Table A.4.4 Barley: area, yield and production (countries with more than 10000ha barley)

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  Area (harvested) '000 ha Yield (kg/ha) Production ('000 tonnes)
1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91
World 66609 81243 74390 1 843 1 893 2284 122785 153790 169927
All developing countries 17548 16706 19262 1095 1289 1287 19208 21535 24799
93 Developing countries 17435 16553 19 132 1 096 1 292 1 287 19 101 21394 24632
Sub-Saharan Africa 931 910 988 803 1 226 1 009 748 1 115 996
Ethiopia 913 850 950 796 1 200 978 727 1 021 929
Kenya 14 49 24 1 133 1 301 1 363 15 64 32
Near East/North Africa 9270 10908 14667 1006 1108 1145 9323 12081 16798
Afghanistan 316 296 207 1 151 1 057 1 071 363 313 221
Algeria 773 875 1217 608 677 915 470 592 1 114
Egypt 44 41 56 2126 2692 2177 93 111 122
Iran 1532 1727 2479 680 902 1277 1042 1558 3166
Iraq 582 858 1 382 1 190 846 793 692 726 1 095
Jordan 50 52 55 492 395 629 25 21 34
Lebanon 7 6 11 863 1 000 1 714 6 6 19
Libya 213 284 283 326 342 496 70 97 140
Morocco 2003 2190 2390 1093 782 1 170 2190 1712 2796
Saudi Arabia 14 7 65 908 1 171 5649 13 8 366
Syria 784 1 220 2 618 478 926 259 375 1 129 678
Tunisia 243 457 491 571 609 949 139 279 466
Turkey 2 597 2 846 3 365 1 432 1 926 1 942 3 720 5 480 6 533
Yemen 111 49 49 1125 1000 967 125 49 48
East Asia 3 097 1 752 1 299 1 599 2 697 2 625 4 954 4 726 3 409
China (Mainland) 2285 1 295 1 083 1 150 2420 2462 2627 3 133 2667
Korea DPR 90 72 60 1 333 2 162 2472 120 155 148
Korea Republic 723 386 155 3054 3728 3832 2207 1438 593
South Asia 2902 2046 1 221 959 1 073 1 464 2784 2 196 1 787
Bangladesh 32 19 18 672 637 623 21 12 11
India 2693 1 802 1 016 981 1 121 1 591 2642 2020 1 616
Nepal 26 26 30 924 875 929 24 23 27
Pakistan 151 199 157 642 709 842 97 141 132
Latin America and Carib. 1 235 936 959 1 046 1 362 1 713 1 292 1 275 1 642
Argentina 431 178 180 1 153 1 289 2282 497 229 411
Bolivia 94 80 83 668 653 659 63 53 55
Brazil 26 84 105 985 1 120 1 635 26 94 172
Chile 48 51 28 2017 2000 3436 97 103 95
Colombia 53 58 51 1 733 1 753 1 871 92 101 96
Ecuador 127 29 56 596 843 850 75 24 48
Mexico 230 281 270 1 043 1 726 1 858 240 486 502
Peru 184 127 104 894 903 1 015 164 115 105
Uruguay 42 48 81 898 1 474 1 960 38 71 158
Developed countries 49061 64538 55128 2111 2049 2633 103577 132255 145127
Western Europe 13724 16566 14088 3007 3453 4127 41274 57199 58142
EC-12 11931 14396 12328 3051 3514 4151 36405 50583 51171
Belgium-Luxembourg 174 173 108 3 488 4 877 5 779 608 844 626
Denmark 1 342 1 580 942 3 856 3 956 5 301 5 175 6 250 4 996
France 2825 2670 1781 3138 4119 5711 8865 10997 10169
Germany 2101 2971 2596 3480 4093 5506 7313 12158 14295
Greece 335 344 194 1 955 2434 2397 655 838 465
Ireland 216 349 243 3 954 4 709 5 679 854 1 643 1 378
Italy 180 325 470 1 816 2817 3646 326 914 1 713
Netherlands 101 56 44 3627 4693 5349 366 265 236
Portugal 105 75 68 614 603 1 198 65 45 82
Spain 2 235 3 520 4 361 1 755 1 867 2 143 3 922 6 571 9 346
United Kingdom 2317 2333 1521 3564 4310 5171 8257 10058 7866


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