTAL   $    2 500
 Ekman dredge, 200 cm2 grab$     100 
 Bottom sieve, stainless Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 mm mesh         50 
 Plankton net, Wisonsin No. 25       100 
 SUB-TOTAL   $        250
 T O T A L   $   64 900
d.Administrative Support and Miscellaneous  
 Miscellaneous field expenses -  
      3 years at $1 500 per year$   4 500 
 Final report   10 000 
 SUB-TOTAL   $   14 500
 a. Experts $ 135 000
 b. Fellowship training      15 000
 c. Equipment      64 900
 d. Administrative support and miscellaneous      14 500
   $ 229 400

1 This post may not be required if staffed under proposed Laguna de Bay Water Quality and Management Programme.

4. Counterpart Support

a.Counterpart Personnel  
 1 Station manager/fish culturist  36   36 000
 1 Asst. manager/extension worker  36     36 000
 1 Fishery technologist  36     14 400
 2 Labourers  72     14 400
 3 Security guards108     21 600
 2 Chauffer/mechanics/boat operators  72     28 800
 1 Carpenter/mechanic  36     14 400
 1 Secretary/typist  36     16 200
 1 Sales clerk/timekeeper  36     16 200
 1 Project director (4 m/m per year)  12     18 000
 Estimated travel and per diems        5 000
 SUB-TOTAL 221 000
b.Buildings and Facilities to be Provided  
 Office building addition    22 000
 Hatchery        5 000
 Pipe system and pump installation      10 000
 Miscellaneous small constructions, docks, sheds, power facilities     10 000
 Channel excavation        6 000
 Pen construction    100 000
 Pond improvement      20 000
 Access road improvements      15 000
 SUB-TOTAL 188 000
c.Transport, Office and Supporting Services  
 Cars (fuel, maintenance, insurance)    20 000
 Boat      15 000
 Office space, facilities and supplies    100 000
 SUB-TOTAL 135 000
a.Counterpart personnel 221 000
b.Buildings and facilities to be provided    188 000
c.Transport, office and supporting services    135 000
   544 000

5. Availability of Housing for Experts

The LLDA will make available suitable rental housing for international experts at the University's College of Agriculture compound or equivalent area. The housing shall be in reasonably close proximity to the fishery station in order to avoid excessive time loss in daily travel from residence to place of work.

6. Related Projects

  1. Previous assistance

    Limnological studies were made under FAO experts Dendy and Morawa in 1959–60. A freshwater fishery investigation was made by FAO expert Parsons in 1961. A statistical analysis of the Laguna de Bay fishery was made by Shimura and Delmendo in 1968–69 (see (FAO/UN, 1961; FAO/UN, 1962, and Shimura and Delmendo, 1969). A United Nations feasibility survey of Laguna de Bay was made in 1968–70 on multipurpose development of the area (see UN, 1970).

7. Follow Up

It is anticipated that the results obtained from this project will form a basis for development of 5 000 ha or more of commercial fish pen operation on Laguna de Bay. These operations would be undertaken by fishery cooperatives assisted by the LLDA and it is anticipated that additional assistance in the fields of extension work and management of cooperatives and follow up will be desirable. In addition, some continuing assistance on fish culture development will probably be desirable. After findings become available from the experimental work proposed in this study, major improvements may be possible in the overall lake fishery, which covers an area of 70 000 to 80 000 ha. The nature of the follow up action would be determined in the course of the third year of the proposed FAO/UNDP project.

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