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The main objective of the mission was to assist the Turkish engineers in the drawing up of detailed design and engineering involved in the Beymelek Aquaculture Centre (TUR/87/029), whose principal aim is to increase the marine aquaculture and lagoon fisheries production in Turkey.

Mr. L. Berg was designated Aquaculture Consultant by FAO, his brief lasting from 10th October to 16th December, while Mr. R. Vétillart was the designated Hydraulic Engineering Consultant, his brief lasting from 24th October to 16th December. The mission was further extended for a period of 2 weeks and 1 week, respectively, in January to allow for the completion of office work.

The terms of reference and the programme of the mission are enclosed in appendix 1.


Main detailed drawings (plans and sections) together with special specifications for construction and assembly were prepared and provided during this mission in order to allow the Turkish engineers to complete detailed construction drawings, calculations, specifications, bills of quantities and costings. A full set of 37 drawings (see list in Appendix 2.1) as prepared by both Consultants during the mission is attached to this report.

During the mission a more detailed and up-to-date work plan for the implementation of the project as far as beginning the main construction work was also prepared. The programmes and budget for the Project Personnel as part of the UNDP contribution, was revised in Ankara together with the drawing up of a list and budget for imported equipment and modifications to the training programmes, fellowships and study tours were also discussed.

A new topographical survey was organized during the mission in order to provide a detailed topographical map (1 : 1.000) of the areas concerned in the project. A soil sampling survey was also carried out to check the pedological properties of some of the additional land parcels on the farm site.

The very efficient collaboration by the national counterpart is once more recognized and, in particular, the active support of the National Project Co-ordinator, Mr. O. Atila, in the day-to-day co-ordination and organization of the work.


On the recommendations of the last mission, a fence was under construction in order to close off access to the project site. The Directorate Building which includes the main offices of the project has almost been completed and should be ready within 2–3 months. A company has been assigned and work has started on extending the electricity supply line and installing the main transformers (detailed specifications were given during the mission for this purpose). During the topographical survey, the two main axes of the project (see drawing 2.1.1) were definitively staked out on the project site and the precise location will be indicated in the detailed topographical map (under preparation).

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