

(1) Communal crocodile breeding pool and tourist attraction. Samut Prakan, Thailand.

(2) Crocodylus porosus guarding her nest.

(3) Crocodile nesting cubicles. Samut Prakan, Thailand.

(4) Breeding enclosure for gharial at the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust. Photo by R. Whitaker.

(5) Young crocodiles use these boards both for basking and shelter.

(6) New Guinea freshwater crocodiles approaching culling size.


(7) The parasitic worm Paratrichosomo crocodilus has caused a small blemish to remain on this finished leather.

(8) Baby gharial at Kukkrail, Lucknow, India. More than a thousand young gharial have been released in protected reserves. Photo by R. Whitaker.

(9) Measuring belly width in Papua New Guinea.

The measurement is made between the edges (nearest the mid-ventral line) of the horny scutes on the third transverse row. Note that the isolated scute (x) is not considered to be part of a row. This skin measured 28 cm.

(10) Scraping belly skins before salting.

(11) These products show the high lustre of a classic finish.
