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Eleven engineers, two draughtsmen and the National Project Co-ordinator were assigned to the Project by the Counterpart for the detailed design phase (see list, Appendix A4.1). Two further civil engineers were required while three other specialists (1 agronomist, 2 aquaculture specialists) were requested by the Consultants, to which the Project Co-ordinator agreed, to assist in the work of co-ordination on the departure of the Consultants (see detailed list, Appendix A4.2). All the above mentioned personnel should be available until specifications have been completed and construction work initiated.

During the next mission a detailed list of Turkish personnel to be assigned to the project's construction phase will be prepared together with the Counterpart.


A revision of the project personnel as covered by the UNDP contribution was discussed at the beginning of the mission, at a meeting with FAO consultants (8th November, 1988), FAO, UNDP, State Planning Organization and Ministry of Agriculture representatives (see Appendix A4.3).

As stated during the August mission, the Personnel allocated as per Project Document is grossly insufficient to meet the objectives of the Project (7 man/months for consultants and 18 M/M for Senior Advisor) A complete list of specialist man-months was therefore prepared in August, 1988, the recommendations, in synthesis, being 18 M/M for consultants, 18 M/M for hatchery specialist and 24–30 M/M for the Senior Advisor. After the meeting, UNDP accepted a budget extension to cover 15 M/M for the consultants, 6 M/M for the hatchery specialist and 18 M/M for the Senior Advisor. A revised bar chart for consultancy periods and assignment of experts can be found in Appendix A4.4.

Should the project proceed and develop according to the plan and expected inputs, the UNDP contribution towards the project personnel should be extended to 1990 and 1991 in order to reach the total recommended personnel during the course of the last mission (a minimum of 60 man-months).

The revised personnel contribution does not take into account either the next mission (February/March, 2 M/M) which was not initially foreseen, nor further possible missions which may be required at the beginning of the construction phase for a briefing by the Consultants involved in the design, with the Senior Advisor, National Project Co-ordinator and representatives of the construction companies.

A Senior Aquaculture Advisor should be assigned to the project from the beginning of the main construction works (May, 1989). The Terms of Reference for the Senior Advisor are listed in Appendix A4.5.

Qualifications and Programmes for Associate Professional Officers are given in Appendix A4.6.

In the long term, it is of primary importance that countries such as Turkey, which do not have any specific technological background in the development of marine aquaculture projects, receive technical assistance over a longer period than usual, that is, from 5 – 7 years. This consideration is pertinent to projects such as the Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre whose main objective is to develop national technical skills in marineculture through production, training and applied research programmes.

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