No 22


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Note from the Editor

The place of biotechnology in forest tree breeding (R.D. Burdon)

Forest Genetics (new international journal of forest genetics)

In situ and ex situ conservation of genetic resources of medicinal plants in Meru Betiri National Park and its buffer zone, East Java, Indonesia

In situ conservation in Peru

Ex situ gene conservation of native tree species in Colombia (J.A. Wright)

Exploring the genetic resources of tropical melaleucas (J.C. Doran & B. Gunn)

Forest genetic resources in Cuba (A. Alvarez Brito)

The genetic improvement programme in Cedrela odorata L. in Cuba (W. Lahera, A. Alvarez & S. Gámez)

The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute

Strategy of tree improvement and forest gene resources conservation in Nicaragua (E. Ampié & L. Ravensbeck)

DANIDA Forest Seed Centre continues its services to developing countries

Teak improvement in India (K.N. Subramanian, A. Nicodemus & A. Radhamani)

Exploration and seed collection of Acacia senegal in Sudan (B. Kananji)

Collecting Sesbania spp. germplasm in the vicinity of Nairobi, Kenya (J.N. Ndunga, R. Llewellyn-Smith & D.J. Boland)

Guidebook for genetic resources documentation and genebank management system software package

The International Neem Network (A. Thomsen & O. Souvannavong)

Regional workshop on in situ conservation of genetic resources of woody species in arid and semi-arid areas

Action in the conservation of Mediterranean forest genetic resources (O. Souvannavong, M. Malagnoux & C. Palmberg-Lerche)

Directory of poplar and willow scientists

New newsletter: Dendrome

Review of Eucalyptus urophylla provenance trials

Conclusions and recommendations of the Eighth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources

Comment on “A statistical approach to determine sample size for moisture content determination in recalcitrant forest tree seed” (M. Hühn)

Two new FAO publications on forest management

Recent publications from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre

Tree Seed News: the newsletter of the SADC Tree Seed Centre Network

Recent literature of interest

Cover photo: Regional training course on neem (Azadirachta indica) seed collection, handling and despatch organized within the framework of the International Neem Network, June 1994, Annur, Tamil Nadu, India.
(Photo: A. Thomsen)

 Editors of this issue were: 
Christel Palmberg-Lerche
Oudara Souvannavong
Agnete Thomsen
All contributions for the next issue should be sent by 15 June 1995 to:
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division, FAO
Vialle delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome (Italy).
(Fax. 39-6-52255137)