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Annex 2
Mission activities

The Mission occupied a room in the Ministry of Fisheries, Colombo. Most literature reviews, interviews with Ministry officials and report drafting were carried out there. The persons interviewed are listed in Annex 3.

The rest of this annex lists (a) the Mission's travels, (b) visits outside the Ministry of Fisheries, and (c) formal meetings.

The office of the Ministry of Fisheries is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Mr. D.E.M. Weerakoon, Aquaculturist in the Ministry of Fisheries, was assigned to work with the Mission throughout its stay in Sri Lanka.

In the remainder of this Annex, the names of Mission members, and other FAO staff, are abbreviated as follows:

K.H. Alikunhi- KHA
H.L. Cook- HC
J. Kövári- JK
T.V.R. Pillay- TVRP
I. Subhan- IS
U.N. Wijkström- UNW

DateMission membersActivities
1 Sept.HC, JK, UNWTravel from Rome to Colombo
2–3 Sept.HC, JK, UNWDiscussions with FAO Representative and introduction to Ministry of Fisheries (MOF). Briefing of UNDP
4 Sept.HC, JKVisit to brackishwater fish culture stations at Pamballa and Pitipana
5 Sept.HC, UNWVisit to Research Division (MOF), Institute of Fish Technology (MOF)
6 Sept. Saturday
7 Sept.KHASunday. Travel from Trivandrum, India to Colombo
8 Sept.All Mission membersTravel from Colombo to Udawalawe. Visit to the new Fresh Water Fish Breeding and Research Station and to the old Fresh Water Fisheries Station. Discussions concerning Murutawela Fisheries Station
9 Sept.All Mission membersTravel from Udawalawe, via Beragalla (Haputale) to Colombo. Visit to fish landing centre at Udawalawe Reservoir and to fisheries station at Beragala
10 Sept.UNW All Mission membersVisit to Institute of Fish Technology Briefing given to the Director of Inland Fisheries Development on conclusions and preliminary recommendations for the five stations visited by Mission members
11 Sept.JKTravel from Colombo to New Delhi
12 Sept.KHA, HC UNWVisit to University of Colombo
Interview with Deputy Representative of the WFP
13–14 Sept. Saturday/Sunday
15 Sept.KHA, HCVisit to Research Division (MOF).
Visit to Macrobrachium farm (Lever Brothers, Ceylon, Limited)
16 Sept.HC, UNW HCVisit to Scancey Trading Co. Ltd.
Visit to Eel Farm (Coral Sea Co.)
17 Sept.KHA, HCTravel from Colombo to Anuradaphura.
Visit the Puttalam lagoon, Thabbowa tank (fresh water cage culture); Rajanganga reservoir (site proposed for new fish culture station)
18 Sept.KHA, HCTravel from Anuradhapura, via Mannar, to Jaffna.
Visit: abandoned brackishwater farm Mannar Island; milkfish fry collection centre
19 Sept.KHA, HCVisit to fish market. Inspected fish culture sites in the area, including Thon Dai Mannar lagoon.
Visit to University of Jaffna
20 Sept.KHA, HCSaturday. Travel from Jaffna, via Paddaviya, to Anuradhapura. Visits to Elephant Pass salterns, Korikkad lagoon, Hayara lagoon, Kokkilai lagoon, Paddaviya Fresh Water Fish Culture Station
21 Sept.KHA, HCSunday. Travel from Anuradhapura to Colombo
22 Sept. Report preparation
23 Sept. Sri Lankan public holiday
24 Sept.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Colombo, via Galle, to Tissamaharama.
Visits to: Panapitiya Fisheries Station, proposed sites for mariculture activities, and Koggala tank (site of fresh water cage culture experiments)
25 Sept.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Tissamaharama, via Matara, to Colombo.
Visits to: Bundala salt works (site of milkfish culture experiments), Hambantota District administration, two farmers, applicants for pond construction subsidy
26 Sept. Report preparation
27 Sept. Saturday. Visit to cage culture experiments at Negombo
28 Sept. Sunday
29 Sept.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Colombo to Polonnaruwa.
Visits to: Rambodagalla fisheries station, site for new fish culture station at Dambulla Oya, Polonnaruwa fish culture station and to a private fish farmer at Polonnaruwa
30 Sept.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Polonnaruwa, via Trincomalee, to Habarana. Visits to: fish landings at Parakrama Samudra, two seasonal tanks stocked under the experimental stocking programme, and seaweed merchant at Koddiyer Bay, Trincomalee
1 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Habarana, via Polonnaruwa, to Batticaloa. Visits to private shrimp culture farm at Batticaloa, possible sites for shrimp hatchery and site for cage culture experiments
2 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Batticaloa, via Inginiyagala, to Nuwara Eliya. Visit to Inginiyagala fish culture station
3 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWTravel from Nuwara Eliya, via Ginigathena, to Colombo. Visits to two fish culture stations at Nuwara Eliya, site for cage culture experiments at Nuwara Eliya, and fish culture station at Ginigathena
4–5 Oct. Saturday/Sunday
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWReport drafting
11–12 Oct. Saturday/Sunday
13 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWReport drafting
14 Oct.ISTravel from Rome to Colombo
15 Oct.KHA, HC, UNWReport drafting
16 Oct.TVRP

Arrival Colombo.
Briefing of TVRP and IS on Mission observations and conclusions

Travel from New Delhi to Colombo
17 Oct.All Mission membersBriefing of officials of the MOF on Mission conclusions and recommendations
18 Oct.KHA, JKTravel: Colombo/Negombo/Colombo. Visit to brackish-water station at Pitipana
19 Oct.JK, TVRP, ISTravel from Colombo, via Anuradhapura, to Batticaloa. Visits to private shrimp farm in Batticaloa, proposed site for fish culture station in southwest Anuradhapura, and to the Polonnaruwa fish culture station
20 Oct.JK, TVRP, ISTravel from Batticaloa to Colombo
21 Oct.All Mission members

Discussion of draft project document on “Aquaculture Development and Training” with MOF officials. Discussions with the FAO Representative and UNDP Resident Representative.
Discussions with the Minister of Fisheries
22 Oct.JK

Travel from Colombo to Anuradhapura.
Visit to the Nachaduwa tank, Nuwara Wewa tank and Manakandrawa tank.
Travel from Colombo to Rome
23 Oct.HC
Travel from Colombo to Rome.
Travel from Anuradhapura, via Eppawala, to Dambulla
Visits to the Kalawewa tank, Bulnewa Village
Fisheries Project, Dambulla
24 Oct.UNW
Visit to the Cey-Nor Development Foundation and the Office of the World Bank.
Travel from Dambulla to Polonnaruwa.
Visit to Fresh Water Fish Breeding and Experimental Station in Polonnaruwa
25 Oct.JKTravel from Polonnaruwa, via Inginiyagala, to Colombo. Visit to the Fresh Water Fish Breeding and Experimental Station at Inginiyagala
26 Oct. Sunday
27 Oct.UNW, KHA, JK JK, UNWMeeting with MOF officials to review JK's findings
Visit to the Mahawelli Development Board
28 Oct.JK KHA, UNWTravel from Colombo to Madras
Meetings with French aquaculture mission and MOF officials
29 Oct.UNW
Visit to the British Ceylon Corporation Limited and the Ceylon Electricity Board
Visit to the Brackishwater farms in Madras
30 Oct.KHA, UNW JKTravel: Colombo-Udawalawe-Colombo
Visit the Fresh Water Fish Breeding and Research Station.
Travel from Madras to Rome
31 Oct.KHA, UNWFinal briefing with the FAO Representative on the Mission's conclusions and recommendations. Briefing of MOF officials on arrangements to be made at Udawalawe station for the UNDP/FAO aquaculture project.
Final briefing of UNDP Resident Representative on preparation for the UNDP/FAO aquaculture project
1 Nov.KHA, UNWDelivery of draft project document for “Aquaculture Development and Training” to MOF, FAO and UNDP
2 Nov.KHA, UNWTravel from Colombo to Trivandrum (India).

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