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2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE FARM (see drawing 2.1.1)

2.1.1 Water Supply

A total maximum flow of 3.2 m3 /sec is required for normal farm operations. This maximum flow is reached only during the period of the year when the fish/shrimp biomass and water temperature are at their maximum level (late summer). Both the brackish water (6 – 8%.salinity) and sea water will be used and mixed to give different degrees of salinity according to the various requirements of the farm (see Table in Appendix A2.2). A total flow of 1.52 and 1.67 m3/sec of brackish water and sea water is required, respectively.

All earth channels for water distribution and water discharge take into account a possible future extension of 50% in the water requirement. The concrete channel supplying water to the intensive rearing unit has been calculated on the basis of a doubling of the water flow as a result of extending the rearing unit and/or intensifying the rearing technologies (high fish densities).

Six pumps, each with a 1 m3/sec capacity will be installed initially at the main pumping station, 3 for brackish water and 3 for sea water. Only four of the six installed will operate simultaneously. The total available flow therefore will be 4 m3/sec which provides an additional 25% flow in comparison to the farm's actual requirements. The design of the pumping station allows for the possible installation of two more pumps which would create an additional 50% increase in the flow capacity in the future as required. By operating the pumps on an alternative rotation, each pump will function only 16 hours/day during the period of maximum need and 12 hours/day during the rest of the year. Thus, the pumps are maintained in good working order and the mechanical reliability and duration are both increased.

Water will be pumped from both inlet channels (from the sea and from the brackish water spring) up to the mixing reservoir. Here the two types of water will be mixed to give different saline concentrations as required by each of the farm units. From the reservoir two concrete channels carry water separately to:

Two further channels will provide the 1 ha and 2 ha rearing ponds with mixed water, possibly at two different salinites. The first part of these channels will be constructed of concrete while the main part will be of earth.

A sea water reservoir of about 8,000 m3 has been included in the design which will act as an emergency water supply for the hatchery. As the sea water becomes muddy during bad sea storms (due to the Demré River), the hatchery will be supplied with clean water from this reservoir which will render the hatchery autonomous for approximately 10 days.

2.1.2 The hatchery

The hatchery has been designed to produce at least 400,000 sea bass and 200,000 sea bream fry annually (see Appendices A2.3 and A2.4). The general design has also taken into account the hatchery's training function so that the various units have been provided with additional space. In order to provide the hatchery with a certain degree of autonomy as it is the farm's basic sector in terms of production and personnel, two offices will be set aside for it in the same building as well as the Centre's main laboratory, a boiler room and a small store room/workshop.

The hatchery will be supplied with both brackish water and sea water which will be drawn respectively from the intensive rearing unit inlet channel and the mixing reservoir. The hatchery inlet pumps will be located in two concrete tanks. The sea water circuit will supply various units (see Flow-chart, Appendix A3.5) having first passed through a preliminary mechanical filter consisting of two gravel filters.

The brackish water circuit serves only the flow-through system for the weaning unit; the same pumps can be used in the sea water intake tank to serve alternatively a second flow-through system for the weaning unit. No filtration is required for this purpose.

The hatchery's two rearing units, one for the larvae and the other for the weaning fry, will have two circulating systems. The waste water from the rearing tanks will be biologically filtered, then sterilized by passing it through an U.V. lamp system and heated by special titanium heat exchangers before being redistributed back to the rearing tanks. For the weaning unit, a settling channel has been designed which will separate the solids from the waste water which will then pass through a biofilter. This settling system can eventually be replaced by special mechanical filters (80 – 100 microns) if the tests being carried out during the current reproductive season in other mediterranean hatcheries managed by the Consultant Company prove successful. Only after a careful final assessment of their efficiency will any decision be taken about changing the detailed design in the recirculating system in the weaning unit.

Larvae should be reared in the larval tanks from spawning up to the age of 45 days and then transferred to the weaning tanks. At the age of about 3 months and at a mean weight of 0.5 – 1.0 g, the fry will be ready for introduction into the outdoor tanks.

The following outdoor facilities form part of the hatchery complex:

2.1.3 The rearing facilities

The intensive rearing units is composed of:

All these tanks will be supplied with brackish water by means of a concrete channel. Water inlets and outlets (see Appendix A2.6) are based on the monk systems and water will be discharged into the lagoon along earth channels. The waste waters will be treated in a settling pond, where the water will remain for a minimum of 45 mins., before being discharged into the lagoon. The solids can therefore be separated from the water, in that these settle at the bottom of the pond and thus will not be introduced into the lagoon where they may cause damage to the ecosystem.

The semi-intensive rearing unit includes:

These ponds will be served by two earth channels and the water inlets and outlets have been designed on the monk system. All the farm monk systems can be equipped with the same sized screens and could be prefabricated. Waste water will be discharged into the lagoon along earth channels.

The broodstock ponds have been designed for the keeping of fish and shrimp breeders in semi-wild conditions at very low densities and for the application of easy catching methods before selection for hatchery purposes. Nine 850 m3 ponds will contain fish breeders and three 2000 m3 ponds will be used for the shrimps. A concrete channel will supply these ponds with sea water and also these water inlets and outlets will be fitted with concrete monks.

2.1.4. Other facilities

A service building will include:

A modern fish barrier has also been designed in collaboration with the lagoon specialist, Mr. Guidastri and is discussed separately in the above mentioned expert's report. The fish barrier and the establishment of a permanent communication between the lagoon and the sea are of prime importance for the improvement of the lagoon management and increasing fish production in Beymelek Lagoon.


Among those specifications and recommendations which were made to the Counterpart's Engineers during the mission, some basic recommendations were confirmed during the meeting held at Ankara on December 12th when the completion of the detailed design and engineering works were discussed (see Appendix A2.7).

Some additional drawings were prepared by both consultants after the Turkey mission and are included in Appendix A2.8. A list of contract conditions and technical clauses for earth movement and concrete work on the farm is given in Appendix A2.9 (the list was prepared by Mr. R. Vétillart in French and has already been translated into Turkish in Ankara and forwarded to the engineers concerned in Antalya).

Maximum flexibility and reasonable room must be allowed at this stage of the project implementation and until construction work begins in order to be able to change, wherever and whenever possible, any minor part of the detailed design or specification as necessary.

The project can always be technically improved by the consultants and the Senior Aquaculture Advisor due to:

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