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Delmendo, M.N. 1966 An evaluation of the fishery resources of Laguna de Bay. Paper presented to 12th Session of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, October 1966. IPFC/66 Tech. 40:1–17

Delmendo, M.N. & Bustillo, R.N. 1968 Studies on fish population of Laguna de Bay. Paper presented to 13th Session of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, October 1968. IPFC/68 Tech. 30

FAO/UN. 1961 Report to the Government of the Philippines on the Organization and operation of the limnology project, 1959–60. Based on the work of J.S. Dendy and F.F. Morawa, FAO/TA Inland Fisheries Biologists/Limnologists. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (1319):25 p.

FAO/UN. 1962 Report to the Government of the Philippines on freshwater fisheries investigations. Based on the work of J.W. Parsons, FAO/TA Inland Fisheries Biologist. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (1565):pag.var.

Rabanal, H.R., Acosta, P.A. & Delmendo, M.N. 1968 Limnological survey of Laguna de Bay. A pilot study on aquatic productivity. Philip.J.Fish., 8(1):101–11

Schmittou, H.R. 1969 Developments in the culture of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) in cages suspended in ponds. Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Conference of Southeast Association Game and Fish Commissioners, Mobile, Alabama, October 1969

Shimura, T. & Delmendo, M.N. 1969 Report on the listing survey of duck farms and fishing families of the fishery survey of Laguna de Bay (September to November 1968). Philippine Fisheries Commission Report, May 1969

United Nations 1970 Feasibility survey for the hydraulic control of the Laguna de Bay complex related activities. 7 vols. T. Ingledow and Associates Limited, December 1970, pag.var.

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