Table A.4.5 Millet: area, yield and production (countries with more than 10000ha millet)

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  Area (harvested) '000 ha Yield (kg/ha) Production ('000 tonnes)
1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91
World 44636 37646 36537 698 677 791 31155 25468 28899
All developing countries 41596 34718 33421 688 682 772 28613 23678 25790
93 Developing countries 41575 34689 33393 688 682 771 28596 23655 25762
Sub-Saharan Africa 13349 11513 14701 596 666 698 7957 7662 10266
Angola 92 80 120 845 613 536 78 49 64
Benin 17 13 38 376 500 623 6 7 24
Botswana 19 12 9 245 145 176 5 2 2
Burkina Faso 843 803 1 212 426 486 535 360 390 649
Burundi 10 10 12 897 980 1 065 9 10 13
Cameroon 123 130 60 697 753 1 062 86 98 64
Central African Rep. 12 16 12 795 682 870 9 11 11
Chad 430 360 543 635 505 352 273 182 191
Cote d'Ivoire 63 64 77 487 581 613 31 37 47
Ethiopia 197 226 253 596 899 953 117 203 241
Gambia 35 28 53 1 049 914 974 36 26 52
Ghana 218 182 192 549 641 636 120 117 122
Guinea 35 35 31 1 429 1 409 1 521 50 49 47
Kenya 75 80 100 1 683 1 049 658 127 84 66
Malawi 0 11 18 0 593 554 0 7 10
Mali 569 643 1 174 793 716 701 451 461 823
Mauritania 34 12 16 178 254 409 6 3 7
Mozambique 19 20 20 526 250 250 10 5 5
Namibia 57 77 93 453 447 604 26 34 56
Niger 2313 3011 3711 422 435 383 975 1 311 1422
Nigeria 4887 2366 3783 615 1055 1 181 3007 2496 4468
Senegal 874 932 899 503 595 644 440 555 579
Sierra Leone 6 9 26 1 103 1398 884 6 13 23
Sudan 745 1 098 1113 567 397 166 423 436 185
Tanzania 211 450 255 663 800 982 140 360 250
Togo 190 121 134 638 364 510 121 44 68
Uganda 739 297 379 1 024 1592 1534 757 473 582
Zaire 27 36 43 699 668 728 19 24 31
Zambia 128 34 51 619 638 556 79 22 28
Zimbabwe 380 353 271 500 432 501 190 153 136
Near East/North Africa 273 191 187 1 150 1007 610 314 192 114
Afghanistan 33 39 30 843 860 865 28 33 26
Iran 15 8 7 753 1114 1940 11 9 13
Saudi Arabia 110 25 7 1137 412 1597 125 10 12
Syria 25 15 7 706 1 047 577 18 16 4
Turkey 39 16 4 1385 1342 1357 54 21 6
Yemen 39 81 122 1787 1185 365 70 96 45
East Asia 7 250 4 222 2 526 1 301 1 406 1 700 9 434 5 936 4 294
China (Mainland) 6937 3987 2302 1333 1455 1785 9250 5787 4109
Korea DPR 93 62 50 961 1065 1214 90 66 61
Korea Republic 59 3 3 798 1147 1 154 47 4 3
Myanmar 161 179 172 291 447 707 47 80 121
South Asia 20543 18561 15937 522 518 692 10724 9619 11031
Bangladesh 76 61 89 784 648 713 60 40 63
India 19618 17845 15202 519 515 694 10182 9189 10551
Nepal 1 14 122 197 1123 989 1160 128 121 228
Pakistan 713 509 438 476 500 410 339 255 180
Sri Lanka 23 24 11 719 612 688 17 15 8
Latin America and Carib. 160 203 42 1 049 1 211 1 371 168 245 57
Argentina 160 203 42 1 049 1 211 1 360 168 245 57
Developed countries 3040 2928 3 116 836 611 998 2542 1 790 3 110
Eastern Europe 29 7 8 1 146 1 300 2 145 33 9 18
Poland 21 0 0 1 224 0 0 26 0 0
Former USSR 2821 2777 2901 808 583 985 2278 1 620 2859
North America 110 89 152 1324 1200 1231 145 107 187
United States 110 89 152 1 324 1 20.0 1 231 145 107 187
Others 68 49 54 941 863 809 64 42 43
Australia 39 26 31 951 1 000 877 37 26 27
South Africa 22 22 22 682 682 682 15 15 15

Note: Data are shown only for countries which in at least one of the three-year averages shown (1969/71, 1979/81, 1989/91) had 10000ha or more of harvested land allocated to millet. The data are after the revision of the production of the former USSR from bunker to clean weight (see Table 3.17).


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