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International Dairy Federation/Fédération internationale de laiterie (IDF/FIL) international seminars

International Dairy Federation/Fédération internationale de laiterie (IDF/FIL) international seminars

Bacillus cereus in milk and milk products,
13-14 October 1992, Ede, the Netherlands.

Bacillus cereus is present in raw milk and its spores are able to survive pasteurization. The organism develops rapidly and therefore determines the keeping quality of milk and milk products. The aims of the seminar are to review past and current research on the topic, examine the need for future research and discuss regulation requirements. The scientific programme consists of seminars on the ecology and physiology of B. cereus; pathogenicity and toxicology of B. cereus; and industrial importance and strategies for control of B. cereus.

For further information, please contact: Dr A.H. Weerkamp, NIZO, PO Box 20, 6710BA Ede, the Netherlands. Tel. 00318380 59550, Fax 00318380 50400.

Dairy development in the Caribbean region,
23-26 November 1992, Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

Organized in cooperation with FAO, this seminar will review dairy development projects and propose future opportunities for collaboration among participating institutions of the region.

For further information, please contact IDF, 41 Square Vergote, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. Tel. 0032 2 7339888, Telex 046 63818 IDFFIL, Fax 0032 2 7330413.

ILCA training courses, 1992

Livestock research and production methods

Small Ruminant Production, in English, 927 November. Participants: animal (especially small ruminant) scientists. Application deadline: 1 September.

Statistical Methods for Livestock Experimentation, in English, 16-27 November. Participants: livestock research scientists (East and southern Africa). Application deadline: 1 September.

Livestock research support

Management of Information for Animal Agriculture, in French, 19 October to 6 November. Participants: librarians, documentalists and scientists involved in information work. Application deadline: 1 August.

Kindly note that nominations will be accepted only from the candidate's employer and must include the candidate's name, address, educational qualifications, experience, description of present duties, prospective duties following the training course and first language. Self-nominations will not be considered.

For further information, please write direct to International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), PO Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel. 251 1 613215, Telex 21207 ILCA ET, Fax 251 1 61 1892.

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