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Appendix 7

These questions should be added to form 5: Decision to Start.

  1. Following question 5.20: If DOF approval needed, was it easy to obtain? Yes/No

    If it was not easy to obtain what was the difficulty?

  2. Following question 5.25: If respondent intended to participate in government training course, did he do so? Yes/No

    If the respondent participated in the course, was he satisfied? Yes/No

    If not, why not?

  3. Following question 5.26: Did you ask DOF for advice during your start-up period? Yes/No

    If so, were you satisfied? Yes/No

    If not, why not?

Suggestions for the conduct of the survey in the Northern Province

1. Staff and vehicles

The survey will require two teams, each using a four-wheel drive vehicle. The teams should have the following composition:

Team 1: Survey Coordinator

Team 2: Two experienced enumerators

The survey coordinator and the aquaculturist should have academic qualifications in aquaculture; the enumerators in at least one social science each. Minimum one member in each team must be able to communicate using the languages spoken by the fish-farmers. The enumerators should have experience of field surveys in Zambia.

2. Survey Procedure

The survey will have three parts: preparations, field work (interviews) and analysis with report-writing. The analysis and report-writing are discussed in the main text.


These will include:

Field Work

Team 1 will precede Team 2 in the field. Team 1 will contact the practising and former fish-farmers in those wards (or villages) which have been selected through random sampling. They will conduct the interview on “Current Situation and Outlook”, and arrange for the subsequent meeting with Team 2. In the course of carrying out their interview they will ask about potential fish-farmers, some of whom they will also arrange for Team 2 to interview (it is suggested that the potential farmers interviewed should number about 30% of the total of practising and former).

While Team 1 needs to visit the site of the fish ponds this is not the case for Team 2. Therefore, Team 1 will attempt to arrange Team 2's interviews so that the farmers congregate in a central place.

Team 2 will carry out the Fish-Farm Survey. This will include the “Information about respondents” and the questionnaires about practising, former and potential fish-farmers as appropriate.

There must be a certain flexibility in the distribution of work between the two teams. It may occur that Team 1, while arranging for the interviews of Team 2, will be informed that the fish-farmer concerned will not be available later. Team 1 should then carry out the Fish-Farm survey as well.

With two interviewers in Team 2, it should be possible for this team to cover 10 interviews in a day. The proposed 130 interviews would then be completed within a period of three weeks. If fewer staff and/or vehicles are made available than recommended here, it will be almost impossible to achieve the intended coverage before the beginning of November. It might then be best to abandon the objective of obtaining data from which to deduct information valid for all of the Northern Province, and, instead, concentrate on selected districts.

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