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During recent years Indian fish culturists have developed their own way of fish breeding, rationally adapted to local conditions and climate.

Successful use of “Chinese hatcheries”, as well as Mini Bundhs turned the attention of specialists to these kind of activities, leaving the stripping technique as a supporting one, mostly for exotic carps. It was also determined that these techniques reduced breeders' mortality, as well as the necessary amount of pituitary gland used, in comparison with stripping.

A modern hatchery centre should have the possibility of using any efficient methods of fish spawning, therefore the regular size “Chinese hatchery” and/or Mini Bundh could be added to each FSDC centre.

All three methods could be used with high efficiency at the peak of the spawning season, including spawning fish at the indoor hatchery, which offers very good incubation conditions, as shown in Uttar Pradesh.

As mentioned previously, the ponds should be provided with independent water supply.

The central channel can be used for drainage. In this case, the standing part of the subsidiary gates or monks should be constructed inside the pond. This is an important matter because intensive fish culture cannot be carried out without independent water inlets and outlets.

Subsidiary gates chosen for water management are expensive, troublesome and inconvenient to operate. The consultant suggests reduction of their size or replacing them in further hatcheries with iron turn-down pipes with anti-seepage collars or small RCC monks.

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