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Appendix 1

December 1984Activities
2Departed Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
3Arrive FAO Headquarters, Rome.
4Travel arrangements.
5Medical arrangements.
6Gave seminar about aquaculture work in Ivory Coast.
7Travel Rome to Jeddah.
8Contacted UNDP Office, Jeddah. Met FAO Project Manager, K. Allen and proceeded to Fish Farming Centre.
9Met Project Manager and the rest of the FFC staff, visited fish cages.
10Examination/survey of the fishpen site.
11Checked on availability and cost of needed equipment and materials for fishpen construction.
12Prepared pump and gave demonstration of how the pump is used during construction.
13Developed plan and steps for building fishpens.
14Calculated the materials needed and compared costs of different types of poles.
15Installed first pole, at the pen site.
16Constructed twenty six poles of the selected types including sinkers.
17Sinkers were placed on nets. Available site limits were determined based on soundings conducted.
18Placing the poles for the two experimental fishpen module units to be constructed later. Placed poles and net in place for small demonstration pen with full participation of all project staff.
19Visit with Mr Salem Bamuflah, Director General of the Agricultural Research Centre of the Western Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Jeddah.
20In collaboration with all project staff members wrote the first draft of the mission report in English, all typewritten by Mr M. F. Arada.
21Departure from Jeddah to Rome.
22Meeting with FAO Headquarters staff.
23Departure from Rome to Abidjan.

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