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Appendix 5


(Tabulation Programme)

  1. This appendix gives a complete list of statistical tables to be compiled into the Yearbook of Fishery Statistics, Indonesia.

  2. Under each statistical item the type of statistical tables to be tabulated are listed in a serial number in a bracket.

  3. Classifications at the column and at the stub mean those to be given at the upper side and at the left hand side of each table respectively.

  4. Under each statistical item the serial number of the reporting form by which statistical tables are tabulated is given in a bracket. For example (LL-1), (LL-2), etc.

  5. Statistical tables “by provinces” are compiled merely by provinces with a subtotal for major islands such as Sumatra, Java, etc., and with a national total.

  6. Statistical tables “by Coastal Areas and by Provinces” are compiled by coastal areas, within each of which a provincial breakdown is given.

  7. With the exception of “O. Summary”, all statistical tables are tabulated by an electronic computer.

  8. Each province also issues a yearbook at provincial level. A similar tabulation programme was prepared. Statistical tables in provincial yearbook are mostly compiled by districts.


Statistical itemUnitClassification at the columnClassification at the stub
O. Summary   
General (1) No. of fishing establish.,
No. of fishing boats/area of ponds and catch/yield in quantity and value
By subsectors of fishery
(2) By subsectors of fisheryBy provinces
(3) By subsectors of fisheryBy provinces
1A Marine fishery    ( Statistics compiled in terms of establishment approach )
1.1 Fishing establishment (LL-1)No.(1) By size of managementBy provinces
No.(2) By size of managementBy coastal areas and by provinces
1.2 Fishing boat (LL-1)No.(1) By size of boatBy provinces
No.(2) By size of boatBy coastal areas and by provinces
1.3 Fishing unit (LL-1)No.(1) By type of gearBy size of boat (national total)
No.(2) By type of gearBy size of boat (to be compiled for each coast)
No.(3) By type of gearBy provinces
No.(4) By type of gearBy coastal area and by provinces
1.4 Catch (LL-4)M/T(1) By type of gearBy provinces
1B Marine fishery   ( Statistics compiled in terms of fish landing approach )
1.1 No. of trips (LL-2)No.(1) By type of gearBy size of boat (national total)
No.(2) By type of gearBy size of boat (coastal area total) 1
No.(3) By type of gearBy coastal areas and by provinces
1.2 Catch in quantity   
a. AnnualM/T(1) By type of gearBy species (national total)
M/T(2) By type of gearBy species (coastal area total) 1
M/T(3) By type of gearBy coastal areas and by provinces
b. QuarterlyM/T(1) By quartersBy species (national total)
M/T(2) By quartersBy species (coastal area total) 1
M/T(3) By quartersBy type of gear (national total)
M/T(4) By quartersBy type of gear (coastal area total) 1
M/T(5) By quartersBy coastal areas and by provinces 2
1.3 Catch in value (LL-3)Rp 103(1) By speciesBy provinces
Rp 103(2) By speciesBy coastal areas and by provinces
1.4 Disposition of catchRp103(1) By speciesBy disposition channels
a. Annual (LL-5)M/T(1) By speciesBy disposition channels
M/T(2) By disposition channelsBy coastal areas and by provinces
b. Quarterly (LL-5)M/T(1) By speciesBy disposition channels 2
M/T(2) By quartersBy disposition channels 1
1.5 Fisheries (Commodities) (LL-5)M/T(1) By speciesBy type of commodities
M/T(2) By type of commoditiesBy coastal areas and by provinces
1.6 Fish seed103 fishes(1) By quantity and value and by speciesBy coastal areas and by provinces

1 These tables are prepared for each coastal area separately.

2 This table is prepared for each quarter separately.

Statistical itemUnitClassification at the columnClassification at the stub
2. Capture in open waters  
2.1 Fishing household (LP-1)No.By size of managementBy provinces
2.2 Fishing boat (LP-1)No.By size of boatBy provinces
2.3 Fishing Unit (LP-1)No.(1) By type of gearBy size of boat
(2) By type of gearBy provinces
2.4 No. of tripsNo.By type of gearBy provinces
2.5 Catch in quantity   
a. Annual (LP-2)M/T(1) By type of gearBy species (national total)
M/T(2) By speciesBy provinces
M/T(3) By type of gearBy provinces
b. Quarterly (LP-2)M/T(1) QuartersBy species
M/T(2) QuartersBy provinces
2.6 Catch in value (LP-2)M/TBy speciesBy provinces
2.7 Disposition of Catch   
a. Annual (LP-3)M/T(1) By speciesBy disposition channels
M/T(2) By disposition channelsBy provinces
b. QuarterlyM/T(1) By quartersBy disposition channels1
2.8 Fisheries commodities (LP-3)M/T(1) By speciesBy type of commodities
M/T(2) By type of commoditiesBy provinces
3. Brackishwater culture  
3.1 Culture household (LB-1)No.(1) By size of managementBy provinces
No.(2) By species of fish seed plantedBy provinces
No.(3) By type of fertilizer and pesticide usedBy provinces
3.2 Area of pond (LB-1)HaBy gross and net areaBy provinces
3.3 Fish seed planted (LB-1)1 000 fishesBy speciesBy provinces
3.4 Fertilizer and pesticides used (LB-1)kgBy type of fertilizer and pesticides usedBy provinces
3.5 Yield in quantity (LB-2)M/T(1) By speciesBy provinces (annual total)
(2) By quartersBy provinces (total yield only)
3.6 Yield in value (LB-2)Rp10 3(1) By speciesBy provinces
4. Freshwater culture in fish pond  
4.1 Culture household (LB-1)No.(1) By size of managementBy provinces
(2) By type of fertilizer and pesticide used 
4.2 Area of pond (LB-1)HaBy gross and net areaBy provinces
4.3 Fish seed planted (LB-1)1 000 fishesBy speciesBy provinces
4.4 Fertilizers and pesticide used (LB-1)kgBy type of fertilizer and pesticide usedBy provinces
4.5 Yield in quantity (LB-2)M/T(1) By speciesBy provinces (annual total)
(2) By quartersBy provinces (total yield only)
4.6 Yield in value (LB-2)Rp1 000(1) By speciesBy provinces
4.7 Fish seed production (LB-1)1 000 fishes(1) By sources of fish seed productionBy species
1 000 fishes(2) By speciesBy provinces
Rp103(3) By speciesBy provinces
5. Cage culture   
5.1 Culture household area of waters and fish seed planted (LB-1) No. of culture households, area of water and fish seed plantedBy provinces
5.2 Yield in quantityM/T(1) By speciesBy provinces (annual total)
(2) By quartersBy provinces (total yield only)
5.3 Yield in valueRp10 3(1) By speciesBy provinces
6. Paddy field Culture   
Tables to be compiled for paddy field culture are the same as those in cage culture above. 

1 This table is prepared for each major island separately.

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