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News and notes

Faster growth in world meat production anticipated in 1993
Updated information on the annual international course on the identification of insects and other arthropods of medical and veterinary importance
The seventh AAAP animal science congress

The following announcement was made in Food Outlook No. 9, June 1993, issued by FAO under the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture.

Faster growth in world meat production anticipated in 1993

Global meat production is expected to regain some dynamism in 1993, rising by 2 percent to 185 million tonnes. The falling trend in developed countries should level off, while growth in developing countries should be sustained.

World poultry meat production is expected to rise to 44.2 million tonnes in 1993 - an increase of 4 percent over last year. Output in developing countries is expected to expand by 7 percent to 18 million tonnes, with the sharpest growth anticipated in Asian countries. In China, the government's support of the modernization of the large-scale poultry sector will continue to promote output. Poultry production in Africa is anticipated to rebound somewhat in 1993. In particular, the temporary removal of the cereal import ban in Nigeria is expected to improve feed supplies and support poultry meat production this year. In most other countries in the region, however, the expansion of the sector may be hindered by high production costs and slow growth in domestic demand. Poultry meat output is forecast to rise by 6 percent in Latin America in 1993, a significant slowdown compared with the rates achieved in the recent past. This would mainly reflect a more moderate growth in Brazil, where the poultry sector is facing a situation of rising costs and lower profit margins. These factors are anticipated to affect a large number of other countries in the region as well, depressing the traditionally high rates of expansion.

World pig meat production is estimated to rise by 3 percent to 74.1 million tonnes in 1993, the highest rate achieved since the 1980s. This strengthening would be induced by the expected reversal of falling trends in developed countries, while growth in developing countries is estimated to be around 6 percent, only slightly less than in 1992. For the developing countries, positive growth has been forecast in Africa, owing mainly to optimistic outlooks for Nigeria and Uganda. In the rest of the region, growth in pig meat production is anticipated to be conditioned by high domestic feed prices and depressed demand. In Latin America the rate of expansion is forecast to accelerate, reflecting expectations of significant increases in Brazil. In Mexico production gains are also expected, in line with the process of modernization and concentration recently undergone by the sector. In Asia, the total pig meat output has been forecast to increase by 5 to 6 percent, slightly less than in previous years, which would mirror the tendency prevailing in China, where more modest growth is expected. Significant expansion in pork production is anticipated in India and Malaysia.

After two years of decline, world bovine meat output in 1993 is anticipated to remain almost unchanged at 53.1 million tonnes as the downward adjustment in developed countries slows down. Production in developing countries is forecast to rise by some 3 percent, with growth accelerating in Asia, particularly in China and the Republic of Korea. In Latin America, the expansion initiated in 1991 is forecast to continue in 1993, reflecting steady productivity improvements in Brazil and Mexico and slight recovery in Argentina and Chile. The decline of cattle stocks in some countries in Africa in 1992 is expected to lead to a 3 percent fall in bovine meat output in the region this year. Improved pasture conditions have been reported in some of the countries affected by drought in 1992, including Kenya and Namibia, which may also encourage herd rebuilding. In some countries, such as Morocco, distribution schemes of subsidized feed have been launched recently to limit the impact of drought on meat output.

World sheep and goat meat production is estimated to remain unchanged at about 9.8 million tonnes in 1993. Output in developing countries is forecast to rise by 3 percent following a small recovery in Africa and steady growth in Asia, while little change is foreseen in Latin America.

Updated information on the annual international course on the identification of insects and other arthropods of medical and veterinary importance

The Medical and Veterinary Division of the Natural History Museum of London, United Kingdom, is organizing the Annual International Course on the Identification of Insects and Other Arthropods of Medical and Veterinary Importance from 18 April to 13 May 1994. The language of instruction will be English.

This course provides specialist training in traditional and modern taxonomic techniques, concepts and collections management. Emphasis is on the application and relevance of the systematic approach to solving real field problems, leading to practical competence suitable for future field and laboratory studies.

Participants should have an appropriate graduate-level science background, together with experience that has encouraged them to recognize the value of modem concepts of biosystematics and taxonomy as tools in applied entomology. Those who successfully complete the course will receive a Natural History Museum Short Course Diploma.

The participant's fee of £2 800 includes tuition, course notes, accommodation and lodging, but not the cost of travel.

Further information and application forms are available from Mrs C.A. Lowry, The Natural History Museum, Medical and Veterinary Division, Department of Entomology, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK. Tel. 44 71 938 9125/9329; Fax 44 71 938 9395/8937. Completed forms should be returned before 1 December 1993.

The seventh AAAP animal science congress

This congress is being organized by the Indonesian Society of Animal Science (ISPI). It will take place from 11 to 16 July 1994 on the island of Bali, Indonesia, and the official language will be English.

The theme of the congress is "Sustainable animal industries and the environment" and its programme deals with subjects such as animal breeding and reproduction; feed resources and technology; feeding and nutrition; genetic resources; conservation of indigenous species; animal disease prevention and health management; animal production and processing technology; livestock production systems with an environmental perspective; and the role of animal production in human nutrition. Field trips and technical tours will also be included. Participants are invited to submit papers for oral or video presentation.

For further information, contact the Congress Secretariat, the Seventh Animal Science Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP). Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 49, Djakarta 12760, Indonesia.

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