

  Steps Key Points
FRONT END ANALYSIS 1.Needs Assessment Establishing major sectoral development needs through a variety of methods such as field surveys, participatory community consensus, consultation with field specialists, and analysis of reports.
2. Development/ Project Objectives Prioritize needs, select most important, and identity key development or project objectives to be addressed; Determine H communication support is needed; Analyse whether gap between existing and desired situation is resource-based (supplies and materials), or communication-based (information, motivation, training) or both.
3 Situation Analysis Assess existing communication resources available, media access and preferred channels of target group(s); Determine if technology transfer inputs are readily accessible.

4 Target Audience Analysis

Refer to existing documentation; Conduct baseline KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices) survey; Focus group interviews may also be useful.
5. Specific DSC Objectives Select only tasks that are amenable to solution through communication. Specify objectives in terms of target audience(s), type of change expected, under what conditions the activities will take place, and what criteria will be used to measure success.
6. Preparation of Prototype Materials Break down content into modules or units, and select channel delivery strategy (multi-media channels and interpersonal reinforcement; Group or mass audience - or both).
7 Pre-Testing of Materials Pre-test portions of materials as they are being developed with sample of target audience for attention getting power and comprehensibility; Revise materials where required and re-test.
8. Final Production of Multi-Media Materials Pay careful attention to factors uncovered during pre-testing of materials.

9. Delivery & Monitoring

Check for delivery system constraints such as viewing and listening conditions, and dependability of equipment used. Monitor how well programme content is received and where practical in-course" changes could be made to improve the system. Check appropriateness of channels selected and mutual reinforcement. Monitor feedback system between target audience(s), field agents, and media producers.
10. Summative or Impact Evaluation Measure impact of DSC strategy through KAP summative evaluation procedures. Use results as feed forward for future production decisions & channel strategies.
11. Review & Replanning Plan for continuity, adjustment, and adaptation to changing audiences, project needs, and opportunities







Name of farmer:



1. Sex Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age

Less than 20 ( )

20 - 29 ( )

30 -39 ( )

40 - 49 ( )

50 - 59 ( )

60 plus ( )

3. Are you the head of this household? Yes ( ) No ( )

4. If no above, ask, where is the head household?

( ) Not applicable

( ) Working in the Republic of South Africa

( ) Working elsewhere out of the village

( ) Other:

5. If the respondent not head of household, ask, what is your relationship to the head of household?

( ) Not applicable

( ) Wife

( ) Other family member

6. Do you carry out the day-to-day agricultural work on the farm? Yes ( ) No ( )

7. Do you make the decisions concerning inputs for crop growing such as soil preparation, seed selection, and fertilizers?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Yes, but jointly with head of household

( ) Other:

8. What area of farming do you mostly specialise in?

( ) Crop farming

( ) Livestock raising

( ) Both crop farming and livestock raising

9. What is your preferred crop?

( ) Maize ( ) Sorghum ( ) Beans ( ) Potatoes ( ) Peas ( ) Wheat ( ) Other:

10. Do you plan to grow maize this season? ( ) Yes ( ) No

11. How many fields do you farm?

( ) One ( ) Three ( ) Five ( ) Two ( ) Four ( ) Six or more

12. How many fields do you intend to plant with maize this season?

( ) One ( ) Three ( ) Five ( ) Two ( ) Four ( ) Six or more

13. Do you plan to plant other crops in your maize fields (i.e., mixing other crops with maize)?

( ) No

( ) Yes- what other crops? ( ) Peas ( ) Beans ( ) Other:

14. Educational level?

( ) No formal education

( ) Some form level (High School)

( ) Some standard level (primary)

( ) Complete form level

( ) Complete standard level

( ) LAC certificate, diploma or university degree

15. Other education

( ) No

( ) FTCs

( ) NUL (Science)

( ) LAC

( ) Credit Union

( ) NTTC (Teaching)

( ) Other:



1. What do you think are the main things to do in preparing your fields for seeding maize?

( ) Don't know

( ) Plough in late autumn or winter to destroy weeds and expose insects to freezing temperatures

( ) Work-in Kraal manure (if available) before planting

( ) Harrow fields prior to sowing

( ) Level soil prior to sowing

( ) Other:

2. Do you plough your land in winter?

( ) No

( ) Yes - How? ( ) Tractor ploughing ( ) Oxen ploughing

3. Do you harrow or level your land before planting maize? ( ) Yes ( ) No

4. Is there any specific information that you would like about preparing your soil for planting?

( ) No, already have sufficient information

( ) When to plough for maximum benefits against weeds and insects

( ) Modern methods of land preparation

( ) Land levelling techniques

( ) How to test for soil fertility

( ) Whether to plough before or after rainy season

( ) Other:


1. What do you think are the highest yielding maize seeds recommended for your area?

( ) Don't know

( ) PNR 473

( ) TX 14

( ) CG 4141

( ) Silver King

( ) A 305 W

( ) Only local seeds mentioned

( ) Other:

2. What do you think are the advantages of certified (commercial) maize versus local or home grown varieties?

( ) Don't know

( ) Commercial is higher yielding

( ) Commercial is weed free

( ) Commercial is disease free

( ) Commercial is drought resistant

( ) Other:

3. Which type of maize do you plan to use this season, certified (commercial), local, or home grown?

( ) Don't know

( ) Certified - which type:

( ) Locally bought

( )Home grown?

4. For those not using certified seeds, ask the reason for not using it?

( ) Not applicable

( ) Too expensive

( ) Local type better

( ) Not available -- would they use it if available? ( ) Yes ( ) No

( ) Other:

5. Is there any specific information that you would like about high yielding seed selection?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Best seeds for your area

( ) Where to purchase seeds

( ) Prices of certified seeds

( ) Kinds of certified seeds available

( ) Other:


1. Do you plant your maize with tractor drawn planters, oxen drawn planters or by hand?

( ) Tractor ( ) Oxen ( ) By hand

2. If by hand, ask do you broadcast the seeds or plant them in rows?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Broadcast ( ) In rows

3. If in rows, ask, how far apart should the plants be spaced, or ask how many plants should there be per metre or yard?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Don't know

( ) 30 cm apart or ( ) 3 plants per metre or yard

4. If plants in rows, ask, how far apart should each row be?

( ) Not applicable ( ) 1.5 metres ( ) 2 metres

( ) 1/2 metre ( ) 1 metre ( ) Don't know/ no response

5. Is there any specific information that you would like to have on methods of planting maize?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) When to begin planting

( ) Spacing of seeds in row

( ) Other:


1. Do you plan to use any basic or starter fertilizers this season?

( ) Yes- what types will you use?

( ) No- why not?

2. Do you know the recommended starter fertilizer for maize in your area?

( ) Don't know

( ) 2:3:2 (22) + Zn

( ) Other

( ) 2:3:0 (21)

3. What about top dressing? Will you be using this as well?

( ) Yes- what type(s) will you use?

( ) No- why not?

4. Do you know the recommended top dressing fertilizers for your area?

( ) Don't know

( ) LAN (28)

( ) Other:

( ) UREA (46)

5. When do you think is the best time to apply top dressing fertilizer?

( ) Don't know

( ) Any time after the maize plants appear

( ) After 6 weeks or when the plant is 6 inches high

( ) About 3 months after the plants appear

( ) Other:

6. Is there any specific information that you would like to have on using fertilizers in your maize fields?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Best types for area

( ) Amounts to apply

( ) When to apply them

( ) Benefits of top dressing

( ) Other:


1. Are weeds a problem in your fields? ( ) Yes ( ) No

2. If yes, how do you control them?

( ) Not applicable

( ) By hand

( ) Mechanically (Tractor or oxen-drawn?) ( ) Tractor ( ) Oxen-drawn

( ) Chemical herbicides- which type(s)?

3. Do you use a cultivator for ridging and weeding?

( ) No

( ) Yes (Tractor or oxen-drawn?) ( ) Tractor ( ) Oxen-drawn

4. Do you hoe between your maize plants? ( ) Yes ( ) No

5. When do you think is the best time to begin weeding in your maize fields?

( ) As soon as plants start to grow

( ) When plants are about three weeks old

( ) When plants are about 6 weeks to two months old

( ) Other:

6. Is there any specific information that you would like to have on weeding in your maize fields?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Recommended intervals for weeding

( ) Use of herbicides

( ) Other:


1. What are the main diseases which attack maize plants?

( ) Don't know

( ) Rust

( ) Smut

( ) Other:

2. If smut mentioned, as, how is it controlled?

( ) Don't know

( ) Using certified or treated seeds

( ) Crop rotation

( ) Fungicides- which types?

3. Is there any specific information that you would like to have on diseases which attack maize plants?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Types of fungicides to use

( ) How to recognise smut

( ) Other:


1. What are the main insect pests which attack maize plants?

( ) Don't know

( ) Cutworms

( ) Stalkborers

( ) American bollworms

( ) Other:

2. Do you know how to control stalkborers?

( ) Don't know

( ) Deep ploughing during winter

( ) Sevin spray

( ) Curateir soil insecticide

( ) Dipterex grains applied to funnel of leaves

( ) Kombat grains applied to funnel of leaves

( ) Other:

3. Do you know how to control cutworms?

( ) Don't know

( ) Kombat mixed in bait

( ) Deep ploughing during winter

( ) Sevin spray applied to base of plant

( ) Dipterex mixed in bran or mealie meal for bait

4. Do you know how to control bollworms?

( ) Don't know

( ) Sevin spray

( ) Cymbush or Ambush spray

( ) Other:

5. Do you have any problems with insects in your maize fields?

( ) No

( ) Yes - which types?( ) Stalkborers ( ) Cutworm ( ) Bollworm ( ) Other:

6. Is there any specific information that you would like to have about insect pest control?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Types of insecticide to use

( ) How to apply insecticides properly

( ) Other:


1. Do you cut and stook your maize before harvesting? ( ) Yes ( ) No

2. If you stook your maize, how do you know when to harvest the cobs (or take in the cobs)?

( ) Not applicable ( ) When kernels are hard and dry ( ) Other:

3. How do you thresh your maize crops?

( ) By hand ( ) Using animals ( ) Using machines

4. Is there any specific information that you would like to have ion harvesting your maize?

( ) No, have sufficient information ( ) Most efficient harvesting methods ( ) Other:


1. In general, what do you think are the main causes of maize losses during storage?

( ) Don't know

( ) Grain is stored with high moisture content (grain is not dry enough) which causes mould

( ) Insects (weevils, mites, beetles)

( ) Rats

( ) Lack of containers

( ) Other:

2. Where do you now store your maize?

( ) Not storing; don't have enough to store ( ) In the house ( ) Other:

3. In what kind of containers do you store your maize?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Jute bags ( ) Baskets (sesiu)

( ) Plastic bags ( ) Cement/ brick silos ( ) Clay pots

( ) Tins ( ) Other

4. If not presently using a silo, ask, do you plan or would you like to build a cement or brick silo for maize storage?

( ) Don't know ( ) Yes, would like to

( ) No ( ) Yes, plan to do so

5. What do you think are the advantages of a cement or brick silo over other storage methods?

( ) Don't know ( ) Protect against rats

( ) Cooler temperatures for storing ( ) Protect against insects

( ) Other:

6. Do you use insecticides in your stored maize to protect against weevils and other insect pests?

( ) No ( ) Yes- what type(s)?

7. Is there any specific information that you would like to have on protection against post-harvest losses?

( ) No, have sufficient information

( ) Information on building cement silos

( ) Information on insecticides for stored maize

( ) Other:


Please tell us what you consider to be the main problems in increasing the maize yield from your fields. (Anything else? Probe until no more responses forthcoming)

( ) Availability of high yielding seeds

( ) Cost of seeds

( ) Availability of fertilizers

( ) Cost of fertilizers

( ) Control of pests

( ) Control of diseases

( ) Limited availability of labour

( ) Weed control

( ) Erosion

( ) No rain- drought conditions

( ) No funds to purchase inputs

( ) Lack of machinery for seed bed preparation

( ) Other


1. Do you have a radio in your house? ( ) Yes ( ) No

2. If yes, ask, is it working? ( ) Yes ( ) No

3. If radio not working, ask, why not?

( ) Not applicable

( ) No batteries or

( ) Radio broken

( ) Batteries too expensive to buy

( ) Other:

4. If no radio in house, or radio broken, ask, do you listen to radio in someone else's house?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Yes ( ) No

5. Do you listen to "Re Bitsa Lihoai" on Radio Lesotho? ( ) Yes ( ) No

6. If yes, ask, how often do you listen to "Re Bitsa Lihoai"?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Every day, monday- saturday

( ) Nearly every day ( ) Two or three times a week

( ) Occasionally only

7. What time of the day do you usually listen to "Re Bitsa Lihoai"?

( ) Not applicable ( ) Mornings (5.45 a.m.)

( ) Both mornings and evenings ( ) Evenings (6.15 p.m.)

8. Do you know the name of your agricultural extension agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No

9. How often do you talk with your agricultural extension agent?

( ) Not at all ( ) Once a week

( ) Every two weeks ( ) Once a month

( ) Every three months ( ) Every six months

( ) Once a year

10. Aside from radio and your extension agent (delete as appropriate), where else do you get information on farming?

( ) No where ( ) Contact or lead farmer

( ) Family members ( ) School/ teacher

( ) Pamphlets ( ) Posters

( ) Cooperatives ( ) Agricultural shows/ field days

( ) Demonstrations ( ) Neighbours

( ) Other

11. Out of all the information sources that you have access to, which one source do you think is the most useful?

( ) None/ don't know ( ) Radio Lesotho

( ) Lead farmer ( ) Family members

( ) School/ teacher ( ) Extension agent

( ) Pamphlets ( ) Posters

( ) Cooperatives ( ) Agricultural shows/ field days

( ) Demonstrations ( ) Neighbours

( ) Other:
