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Appendix 5


(From Part 1)Farm Unit No.  

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes or writing the response:

6.1       When did you stock you ponds for the first time?                                                                                                                                             

6.2       When did you last harvest a pond in your fish culture unit?                                                                                                                            

6.3How many times did you undertake major harvests in your ponds between the time you first started fish culture and the time you abandoned it?                                           

For the following question 6.4, check the appropriate response and/or give the WEIGHT IN KG for the combined harvest of all ponds and the CULTURE PERIOD IN NUMBER OF WEEKS.

6.4       During the period you practiced fish culture what was the:

Respondent does not know [   ]

Based on one culture cycle only (fill in Maximum only) [   ]

Maximum harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                   

Normal harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                   

Minimum harvest attained from your ponds (kg/culture period):                   

6.5       How did you dispose of the fish produced by your culture unit?

Mainly consumed by members of economic unit [   ]

Mainly sold or traded [   ]

Part consumed by economic unit and part traded [   ]

No fish produced [   ]

Other:                                                                 [   ]

6.6       If any of the fish produced were traded, what did you receive for them?

Cash [   ]

Goods [   ]

Services [   ]

Other:                                                                      [   ]

6.7       For what reason(s) did you stop practicing fish culture?

Inputs not available [   ]

The ponds did not produce as much fish as expected [   ]

The ponds produced as much fish as expected [   ] but at higher than expected cost

The ponds produced as much fish as expected [   ] but with lower than expected revenue

I had better alternative uses for inputs used in fish culture (specify) [   ]

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fertilizer [   ]; Feed [   ]

6.8If in question 6.7 the respondent answered that inputs were not available, which ones were they?Land [   ]
Water [   ]
Fingerling [   ]
Labour [   ]
Organic fertilizer [   ]
Feed [   ]
6.9Did you try to obtain assistance to solve your problems and avoid abandoning your fish culture practice?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

6.10     If the answer to 6.9 is YES: Who did you ask to assist you?

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                    [   ]

6.11     If the answer to 6.9 is YES: What kind of assistance did you request?

Credit [   ]

Borrow equipment [   ]

Supply of operating inputs [   ]

Labour [   ]

Diagnosis of problem [   ]

Demonstration of solution [   ]

Marketing information [   ]

Other:                                                            [   ]

6.12From whom did you in fact receive assistance?
(Tick all that apply)
Other fish culturists [   ]
Department of Fisheries [   ]
Other government departments/representatives [   ]
Non-governmental organizations [   ]
 Nobody [   ]
Others:                                                                      [   ]

1.4 Potential fish-farmer

Form 7: Decision to consider
Decision to start (from page 4 onwards in Form 7)


(From Part 1)Farm Unit No. 

7.1       Who gave the name of this respondent to the interviewer as being a potential fish culturist?

Neighboring fish farmer (present or past) [   ]

Other neighbor [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other:                                                                                [   ]

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes or writing the response:

7.2Do you know of any fish farms or farmers with fish ponds?Yes (number: ) [   ]
No [   ]

If the answer to question 7.2 is YES: Give the following information for up to four fish farms or fish farmers you know of, otherwise skip to question 7.8:

 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4
7.5Type of fish cultured    
7.6Food Given (Tick all that apply)None    
Cereal or its by-product    
Organic Fert.    
Household Leftovers    
Other (specify)    
7.7How much, if any, fish harvested during last six months? (Give kg or indicate NOT KNOWN)    

7.8Have you ever seriously considered building a fish culture unit on your own property?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
7.9Have you ever asked the Department of Fisheries or a practicing fish farmer to visit your property to help you determine whether or not it is possible for you to build a fish pond?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

If the answer to question 7.8 or 7.9 is YES, skip to question 7.11 and continue; otherwise ask question 7.10 and then terminate this part of the interview.

7.10     Why have you not ever seriously considered building a fish culture unit? (Terminate this part of interview after asking this question)

Did not know it was possible [   ]

Had better things to do [   ]

Do not know how to go about it [   ]

Other:                                                                                                    [   ]

7.11Do you have sufficient suitable land on which you could build a fish culture unit to your liking?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
Don't know [   ]
If the answer to question 7.11 is NO, skip to question 7.14. 
7.12 Do you have sufficient water to supply water to a fish culture unit of you liking?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
Don't know [   ]

If the answer to question 7.12 is NO, or the answers to questions 7.11 and 7.12 are both DON'T KNOW, skip to question 7.14.

7.13     If you have considered fish farming (7.8 or 7.9 = YES) and believe you have both sufficient land and water to do so (7.11 + 7.12 = YES), why have you not started?

Intend to but have not yet found the time [   ]

Could not find out if it is a worthwhile idea [   ]

Unable to acquire the resources to finance construction [   ]

Do not believe that income would cover expenditures [   ]

Believe income would cover expenditure but have better use for resources [   ]

Not an activity compatible with my origin/social standing [   ]

Would be unable to master technology or hire skilled manager [   ]

Other:                                                                                                    [   ]

If the first answer to question 7.13 is ticked, go to question 7.15; otherwise continue with question 7.14.

7.14Have you now abandoned the idea of starting fish culture?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

7.15     Who have you asked for information to start up your fish culture unit? (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                                    [   ]

7.16    If you have asked someone for assistance, what kind of assistance have you asked for? (Tick all that apply)

Opinions on whether or not to start [   ]

Evaluation of location/site/water [   ]

Choice of fish species [   ]

Choice of fish culture method [   ]

Funds to finance construction (specify) [   ]

Credit [   ]; Partnership [   ]; Gift [   ]; Other:                                                  [   ]

Access to inputs for operating culture unit [   ]

Marketing information/access [   ]

Access to means of acquiring technical know-now [   ]

Other:                                                                                                    [   ]

7.17     From whom have you actually obtained any kind of assistance? (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                                    [   ]

If the respondent has decided to go ahead with fish culture (in question 7.13 first answer is ticked), or indicates that he has not abandoned the idea (question 7.14 is NO), continue with this part of the interview. Otherwise stop this part of the interview here.


7.18     From whom or where did you get the initial idea to start up your fish culture unit?

Other fish culturists [   ]

Village elders or other community leaders [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government representatives/staff [   ]

Description in newspaper, book, magazine, or on radio/TV [   ]

Others:                                                                                                    [   ]

7.19     What do you expect to gain from your fish ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Fish to eat by members of economic unit [   ]

Fish to trade [   ]

To obtain status [   ]

Other:                                                                      [   ]

7.20     Do you consider the practice of fish culture, and therefore the chance of attaining your expectations, more risky than that of your major agricultural crop?

Yes [   ]

No [   ]

7.21Will you operate your fish ponds on behalf of:Yourself only [   ]
Your household (No. members =                   ) [   ]
An informal group (No. members =                   ) [   ]
A formal group (coorperative or corporation) [   ]
A school (No. students =                   ) [   ]
Other:                                                                                          [   ]

7.22     How do you intend to build or acquire your fish ponds?

Have government build it for me [   ]

Build it myself [   ]

Build it together with members of my economic unit [   ]

Build it together with contracted labour [   ]

Contract (at my expense) somebody to build it for me [   ]

Purchase it already made [   ]

Lease (Period =                                        ) [   ]

Inherit [   ]

Receive as gift [   ]

Other:                                                                                                    [   ]

7.23     How many ponds will be included in your initial fish farm?

Earthen ponds (No. =                   ; Total area sqm =                   ) [   ]

Other:                                                                                          [   ]

7.24     From where will you get the resources used to build your ponds, pay for fingerling, and supply other purchased inputs? (Tick all that apply)

Own resources only (savings, current income, labour) [   ]

Own resources supplemented from other sources [   ]

If the answer to question 7.24 is “Own resources only”, go to question 7.31.

7.25     If you intend to supplement your own resources to build and start using your fish ponds, where will these supplemental resources come from? (Tick all that apply)

Borrow resources from friends [   ]

Borrow resources from local money-lenders [   ]

Borrow resources from credit institutions [   ]

Borrow resources from (specify):                                                                [   ]

Gifts from friends [   ]

Gifts from government [   ]

Gifts from non-governmental organizations [   ]

Gifts from (specify):                                                                      [   ]

If in 7.25 the respondent indicates he borrowed resources, answer questions 7.26 to 7.30; otherwise go to question 7.31.

7.26     What form will the borrowed resources have?

Cash in advance of expenditure [   ]

Payment of certified invoices [   ]

In-kind resources (equipment, inputs) [   ]

Labour [   ]

Other:                                                                                            [   ]

If the borrowed resources indicated in question 7.26 were “in-kind”, skip to question 7.31.

7.27     If the loan will have the form of a certain amount of Kwachas, what is the estimated amount?                                          

7.28     If the loan will take the form of contributed labour, how many man-days will be contributed?                                          

7.29     What proportion of the total cost of your initial fish ponds will this loan represent?

More than half the cost of the culture unit [   ]

Between one half and one quarter of the cost of the culture unit [   ]

Less than one quarter of the cost of the culture unit [   ]

7.30What will be the nature of the repayment of this credit?Cash [   ]
 Fish [   ]
Return of borrowed equipment [   ]
In-kind resources (other than fish) [   ]
 Labour [   ]
Other:                                                                                                       [   ]
7.31Are you aware of any person outside your economic unit who might disapprove of your starting up fish culture?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

If the answer to 7.31 is YES, ask questions 7.32 and 7.33; otherwise go to question 7.34.

7.32     For what reason would this person or persons disapprove of your decision to raise fish in ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Will reduce this person s possibility to trade or sell fish [   ]

Will reduce this person's possibility to obtain inputs for his activities [   ]

This person considers fish culture below the status of my community [   ]

Will increase my status relative to this person [   ]

Will detract from status of neighbours [   ]

Other:                                                                                                                   [   ]

7.33Do you consider this disapproval important?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

7.34     Do you feel you need someone s outright blessing or approval before you can start up fish culture?

Yes Who?                                           ) [   ]

No [   ]

7.35Will you need any approvals from government prior to constructing your fish ponds?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
7.36If so, from which part of government? (Tick all that apply)Department of Fisheries [   ]
Local government administration [   ]
 UNIP [   ]
Other government department (specify):                                                       [   ]
7.37Do you feel you have the knowledge to culture fish in ponds?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

7.38     If the answer to 7.37 is YES: How have you obtained this knowledge?

By having worked on a similar unit owned by an individual/group [   ]

By having worked on a similar unit on a government fish farm [   ]

By having participated in a fish culture training course [   ]

By having observed a private fish culturist [   ]

By having read appropriate documents [   ]

By having visited, observed and/or discussed at a government fish farm [   ]

Other:                                                                                                                   [   ]

7.39     If the answer to 7.37 is NO: How do you intend to make certain that your unit will be properly managed? (Tick all that apply)

Employing skilled individual(s) to run the unit [   ]

Managing the unit personally (with or without employment of skilled assistants) and obtaining the necessary knowledge by:

Working and/or observing another private fish culturist [   ]

Working on a government fish farm [   ]

Participating in a fish culture training course [   ]

Reading appropriate documents [   ]

Visiting and observing government fish farms [   ]

Asking Department of Fisheries staff to visit my home, site [   ]

Other:                                                                                           [   ]

If the respondent did not intend to attend a training course, skip to question 7.41.

7.40     If you intend to attend a fish culture training course, where and when will you do so?

                                          [   ]

Don t know [   ]

7.41     During the start up work on your fish ponds, who can you ask for assistance to solve problems or give advice? (Tick all that apply)

Other fish culturists [   ]

Department of Fisheries [   ]

Other government departments/representatives [   ]

Non-governmental organizations [   ]

Nobody [   ]

Others:                                                                                           [   ]

7.42     What is the intended source of water for your fish ponds?

Spring [   ]

Seepage from water table [   ]

Existing supply canal from river or stream [   ]

Existing supply canal from reservoir [   ]

Other:                                                                                           [   ]

7.43Do you have exclusive control over the proposed water supply for the ponds?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

7.44     If the answer to 7.43 is NO: From whom will you make arrangements to obtain rights to the water needed for the ponds?

Through customary law [   ]

From individual or corporate owner [   ]

From government [   ]

Other:                                                                             [   ]

7.45     What is the expected duration of the agreement ensuring availability of water?                                                      

7.46Do you have control over the land where you intend to locate the ponds?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

7.47     If not, how will you obtain the rights to the land where you intend to locate the ponds?

Title deed [   ]

Long-term lease from government [   ]

Customary law [   ]

Lease from individual or company [   ]

Squatting [   ]

Other:                                                                                           [   ]

7.48     If the answer to 7.47 is LEASE, What is the expected duration of the lease?                                                      

7.49     From where will you get the following inputs to your fish ponds: (Tick all that apply)

Fingerling:Own [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Organic FertilizerOwn [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Feed:Own [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Associated animalsOwn [   ];Government [   ];Other Aquaculturist [   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Labour for constructionOwn [   ];Government [   ];Household Members[   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Labour for operationsOwn [   ];Government [   ];Household Members[   ];Other (specify) [   ]
Labour for harvestingOwn [   ];Government [   ];Household Members[   ];Other (specify) [   ]

7.50     Which of the inputs you intend to use in your fish ponds and culture system could you sell if you do not use them in the fish ponds?

Land [   ];                             Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

7.51     Which of the inputs you intend to use in your fish ponds and culture system could you use for growing crops for home consumption?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]

7.52     Which of the inputs you intend to use in your fish ponds and culture system could you use for growing crops which you could sell? (Specify the crops)

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]


7.53     Which of the inputs you intend to use in your fish ponds and culture system have no alternative uses?

Land [   ]; Water [   ]; Fert. [   ]; Feed [   ]; Labour [   ]; Fingerling [   ]

7.54     Once the ponds have been built, how do you intend to supply the labour needed to attend to them? (Tick all that apply)

Assigning members of economic unit (including myself) [   ]

Using already labour I already employ from outside the economic unit [   ]

Employing labour from ouside the economic unit [   ]

7.55     If you intend to use members of your economic unit or labour you already employ, would their work on the fish ponds:

Add to their existing overall workload [   ]

Decrease time spent working on other activities [   ]

Decrease their leisure time [   ]

Other:                                                                               [   ]

7.56     Do you and/or members of your economic unit eat fish, and if so do you consume the species intended to be cultured?

Eat fish including the species to be cultured [   ]

Eat fish but not the species to be cultured [   ]

Do not eat fish [   ]

7.57     If you eat the fish species to be cultured, what proportion of all the fish you and members of your economic unit consume is this species?

All fish eaten are the cultured species [   ]

More than half fish eaten are the cultured species [   ]

Between one half and one quarter fish eaten are the cultured species [   ]

Less than one quarter fish eaten are the cultured species [   ]

7.58If you eat the fish species to be cultured, how is it obtained?Purchase [   ]
Barter [   ]
Fishing [   ]
Gift [   ]
Other:                                                                     [   ]

7.59     Of all the inputs you and your economic unit OWN and/or PRODUCE, what is the share intended for use in your fish culture unit:

Land:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Water:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Feed:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Labour:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]

7.60     Of all the inputs you and your economic unit PURCHASE, RENT, or HIRE, what is the share intended for use in your fish culture unit:

Land:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Water:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Organic Fertilizer:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Feed:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Labour:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
Fingerling:All [   ];>=Half [   ];<Half [   ];<Quarter [   ];None [   ]
7.61How many different types of crops and livestock do you normally produce and sell in the course of one calendar year?                                           

7.62     What other sources of cash income do you and your economic unit have?

Salaries [   ]

Pension(s) [   ]

Rents and/or Leases [   ]

Hunting and/or Fishing [   ]

Sale of handicrafts [   ]

None [   ]

Other:                                                                               [   ]


1. Preparations: Before meeting the intended respondent be certain that you are familiar with the questions and the information to be entered on forms 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Read the “List of Terms used”.

2. Intended respondent: In this interview the intended respondent is the individual who actually decides about the use of the fish ponds (or who actually decided in the past). There is no point in addressing the Fish-Farmer Survey to anyone else.

3. Farm Unit Number: The farm unit number is assigned by the interviewer following the instructions of the survey leader. It should consist of ZAM, a numerical code for the district, and a number specific to the farm for which the current situation and outlook are being studied. Thus a farm unit number may look as follows: ZAM/06/16. If the respondent's farm has already been assigned a farm unit number in the course of a survey of “Current Situation and Outlook”, that number should be used.

4. Meeting respondent: On meeting the respondent, introduce yourself and your team members by name and organization. Then make certain that the respondent understands the purpose of the visit: that is to understand who the typical fish-farmer in Zambia is so that government resources can be better used in his support.

5. Category of respondent: Select the appropriate form: practising fish-farmer, former fish-farmer or potential fish-farmer.

6. Only respondent: Make clear to respondent and others that you are only interested in the views and information which the respondent can provide. Therefore, it is preferable if the person interviewed is alone with you.

7. Carrying-out the interview: Ask the questions to the respondent in the sequence indicated in the questionnaires. What might be uncommon terms are explained in “List of Terms used” at the end of these instructions. Below are clarifications of some of the questions.

8. Exploration of alternatives: Questions for which only one alternative should be ticked (marked) in reply are identified by an instruction to that effect in the questionnaire. Questions for which the enumerator should explore all alternatives with the respondent are marked with an asterisk (*) following the question.

9. Question 1.5: On meeting the respondent note the time the interview started using the 24-hour system. Thus, if the interview starts at 8 minutes past 2 in the afternoon, enter 14.08 h.

10. Question 2.12: If the respondent replies “for my family” or works to that effect, mark this reply in the household category. The concept “household” includes all those individuals who live in the same compound and pool their economic resources. The household can thus be much bigger than the family.

11. Question 2.15: For a building to be permanent it requires stone or brick walls. Mechanized Farm Equipment includes a manufactured (steel) plough and all manufactured farm equipment that is more complex than the plough.

12. Question 2.20: If the respondent neither reads nor writes do not tick anywhere.

13. Question 2.24: Any Christian, Hindu or Muslim faith qualifies as “formal religion”.


14. Question 4.13: The question about inputs refers specifically to those which are used in the fish ponds. That is, if organic fertilizer is not used in the ponds, it is of no interest to find out where the respondent might obtain manure which he uses elsewhere on his farm.

15. Questions 4.24 and 4.25: The questions should be phrased so that the respondent is aware that we want to know the share of all the resources available to him and his economic unit, that is used in fish culture. For example, with regard to water, it means that if the farmer has several water sources on his property, we want to know the share of all of the water available from all these sources that is used in the fish ponds. It is probably useful to start these questions by asking which of the resources/inputs the fish-farmer buys, and indicate those in question 4.25 with a tick in front of the line. Then start questions about those that he does not purchase, rent and hire, going through all the resources. Then, in question 4.25 you only need to ask about those resources which have been ticked.

16. Questions 4.26: There is no need to list these, only to indicate the number: e.g., 3 or 5, etc.

17. Questions 4.27: It is important to remember that the question includes all members of the economic unit.


18. Question 5.1: It is unlikely that the respondent received the idea for the first time simultaneously from two sources. Ask the question as stated and indicate the first alternative mentioned.

19. Question 5.8: There are two categories of additional resources: credit and gifts. Remember to ask about both.

20. Question 5.9: If the credit was in the form of money, cash, it could have basically two forms. The one which would be most common when cash is obtained from friends or money-lenders, is that the respondent receives the actual cash (or cheque for the promised amount) so that he can use that to settle his bills. This alternative, should be ticked as “cash, in advance of expenditure”. The other possibility, which might apply when a bank is the lender, is that the bank pays the invoices supplied by those who have provided materials or services to the fish-farmer. This alternative would then be ticked under “payment of certified invoices”.

21. Questions 5.44 and 5.45: The question concerns the factual use of the economic unit's resources at the time the decision was made to construct fish ponds. Thus, it is not the hypothetical case of “if you had had cash to buy feed how would you have used it?” It is, instead, “of the fertilizer you would need to buy for your farm, once the fish ponds were in operation, what was the share you intended to give to use in the fish pond?”


22. Question 7.15: Also here (as in 5.1) tick only one alternative.

23. Question 7.25: There are two categories of additional resources: credit and gifts. Remember to ask about both.

24. Question 7.26: See instruction to question 5.9

25. Questions 7.60 and 7.61: See the instructions to questions 4.24 and 4.25, and 5.44 and 5.45.

The instruction will be terminated, here, by LIST OF TERMS USED. The list is identical to that in Appendix 4.

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