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1. CICI 2003 – International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward, Guatemala City, 2003

2. Dry Zone Africa 1998 – Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for SADC countries; dry zone Africa process, UNEP/FAO National Focal Points Meeting, Malawi, 15-18 December 1998.

3. FAO 2001a - Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: A compendium. Papers compiled by Froylán Castañeda, Christel Palmberg-Lerche and Patti Vuorinen, May 2001.

4. FAO, 2001b - Use of criteria and indicators for monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress toward sustainable forest management in the United Nations Forum on Forests. Report prepared for the international expert meeting on monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress toward sustainable forest management, Yokohama, Japan, 5-8 November 2001. FAO, Rome.

5. FAO 2002a, Proceedings of the second expert meeting on harmonizing forest related definitions for use by various stakeholders, Rome, 23-25 January 2002, FAO, Rome, 2002

6. FAO 2002b, Proceedings of the second expert meeting on harmonizing forest related definitions for use by various stakeholders, Rome 11-13 September 2002, FAO, Rome, 2002

7. IFF. 2000 - Report of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests on its Fourth Session. E/CN.17/2000/14. New York, 31 January-11 February 2000.

8. IPF. 1997 - Report of the ad hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests on its Fourth Session. E/CN.17/1997/12. New York, 11-21 February 1997.

9. ITTO. 1998 - Criteria and indicators for sustainable management of natural tropical forests. ITTO Policy Development Series 7.

10. ITTO 2001 -. The ITTO manual on the application of criteria and indicators for sustainable management of natural tropical forests. Report on the four regional training workshops and field testing. ITTC (XXX)/5.

11. Johnson, 2001 – ITTO’s criteria and indicators, a tool for monitoring, assessing and reporting on SFM. International expert meeting on monitoring, assessment and reporting on the progress toward sustainable forest management, Yokohama, Japan, 5-8 November 2001

12. José Antonio Prado, Promoting political commitment for the use of criteria and indicators as tools for sustainable forest management, International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward, Guatemala City, 2003.

13. MAR Yokohama 2001 - International expert meeting on monitoring, assessment and reporting, on the progress toward sustainable forest management, Yokohama, Japan, 5-8 November 2001.

14. Marku Simula, Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: overview of progress and issues. International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward, Guatemala City, 2003.

15. MCPFE 2003 - State of Europe’s forests 2003 - The MCPFE report on sustainable forest management in Europe, 2003.

16. MCPFE - Implementation of MCPFE commitments - national and pan-European activities 1998 – 2003.

17. MPCI 2003 - Montreal process first forest overview report 2003,

18. Poore, Duncan 2003 – Changing landscapes, Earthscan Publications, UK, 2003.

19. Prabhu, Ravie et al. 2003 – Strengthening institutional capacity and stakeholder partnerships for implementing criteria and indicators and facilitating the exchange of information between all stakeholders, International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward, Guatemala City, 2003.

20. Rametsteiner, E. & Wijewardana, D. 2002. Key Issues in the future development of international initiatives on forest related criteria and indicators of sustainable development. Background paper #4.

21. UN Forum on Forests 2001, Report of the international expert meeting on monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress toward sustainable forest management, Yokohama, Japan 2001.

22. UN Forum on Forests 2003a - Approaches and mechanisms for monitoring, assessment and reporting- Note by the secretariat, October 2003.

23. UN Forum on Forests 2003b - Report of the ad hoc expert group on approaches to mechanisms for monitoring, assessment and reporting, Geneva, 8-12 December 2003 (Unedited).

24. Wijewardana, D., Caswell, S. and Palmberg-Lerche, C. 1998. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. XI World Forestry Congress. Antalya, Turkey, 13 to 22 October 1997, Proceedings, Volume 6, Section G. Policies, institutions and means for sustainable forestry development.

25. Wijewardana, Don 1998: Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In ITTO’s Tropical Forest Update, Volume 8, No 3, 1998/3, pp. 4-13.

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