FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2003 p.20

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Aggregate cereal output in 2003, mostly sorghum and millet, was estimated by a FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission which visited the country in October at a record 1.4 million tonnes, some 200 000 tonnes more than last year. The cereal import requirement for 2003/04 (November/October) is estimated at some 91 000 tonnes, mainly wheat and rice, of which about 78 000 tonnes are anticipated to be covered by commercial imports.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production (incl. paddy rice)41351 0741 212
Previous five years average production (incl. paddy rice)41231 0831 210
Previous year imports72151199
Previous five years average imports60131487
2003/04 Domestic Availability4941 2801 378
2003 Production (incl. paddy rice)41231 2801 406
2003 Production (incl. milled rice)4841 2801 368
Possible stock drawdown-10-10
2003/04 Utilization771041 2881 469
Food use76899281 093
Non-food use115248264
Exports or re-exports--2727
Possible stock build up--8585
2003/04 Import Requirement7310891
Anticipated commercial imports6010878
of which: received or contracted----
Food aid needs13--13
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges1-34
of which: delivered----
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)911113133
2003 Production compared to average (incl. paddy rice)93100118116
2003/04 Import requirement compared to average1227757105
Cereal share of total calorie intake   54
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsmillet; sorghum; roots; tubers; tree nuts
Lean seasonAugust-September
Population (000s)8 190   
GNP per capita in 2002 (US$)220   

FAO/GIEWS - December 2003

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