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Appendix 4


The reporting forms used for this system are not attached here, as they are not important. However, this brief paper may well illustrate what survey items were covered by the system and how statistics of these items were broken down by new national fishery statistical standards.

Procedure in general

The completion of the reporting forms is carried out as a matter of splitting the magnitude of fishery statistics currently available into statistical categories as established in the national fishery statistical standards, based on any data already available at Fishery Service offices or experiences gained in the past.

An important thing to be kept in mind during the course of this procedure is not to change the magnitude of fishery statistics currently available and, further, not to change the survey methodology currently in use. This is quite important to keep the continuity of annual series of fishery statistics until the survey methodology is drastically improved in the future.

It must also be clearly understood that the procedure given herein is a very provisional one to be followed only until detailed fishery statistics become available based on the new surveys.

It is assumed that the completion of the reporting forms is done at first by Fishery Service at district level, with the view of obtaining more realistic estimates. Then completed reporting forms will be forwarded to Fishery Service at provincial level for aggregation for that province as a whole. However, in provinces where internal communication has not yet well been developed and hence there is a fear of failing to submit the reporting forms by the deadline established by the Directorate General of Fisheries, the estimation is done directly by Fishery Service at provincial level.

Procedure for each survey item

  1. Fishing boats

    For dividing the total number of fishing boats by types and by sizes, the records of fishing boat registrations, fishing licences, etc., should be fully utilized. If such data do not exist, the work is done based on knowledge available to local fishery officers.

  2. Fishing units

    The records of fishing licences fishing gear registration system, etc. will be the best sources from which to estimate the number of fishing units by type of gear employed. If no such data are available, the work is done based on knowledge of local fishery officials.

  3. Catch for marine fishery and capture in inland open waters

    At first, without reference to the magnitude of catch data available, catch by type of fishing gear is independently estimated as a product of the number of fishing units and average annual catch per fishing unit or as a product of the number of fishing units, average number of trips per fishing unit and average catch per trip.

    Secondly, the percentage composition of catch by type of gear against the total catch is obtained based on catch estimated in the above way. Then, the magnitude of catch, which is already available, is divided into type of gear using the percentage as obtained above.

    Thirdly, the percentage composition of species for each type of fishing gear is estimated based on some data available or experience. Then, with the use of such percentages, catch by species is estimated for each type of gear.

  4. Yield

    At first, the percentage composition of species is estimated, based on some data available or experience for each type of culture. Then, with the use of such percentages the magnitude of yield currently available is broken down by species.

  5. Monthly catch/yield

    Monthly catch/yield is estimated by dividing annual catch/yield based on some data available or experience.

  6. Value of catch/yield

    At first a weighted average price, which is a unit price obtained by dividing the annual total value of catch by the annual total quantity of catch, is estimated by referring to data available. Then, such a unit price is multiplied by catch of each species to derive an estimated value of catch for each species.

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