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The Government of Turkey, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is engaged in the project Establishment of Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre (TUR/87/029) whose main objective is to increase the marine aquaculture and lagoon fisheries production in Turkey through applied research and training programmes.

As part of the project operations, FAO assigned Mr L. Berg as aquaculture consultant from 30 July to 30 August 1988 and Mr R. Vétillart as engineering consultant from 1 to 20 August 1988 with the following terms of reference:

Aquaculture consultant

Engineering consultant

In liaison with the aquaculture consultant

At the outset of the mission, it was realized that on the basis of the project document and project objectives, the budget allocated by the Government of Turkey would be insufficient to meet capital and operating costs of the Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre.

Therefore, during the preliminary meetings in Ankara (UNDP/FAO and Ministry of Agriculture), it was agreed to review the whole budget with the aim of respecting as far as possible the original timing, objectives and outputs of the project, i.e.:

  1. production targets: 300 000 sea bass (100 t); 150 000 sea bream (50 t); plus 10 t of shrimps a year

  2. transfer of established technologies and development of new technologies

  3. training at a national level

  4. improvement of the lagoon management

According to these main requirement and to the early progress of the project, the terms of reference of the mission were changed and the following priorities have been agreed:

During the mission the main environmental parameters and data have been collected, and topographical and pedological surveys carried out in order to confirm the technical feasibility of the project and to establish the main features of the Centre.

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