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The Directorate General of Fisheries (DGF) has issued the following four publications for the implementation of the new survey:

  1. National Fisheries Statistical Standards (Standard Statistik Perikanan)

  2. Instruction for the New Survey (Metode Dan Prosedur Pelaksanaan Survey Produksi Perikanan)

  3. Manual for Field Enumerators (Cara Pelaksannan Tugas Lapangan/Pengumpulan Data)

  4. Manual for the Estimation of Statistics and the Preparation of Reporting Forms (Cara Estimasi/Tabulasi Hasil Survey Dan Penyusonan Laporan Statistik).

As noted in Section 3 above, the manual “National Fisheries Statistical Standards” was issued to standardize the type of fishery statistics to be collected throughout the country. Therefore, this publication was distributed to all fishery officials concerned, including field enumerators.

“Instruction for the New Survey” deals mainly with the overall structure of the new survey, the responsibility of officials at all levels and sampling design of the various surveys. This instruction was specifically prepared for the convenience of statistical officials at the provincial fishery service who were responsible for the actual design of the new survey and the implementation and supervision of the survey.

“Manual for Field Enumerators” was specifically prepared for the convenience of fishery extension officers who act as enumerators of the new survey. Therefore, this manual deals with how to conduct various surveys with the use of survey forms designed by the DGF.

“Manual for the Estimation of Statistics and the Preparation of Reporting Forms” was specifically prepared for the convenience of statistical officials of district fisheries services, who are responsible for the estimation of fishery statistics at district level and the preparation of reporting forms to be forwarded to the DGF through the PFS. Therefore, this manual deals with the methods of estimation and how to complete the reporting forms in detail.

In the new survey the responsibilities of statistical officials at all levels are set out as follows:

Fishery Extension Officer stationed at subdistrictField enumeration
District Fishery Service (DFS)Estimation of all statistics at district level and preparation of reporting forms
Provincial Fishery Service (PFS)Scrutiny of reporting forms and compilation of yearbook at provincial level
Directorate General of Fisheries (DGF)Scrutiny of reporting forms
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)Tabulation by electronic computer
Directorate General of Fisheries (DGF)Compilation of yearbook at national level

It may be noted from the above chart that the new survey has given the highest responsibility to the DFS, as the estimation of all statistics at district level has been fully entrusted to them. As a matter of fact, this matter was one of the crucial issues in the planning of the new survey because until such a decision was made, the area of a district was considered to be too small to apply a sample survey. However, for many decades fishery statistics have been compiled at district level for the use of the local administration. It was, therefore, not possible to abolish such a long established system for the advantage of a sample survey alone, which would surely be effective when it was applied to a larger area.

It should be clear from the foregoing that a unit area for which fishery statistics became available from the new survey is a district. With this policy in mind, as seen in Appendix 6, which lists, the forms and includes layouts, the new survey uses three categories of forms; (i) survey forms for field enumeration, (ii) estimation forms to be used by the DFS and (iii) reporting forms which are completed by the DFS and are forwarded to the DGF through the PFS.

In planning the new survey, owing to poor internal communications and slowness of mail, it had to be decided how often the actual field survey is to be done, how often statistics are to be reported, and how to set up the deadline by which fishery statistics are received by the DGF. This was another crucial issue for decision. In Java it may be possible to do a monthly survey. However, in many areas other than Java, monthly surveys may not be feasible. It was, therefore, finally decided that the reporting forms completed by the DFS be forwarded to the DGF on a quarterly basis, and the deadline by which these reporting forms are forwarded to the DGF would be three months after the respective quarter.


The new survey particularly features the following aspects:

4.2.1 New Survey is Multipurpose Survey

Although the new survey is commonly called “New National Fishery Production Survey”, the survey covers a variety of statistical items as follows:

(Fishery Inventory Items)

  1. Fishing establishment (Culture household)
  2. Fishing boat (Area of fish pond)
  3. Fishing unit

(Catch and Effort Data)

  1. Number of trips
  2. Catch (Yield)

(Disposition of Catch)

  1. Disposition of Catch
  2. Quantity of fisheries commodities produced

The foregoing clearly indicates that the new survey is a multipurpose survey, which is composed of an annual fishery inventory survey, fishery production survey and fish processing survey. Of these three components, the new survey gives special emphasis to the fishery inventory survey and the fishery production survey. Therefore, the new survey provides very concrete survey methods for these two surveys, whereas the fish processing survey is treated as a byproduct of the fishery production survey. Therefore, this survey does not involve any field survey but catch estimated through the fishery production survey is simply divided into disposition channels, according to the knowledge of district fishery officers.

4.2.2 Earlier Establishment of Tabulation Programme

The users of fishery statistics are more greatly concerned with the sort of statistical tables becoming available, rather than with the statistical methodologies adopted. From the early planning stage of the new survey, therefore, this matter was very carefully considered. It might even be said that, in the new survey, the design of survey method as well as survey forms were determined based on the tabulation programme.

The main part of the tabulation programme, as worked out for the new survey, is given in Appendix 5, which deals with the statistical contents of the Yearbook of Fishery Statistics, Indonesia. However, the new survey is a multi-item survey, by which a number of useful cross tabulation are possible. Therefore, some additional tabulation programmes were also prepared for internal use, to meet with the specific need of fishery statistics.

4.2.3 Catch Statistics Compiled in Terms of Both Establishment Approach and Landing Place Approach are Provided

When reference is made to catch of a certain province, from the viewpoint of the users of fishery statistics, two different types of catch statistics are required. One is catch which was landed in that province regardless of whether the catch was caught by a fishing boat of that province or another province, and the other is catch taken by fishing boats of that province only. The former are catch statistics complied in terms of the landing place approach, while the latter are those complied in terms of the establishment approach. The new survey is capable of providing both types of catch statistics for every province. To meet such a requirement, catch data collected by means of the fish landing approach has been divided according to the original provinces of the fishing boat. This is done with the use of Estimation Form EL-5 and Reporting Form LL-4. Both the catch surveyed in terms of the fish landing place and the catch divided by the original province of the boat, are reported to the DGF, which make it possible to provide the two types of catch statistics (See 1A and 1B of Appendix 5).

4.2.4 Maximum Use of Electronic Computer for Data Processing

As seen in all the reporting forms, included in Appendix 6, all code numbers needed for data processing by electronic computer have been established in these forms. Therefore, if the preparation of reporting forms is done properly by the DFS, manual tabulation is no longer required at the DGF. In this data processing, it is also planned that statistical tables needed not only at the national level but also at the provincial level are to be processed by the same electronic computer, available at the Central Bureau of Statistics.

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