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a) Continue efforts by international organizations, C&I processes and countries to promote commitment to C&I.

b) Countries and international organizations to promote linkages between C&I and (i) national forest programmes; (ii) global and national forest assessments; and (iii) certification.

c) To identify and promote links between C&I and certification and encourage and support country initiatives towards it.

d) Promote education and awareness relating to C&I and SFM among senior policy-makers, political leaders as well as the general public.

e) Countries with limited capacity consider starting with an easily measured and understood core set of indicators and expand gradually to cover other indicators of sustainable forest management.

f) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations to continue to work on common concepts and definitions relating to C&I.

g) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations and bilateral donors support the establishment of liaison offices in processes that seek such assistance.

h) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations and bilateral donors support the establishment of an international advisory group to address issues of common interest to C&I processes.

i) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations and processes support inter-process cooperation through all feasible means including periodic meetings.

j) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations support capacity building among processes and countries implementing C&I.

k) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations including universities and research organizations undertake research into indicators for which appropriate data is limited or unavailable.

l) FAO, ITTO, other international and national organizations and agencies use C&I in their own inventory, assessment and planning work relating to SFM similar to those proposed for FRA 2005.

m) International organizations, bilateral donors, C&I processes and countries promote stakeholder involvement in all aspects related to C&I, particularly at the national level, and in some cases at the international level.

n) FAO, ITTO and other international and national organizations make every effort to bring countries that currently do not belong to any C&I process to join one.

o) Encourage CPF members to continue their work on streamlining forest-related reporting, including through the development of a common information framework on forests that would help countries to compile reports to various international organizations and instruments as well as the secretariats of the bodies to provide analyses and syntheses on global and regional trends.

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