6.1. Entomologie et acarologie générales
6.2. Ravageurs du poisson traité (et d'autres aliments séchés)
6.3. Necrobia Rufipes
6.4. Dermestes spp.
6.5. Lardoglyphus spp.
6.6. Diptères

On trouvera ci-après une bibliographie sélective qui comprend toutes les références citées dans ce guide pratique. Le document technique FAO sur les pêches (1981) donne une bibliographie plus complète sur l'importance économique des ravageurs du poisson traité et la lutte contre eux.

6.1. Entomologie et acarologie générales

British Museum (Natural, History), 1974. Instructions for collectors Nº 4a. Insects. Révisé par B.H. Cogan et K.G.V. Smith. Londres, Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 169 p. 5ème éd.

Krantz, G.W., 1978. A manual of acarology. Corvallis, Oregon State University Book Stores, 509 p. 2ème éd.

Oldroyd, H., 1970. Collecting, preserving and studying insects. Londres, Hutchinson, 336 p. 2ème éd.

Richards, O.W. et R.G. Davies, 1977. Imms' general texbook of entomology. Volume 1: Structure, physiology and development. Londres, Chapman and Hall, 418 p. l0ème éd.

Richards, O.W.,1977a. Imms' general texbook of entomology. Volume 2: Classification and biology. Londres, Chapman and Hall, pp. 419-1354. 10ème éd.

6.2. Ravageurs du poisson traité (et d'autres aliments séchés)

Dobie, P. etal. (sous la direction de), 1984. Insects and arachnids of tropical stored products: their biology and identification. (A training manual). Slough, (Royaume-Uni), Tropical Development and Research Institute Storage Department, 273 p.

FAO, 1981. Prévention des pertes de poisson traité, FAO Document Technique sur les pêches Nº 219, 84 p.

Freeman, P. (sous la direction de), 1980. Common insect pests of stored food products. Econ.ser.Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.), (15): 69 p. 6ème éd.

Haines, C.P., 1974. Insects and arachnids from stored products: a report on specimens received by the Tropical StoredProducts Centre 1972-1973. Rep.Trop.Prod.Inst.,(L39):22 p.

Haines, C.P., 1981. Insects and arachnids from stored products: a report on specimens received by the Tropical Stored Products Centre 1973-77. Rep.Trop.Prod.Inst., (L54):73 p.

Halstead, D.G.H., 1986. Keys for the identification of beetles associated with stored products. I - Introduction and key to families. J.Stored Prod.Res., 22(4):163- 203

Hinton, H.E., 1945. A monograph of the beetles associated with stored products. Vol. 1. Londres, Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 443 p.

Hinton, H.E.,1945a. The Histeridae associated with stored products. Bull Entomol.Res., 35(4)-309-40

Hodges, R., 1980. Arthropod pests of stored products: collection, preservation and dispatch for identification. Trop.Stored Prod.Inf., 39:39-41

Howe, R.W., 1965. A summary of estimates of optimal and minimal conditions for population increase of some stored products insects. J.Stored Prod.Res., 1(2):177-84

Hughes, A.M., 1976. The mites of stored food and houses. Tech.Bull.Minist.Agric.Fish.Food Royaume-Uni, (9):400 p.

6.3. Necrobia Rufipes

Ashman, F., 1963. Factors affecting the abundance of the copra beetle, Necrobia rufipes (Deg.) (Col, Cleridae). Bull.Entomol.Res., 53(4):671-80

Costa, J.M.C. da, 1955. Contribuiçào par o estudo da defesa fitossanitaria da copra do ultramar Portugês. Estud.Ensaios Doc.Junta. Invest.Ultramar, Lisbonne, (17):100 p.

Osuji, F.N.C., 1975. Recent studies on the infestation of dried fish in Nigeria by Dermestes maculatus and Necrobia rufipes with special reference to the Lake Chad district. Trop.Stored Prod.Inf., 29-21-32

Osuji, F.N.C.,1975a. The effects of salt treatment of fish on the developmental biology of Dermestes maculatus (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) and Nicrobîa rufipes (Cleridae). Entomol.Exp.Appl., 18:472-9

Osuji, F.N.C.,1977. The development of Necrobia rufipes in dried fish and certain other commodities. Niger.J.Sci., 15:21-32

Simmons, P. et G.W. Ellington, 1925. The ham beetle, Necrobia rufipes DeGeer. J.Agric.Res., 30:845-63

6.4. Dermestes spp.

Amos, T.G., 1968. Some laboratory observations on the rates of development mortality and oviposition of Dermestes frischii (Kug.) (Col., Dermestidae). J.Stored Prod.Res., 4(2):103-17

Coombs, C.W., 1978. The effect of temperature and relative humidity upon the development and fecundity of Dermestes lardarius L. (Coleoptera, Dermestidae). J. Stored-Prod. Res., 14(2/3):111-9

Coombs, C.W.,1979. The effect of temperature and humidity upon the development and fecundity of Dermesteshaemorrhoidalis Küster and Dermestes peruvianus Laporte de Castelnau (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). J.Stored Prod.Res., 15(2):43-52

Coombs, C.W.,1981. The development, fecundity and longevity of Dermestes ater DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). J.Stored Prod.Res., 17(l):31-6

Howe, R.W., 1953. The effects of temperature and humidity on the length of the life cycle of Dermestes frischii Kug. Entomologist, 86:109-13

Monteiro Guimarçàes, J.A., 1956. A entomofauna dos produtos a rmazenados. Dermestes maculatus Deg. e Dermestes ater Deg. (Coleoptera, Dermestidae). Estud.Ensaios Doc.Junta Invest.Ultramar, Lisbonne, (29):113 p.

Osuji, F.N.C., 1975. Recent studies on the infestation of dried fish in Nigeria by Dermestes maculatus and Necrobia rufipes with special reference to the Lake Chad District. Trop.Stored Prod.Inf., 29:21-32

Osuji, F.N.C.,1975a. The effects of salt treatment of fish on the development biology of Dermestes maculatus (Coleoptera, Deresttdae) and Necrobia rufipes (Cleridae). Entomol.Exp.Appl., 18:472-9

Paul, C.F. et al., 1963. A life-history study of the hide beetle Dermestes vulpinus Fab. (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Indian J.Entomol., 24(3):167-79 (Dermestes vulpinus est un synonyme de D. maculatus)

Peacock, E.R. , 1975. Dermestes peruvianus Cast. , D. haemorrhoidalis Küst. and other Dermestes SPP(Col., Dermestidae). Entomol.Mon.Mag., 111-1-14

6.5. Lardoglyphus spp. 

Hughes, A.M., 1956. The mite genus Lardoglyphus Oudemans, 1927 ( = Hoshikadania Sasa and Asanuma, 1951). Zool.Meded., 34(20):271-85

Matsumoto, K., 1966. Studies on the environmental factors for the breeding of grain mites. 8. The breeding and the age composition of the population of
Lardoglyphus konoi. Jap.J.Sanit.Zool., 21(4):213-9 (en japonais avec résumé en anglais)

Matsumoto, K., 1968. Studies on the environmental factors for the breeding of grain mites. 9. The effect of relative humidity on the age composition of the population of Lardoglyphus konoi. Jap.J.Sanit.Zool., 19(3):196-203 (en japonais avec résumé en anglais)

Matsumoto, K., 1970. Studies on the environmental factors for the breeding of grain mites. 10. Effect of the temperature and relative humidity on the breeding and hypopus formation in Lardoglyphus konoi. Jap.J.Sanit.Zool., 21(4):213-9 (en japonais avec résumé en anglais)

Matsumoto, K., 1973. Studies on the environmental factors for the breeding of grain mites. 11. The effect of nutrient on hypopus formation in Lardoglyphus Konoi. Jap.J.Sanit.Zool., 24(l): 213-9 (en japonais avec resumé en anglais)

Olsen, A.R., 1982. A new pest of dried fish from the Orient, Lardoglyphus angelinae new sp. (Acarina: Acaridae). J.Stored Prod.Res., 18(4):181-8

Sasa, M. et K. Asanuma, 1951. A new food infesting acarid mite, Hoshikadania konoi n.g., n.sp., with notes on the comparative morphology of its different sexes and stages. Jap.J.Exp.Med., 21:209-22

Vijayambika, V. et P.A. John, Observations on the environmental regulation of hypopial formation in the fish mite Lardoglyphus konoi. Acarologia, 16(l):160-5

Vijayambika, V. et P.A. John,1975. Preliminary observations on the population infection of adult fish mite, Lardoglyphus konoi (Acarine) in relation to the chemical composition of the cured fishery products. Sci.Cult., 41(2):76-8

6.6. Diptères

Meynell, P.J. , 1978. Reducing blowfly spoilage during sun drying of fish in Malawi using pyrethrum. Proc.IPFC, 18(3):347-53

Oldroyd, H., 1964. The natural history of flies. Londres, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 324 p.

Robinson, W.H. , 1971. Old and new biologies of Megaselia species (Diptera, Phoridae). Stud.Entomol., 14:321-48

Simmons, P., 1927. The cheese skipper as a pest in cured meats. Dep.Bull.US.Dep.Agric., (1453):56 p.

Smart, J., 1935. The effects of temperature and humidity on the cheese skipper, Piophilacasei (L.). J.Exp.Biol., 12(4):384-8

Smith, K.G.V. (ed), 1973. Insects and other arthropods of medical importance. Londres, Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 561 p.

Soans, A.B. and C. Adolph, 1971. A note on the occurrence of Discomyza maculipennis Wiedemann (Diptera: Ephydridae) on dried fish. Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc.J., 68(3):847-8