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Training Activities

Training Activities

Formal classroom instruction began on 9 October. Training activities included scheduled lectures, laboratory work, classroom and field demonstrations, pilot plant production of artificial diets and classroom exercises in fish feed formulation. The Course covered the following eight major subject areas involved in fish feed technology (for full details of syllabus see Annex III):

(a) Digestion anatomy and physiology
(b) Nutritional bio-energetics
(c) Nutritional biochemistry
(d) Feed ingredients
(e) Feed formulation
(f) Feed milling technology
(g) Practical diets (h) Quality control

Full texts of lectures presented at the Course will appear in a separate FAO publication.

Lectures and tutorial sessions were conducted in the morning. Afternoon instruction consisted of practical work in one of the designated laboratories or in the pilot plant of the Department of Food Science and Technology. After the laboratory periods the trainees met in seminars to discuss country problems relating to lecture topics. During the final two weeks of the Course, trainees were given the opportunity to discuss aquacultural development in their own countries and the roles of their respective institutions or agencies in feed development efforts.

Places visited during field trips are listed in Annex IV.


The following documents were provided to supplement the lectures given by the instructors:

(a) Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes. NAS, Washington, D.C., 1977

(b) Nutrient Requirements of Trout, Salmon and Catfish. NAS, Washington, D.C., 1973

(c) Feed Composition, Animal Nutrient Requirements and Computerization of Diets. First International Symposium, 1976. International Feedstuffs Institute, Logan, Utah, 1977

(d) Effects of Processing of the Nutritional Value of Feeds. NAS, Washington, D.C., 1973

(e) Report of the 1970 Workshop on Fish Feed Technology and Nutrition. Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Each trainee also received a subscription of "Feedstuffs", a weekly trade journal published by the Miller Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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