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Appendix 2


  1. Approximate size of ponds in water surface area = 600 m2 each. Two ponds required.

  2. Minimum water depth is 1.0 m. Maximum is 1.3 m.

  3. 30 cm minimum freeboard from the water surface to the top of the dike will be provided.

  4. The slope of the bottom will be a minimum of 0.5 percent towards the outlet end (0.9 percent used).

  5. The lowest pond elevation shall be at the surface of the final fill (0.00).

  6. All dikes shall have a horizontal to vertical slope ratio of 3:1 unless otherwise noted.

  7. The bottom configuration shall be flat, with uniform slope towards the outlet end. There is no transverse slope.

  8. Dikes at the outlet, or drain, end of the ponds shall have a final top width of 4.5 m to be used as a roadway for service and harvesting. All other dikes will be 3.0 m wide at the top unless otherwise specified.

  9. When indicated, ponds will be lined with a PVC or other type liner in accordance with specifications for that specific material. A minimum cover of 30 cm of compacted suitable fill will be used over the lining on sides and bottom, 20 cm on dike tops.

  10. All fill materials will be compacted to at least 90 percent unless otherwise specified. Clean fill, free of stones, wood and other debris, must be used to ensure a smooth foundation for the lining. Fill below the 0.00 base may be less select.


  1. Clean seawater shall be provided for the ponds, wet laboratory tanks and other project related tanks.

  2. The filling rate for ponds will be a maximum of 24 h.

  3. The exchange rate of pond water will normally be 20 percent per 8 h maximum.

  4. The inlet facility will be designed to be very simple and to keep any pipe entries through the lining to a minimum. A seawater filter system will be designed by the aquaculturists as a separate item from this system.

  5. The outlet structure will be designed to give maximum flexibility in the selection of harvesting methods. Openings through the lining will be kept to a minimum.

  6. The outlet will be designed to provide a total pond drainage in 12 h. The outlet pipe will be of sufficient size, however, to allow passage of the fish without injury during harvest. Water control (flash) boards and screens will be incorporated in the design.

  7. The source of seawater will be saltwater intrusion wells, direct sea or lagoon intake or deep wells, as may prove economical and practical.

  8. A separate water system for the wet laboratory complex will be provided if possible. This will consist of separate intake or well, pumps and storage tank as required. Back-up from the pond seawater system will be provided.

  9. Water distribution will be by PVC pipe and/or concrete masonry flumes and canals. Drainage will be by lined and/or unlined earthern ditches, as appropriate and feasible.

  10. Consideration should be given to a drainage/storage lagoon, with gravity and pumped drainage to the Gulf.

  11. Where economically feasible, the water supply system will be designed to accommodate expansion during the Pilot Farm Phase.

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