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Appendix 6

Form 1: Information about Interview

Form 8: Evaluation of Interview


(To be assigned by interviewer)Farm Unit No.  

Following to be answered by the interviewer on first attempt:

1.1       Name of intended respondent:                                                                                                                                                                          

1.2       On the back of this page, MAKE A SKETCH of the area where the respondent resides and the pond(s) are located, giving names and locations of access roads, rivers, streams, valleys, and villages. In the case where there is more than one pond belonging to the respondent, give each pond a number (1 to 4) relative only to this questionnaire, and use these numbers throughout this questionnaire to identify each pond when necessary.

Following to be answered by the interviewer on each attempt:

 Attempt 1Attempt 2Attempt 3
1.4Interview occurred by: CHANCE or (specify) APPOINTMENT   
1.5Time interview started (24 hr clock):   
1.6Respondent present? (Y/N)   
1.7Respondent present & available? (Y/N)   
1.8If 1.7 answer is NO, tick reason:   
 A. Not interested or not willing:   
B. Occupied:   
1.9Language(s) used to communicate with respondent during interview:   
1.10Interpreter used: (Y/N)   
1.11Parts of interview achieved: (Specify Part Numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)   
1.12Time interview finished (24 hr clock)   
1.13Name of interviewer:   
1.14Name (s) of other staff present:   


From Part 1:

8.1       Farm Unit No.                                   

8.2       Name of respondent:                                                                                                                                                                                        

8.3       Interview attempt number:                                    

The following questions are to be answered by the interviewer as soon as possible after the interview. If an interpreter was used, the interpreter should give the answers.

8.4Did the respondent generally understand the questions?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

8.5       If the answer to 8.4 is NO: What was the reason?

Respondent's knowledge of the language used by the interviewer was poor [   ]

Respondent was not familiar with the concepts used in the questions [   ]

Other:                                                                                                             [   ]

8.6       List the numbers of the questions which the respondent appeared to have serious difficulties in understanding:


8.7Is it your impression that in general the respondent gave what he believed to be correct replies?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

8.8       If the answer to 8.7 is NO: What could in your view be the reason he did not give correct replies?

Respondent was afraid information he provided could be used against him [   ]

Respondent was hostile toward the interview team [   ] and/or what he believed they represented

Respondent wanted to give replies pleasing to the interview team [   ]

Other:                                                                                                           [   ]

8.9       List the numbers of the questions for which, in your view, the answers are not as correct as the respondent could have made them:


8.10     List the numbers of the questions for which you doubt the accuracy of the answer given by the respondent for reasons other than the motivation of the respondent to give an accurate answer:


8.11Was the respondent at ease during the interview?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

8.12     If he was not at ease, what could have been the reason for his discomfort?

The possible implied criticisms of local authorities [   ] that could be deducted from the respondent's answers

Respondent was afraid of being seen as ignorant [   ] due to the quality of his answers

Respondent was frightened by the interview team [   ]

Other:                                                 [   ]

8.13     List the numbers of the questions where, in your view, the respondent because ill at ease before or while replying:


8.14Did this interview include all the questions the interview team wanted it to include?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

8.15     If not, in your view what was the reason that the interview was terminated before all the questions were completed?

Respondent s presence urgently required elsewhere [   ]

Respondent became tired and/or fed up with the interview [   ]

Other:                                                                                           [   ]

8.16     What requests did the respondent make of the interview team at the end of the interview:

None [   ]

To know the result of the interview [   ]

For advice about his fish culture and/or farm unit [   ]

For a loan for his fish culture and/or farm unit [   ]

For a gift [   ]

Other:                                                                                           [   ]

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