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1.1 Origin of the mission

In the recent years, the Kenya Department of Fisheries has become increasingly concerned over the failure of fish production to increase as fast as the demand. Coupled with similar problems of relatively poor rates of agricultural production and general social progress in the densely populated areas of western Kenya, the Government established in 1980 the Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA). This regional authority became then responsible with the overall planning, coordination and implementation of programmes for accelerated rural development and improved food production, both in the Western Province and in the Nyanza Province.

In early 1981, during the preparation of the draft Country Programme for UNDP assistance over the 1982-86 cycle, and taking into account the criteria of the Fourth National Development Plan (1979–83), the Kenya Government and UNDP planned to provide major assistance to LBDA. As far as fisheries was concerned, UNDP/FAO assistance was envisaged to establish a comprehensive fisheries development programme and to provide technical assistance in particular aspects of it.

In April-May 1981, the UNDP/FAO “Agricultural and Rural Development Review and Programming Mission” examined in more details the specific requirements for assistance in the fisheries sector. It then noted that several elements envisaged for UNDP financial assistance were now available to the Government under the World Bank “Kenya Fisheries Project” (Anon. 1980). The Mission therefore recommended a short-term UNDP Preparatory Assistance to define more precisely the inputs required for UNDP to avoid duplication of other external aid, the development of small-scale rural fish farming being envisaged as the most likely form of the future UNDP/FAO assistance in the Lake Victoria Basin.

1.2 Objectives of the mission

The immediate objectives of the preparatory assistance mission were:

  1. to estimate the current exploitation situation and potential yield of the Lake Victoria fisheries in the Kenyan sector as well as of the surrounding water basins;

  2. to provide assistance in the establishment of a fisheries development programme, taking into account the extent of underutilized resources and other assistance programmes for the fisheries sector;

  3. to formulate a draft project document for an appropriate programme of UNDP assistance in the fisheries sector.

In the identification and formulation of such a programme, it was recommended that special consideration be given to activities which would most benefit the disadvantaged and poorest sections of the rural population.

Particular attention had also to be given to the promotion of economic and social goals such as environmental preservation/improvement and women integration in the development process.

Detailed terms of reference for the mission are given in Annex 1.

1.3 Organization of the mission

The itinerary of the mission and a list of the senior persons met by mission members are given in Annexes 2 and 3 respectively.

The mission started on 1 April 1982, with the appointment of Dr. J.D. Balarin (Baobab Farm Ltd., Mombasa) as Inland Fisheries Development Consultant for five weeks. Discussions were first held in Nairobi with representatives of the various agencies and institutions presently involved with fisheries development in Kenya (FAO, UNDP, Department of Fisheries, University of Nairobi, World Bank, U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers and NORAD). Background information were also collected at the libraries of the Department of Fisheries and of the Ministry of Economic Planning.

After a few days in Mombasa for further personnel contacts (Dept. of Fisheries, World Bank, Baobab Farm Ltd.) and study of Government documents, Dr. J.D. Balarin travelled to Kisumu on 4 April 1982. Background data were obtained through various discussions with the Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) Managing Director and his senior staff, as well as with the Department of Fisheries (DOF) senior personnel. Research projects were reviewed at the KMFRI Freshwater Fisheries Laboratories. Local fisheries records were consulted. Field trips were organized to visit various Lake Victoria landing beaches, fish markets, irrigation schemes as well as Government and private rural fish farms, in the Districts of Kisumu, Kisii, Kakamega, Siaya and Busia.

On 22 April 1982, Dr. A.G. Coche (FAO/FIRI, Rome) arrived in Nairobi. Contacts were made with Mr. K.E. Kolding (FAO Representative) and Mr. N. Odero (Director, Department of Fisheries), before travelling on to Kisumu to join Dr. J.D. Balarin, on 23 April 1982.

A general meeting was held on the same day at LBDA with Prof. D.P.S. Wasawo, Managing Director, and his senior staff. The need for concentrating future development efforts on the improvement of the well-being of the rural population was again emphasized. A meeting was then held with Mr. J.O. Arunga (Assistant Director of Fisheries, DOF/Western) for further discussions.

From 23 to 25 April, the mission visited the West Kano pilot irrigation scheme, the Kabonyo site selected for the construction of the Fish Farming Development Centre (World Bank assistance), as well as various rural private and community fish ponds built north of Kisumu, around Mbale, Vihiga, Kaimosi and Majengo. The Dunga landing beach and the two main Kisumu fish markets were also visited.

The next few days were spent by the mission in Mombasa, to review the intensive tilapia cultural system developed by Baobab Farm Ltd., to interview 15 Peace Corps Volunteers giving assistance to the Department of Fisheries to develop small-scale pond culture in Kenya (including the Lake Basin), and to prepare a first draft of the mission report.

On 6 May 1982, while Dr. J.D. Balarin was completing this draft report in Mombasa, Dr. A.G. Coche flew back to Nairobi to present the preliminary conclusions of the mission to the FAO Representative and to the DOF Director. Further background data were also obtained from the Survey of Kenya Department and from the Meteorological Department.

On 7 May 1982, Dr. A.G. Coche travelled to Kisumu to finalize the draft mission report, and in particular the draft UNDP project document, in collaboration with LBDA and DOF/Western senior staff. Dr. J.D. Balarin joined him two days later.

On 10 May 1982, a general meeting was held in LBDA headquarters, regrouping LBDA and DOF/Western senior staff together with the mission members. The mission report was presented, emphasis being given in particular to the proposed UNDP assistance project for the development of rural small-scale fish farming in the Lake Victoria Basin. Discussions followed during which several useful suggestions were made to improve the field effectiveness of the proposed project.

On 11 and 12 May 1982, the conclusions of the mission were presented in Nairobi to FAO and UNDP Representatives, and a future line of action was agreed upon, to enable urgent project implementation despite the insufficient UNDP financial contribution in 1983–84. A final briefing was also given to the LBDA Managing Director who had not been able to attend previous meetings.

Figure 1. Kenya: Major drainage basins and their water resources, irrigation schemes and highly populated areas

Figure 1

1.4 Acknowledgements

Mission members are greatly indebted to the FAO Representative/Kenya, to the Lake Basin Development Authority, and to their senior staff for the administrative and material support so efficiently provided during the mission.

Dr. A.G. Coche is particularly grateful to Mr. R.D. Haller, General Manager of the Baobab Farm Ltd., for his generous hospitality during his visit to Mombasa and for his kind assistance with clerical help for the typing of the draft report.

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