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Balarin, J.D., 1983 Report to the Government of Saudi Arabia. Tilapia Mariculture in Saudi Arabia: a feasibility study and detail plan for the development of a Baobab Tilapia Culture Facility at the Fish Farming Centre, Jeddah. A report prepared for the Fish Farming Centre Project. FAO, Rome. FAO/UTFN/SAU/010/SAU, Field Document 2.

Bwathondi, P.O.J., 1982 Preliminary investigation on the rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus, cultivation in Tanzania, Aquaculture, 27

Ben-Tuvia, A., G.Wm. Kissil and D. Popper, 1973 Experiments in rearing rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus) in sea water. Aquaculture, 1:359–364.

Hardy, J., 1979 Siganid fish farming in Saudi Arabia - an untapped resource. Presented at: 3. Conf. on Biological Aspects of Saudi Arabia; Al-Hasa (Saudi Arabia); 24 Jan. 1979. Proc. Saudi Bio.Soc., 3:337–349.

Hem, S., 1982 L'aquaculture en enclos: adaptation au milieu lagunaire Ivoirien. Aquaculture, 27:261–272

Lam, T.J., 1974 Siganids: their biology and mariculture potential. Aquaculture, 3:325–354.

Lichatowich, T. and D. Popper, Report on the growth of rabbitfish in fish ponds in 1975 Fiji. Aquaculture, 5:211–212.

Lichatowich, T., S. Al Thobaity, M. Arada and F. Bukhari, 1984 The spawning cycle, fry appearance and mass collection techniques for fry of Siganus rivulatus in the Red Sea. Aquaculture, 40:269–271.

Lichatowich, T., S. Al Thobaity, M. Arada and F. Bukhari, 1984 Growth of Siganus rivulatus in sea cages in the Red Sea. Aquaculture, 40:273–275.

Popper, D., H. Gordin, and G. Wm.Kissil, 1973 Fertilisation and hatching of rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. Aquaculture, 2:37–44.

Ranil Senanayake, F., 1981 The athu kotu (brush park) fishery of Sri Lanka. ICLARM News-letter, 4(4):20–21.

Von Westernhagen, H., 1973 The natural food of the rabbitfishes Siganus oramin and S. striolata. Mar. Bio., 22:367–370.

Von Westernhagen, H., 1974 Food preferences in cultured rabbitfishes (Siganidae). Aquaculture, 3:109–117.

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