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(1) Anonymous, 1969 A guide to the analysis of pesticides by chromatography. 2nd edition, PolyScience Corp.Niles, III, USA, 131 pp.

(2) Anonymous, 1973 Pesticide Analytical Manual, Vol. I & II, US Dept.Health, Education and Welfare, Food & Drug Adm., Washington, D.C.

(3) Duursma, E.K. and M. Marchand, 1974 Aspects of Organic Marine Pollution. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann.Rev., 12, 315–431

(4) Gorbach, S., R. Haarring, W. Knauf and H. Werner, 1971 Residue analysis in the water system of East Java (River Prantas, ponds, seawater) after continued large-scale application of Thiodan in rice. Bull.Environ.Contamin.Toxicol., 6, 40–7

(5) Hadiwijaya, T., 1974 List of allowed pesticides in Indonesia. Lampiran Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian. No. 582/Kpts/Um/9/1974.

(6) Holden, A.V., 1970 International cooperative study of organochloring pesticide residues in terrestrial and aquatic wildlife 1967/68. Pest.Monit.J., 4, 117–35

(7) Koeman, J.H., J.H. Pennings, R. Roasanto, O. Soemarwoto, P.S. Tjioe, S. Blancke, S. Kusumadinata and R. Rustami Djajadiredja, 1974 Metals and chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in samples of fish, sawah-duck eggs, crustaceans and molluscs collected in West and Central Java, Indonesia. Ecology and Development, No. 2, Bandung, 14 pp.

(8) Menzie, C.M., 1969 Metabolism of pesticides. Bur.Sport.Wildl., Spec.Sci.Rep.Wildl., No. 127, Washington, D.C., 487 pp.

(9) Tang, Y.A. and T.P. Chen, 1959 Control of Chironomid Larvae in milkfish ponds. ChineseAmerican Joint Comm.Rural Reconstr., Fish.Ser., No. 4, 1–36.

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