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The main work plan for the 2-year implementation of the project which was prepared during the last mission is being respected in terms of activities and timing. The detailed design phase should be completed before the end of January and the budget should have already been allocated for 1989 and there appears to be no obstacle in sight to prevent the scheduled beginning of construction work within May, 1989.

A budget of 2.300 Million Turkish Lire should have been recently allocated for the current year, 1989, respecting the estimates for the project implementation made during the last mission in August 1988. Cost estimates (1989) amounted to approximately 1.640 Million T.L., to which a reasonable allowance for inflation was made. Only after completion of the detailed design, including bills of quantities and costing of construction work, materials and special equipment can the exact amount of capital cost be precisely established. Nevertheless, the allocation of finance based on provisional estimates has speeded up implementation of the project, thus respecting one of the main recommendations resulting from the last mission.

A more detailed work plan has been prepared for the period December - May 1989, when construction work should begin (see Appendix A3.1). The principal steps of the work plan are as follows:

A four -week mission by L. Berg and R. Vétillart (from 20th February to 18 th March) will be necessary to review drawings, specifications and bills of quantities prepared by the Turkish engineers and assist in the final choice of equipment suppliers (see Terms of Reference, appendix A3.2).

A detailed work plan will be prepared during the next mission for the initial construction phase of the project.

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