Table A.5 Land with rainfed crop production potential: 91 developing countries ('000ha)

  Land with rainfed crop production potential by land class

Irrigated and hyperarid land

Total with crop prod. potential

Currently use for production


Dry semi-
arid MS,S,VS

Moist semi-arid S,VS

Sub- humid S,VS

Humid S,VS

Marginal in AT2-AT4 MS

Fluvisols/ gleysols S,VS

Marginal fluvisols/ gleysols MS

Total rainfed potential






91 Developing countries 153915 350226 593415 597949 517817 258130 65161 2536613 35870 2572483 633566 123012 756578 747019 1815905
Sub-Saharan Africa 88989 178969 294144 171096 155227 104521 15356 1008302 706 1009008 207203 5278 212481 159810 796527
Angola 3267 9382 51279 4849 13815 7885 2171 92648 0 92648 4809 0 4809 4233 87839
Benin 126 2312 4727 185 1359 291 16 9016 0 9016 3151 6 3157 2469 5859
Botswana 5773 36 0 0 6 1325 9 7149 0 7149 1431 3 1434 456 5715
Burkina Faso 2835 10581 3418 0 1833 30 0 18697 0 18697 6815 18 6833 5446 11864
Burundi 0 0 674 38 452 80 40 1284 0 1284 1129 71 1200 923 84
Cameroon 86 2488 6703 13783 6954 1324 391 31729 0 31729 8250 28 8278 6049 23451
Central African Rep. 0 1297 15784 11822 10598 2588 152 42241 0 42241 5174 0 5174 4022 37067
Chad 4257 14594 4790 0 3553 3038 79 30311 0 30311 8129 10 8139 6590 22172
Congo 0 0 558 10662 4664 7391 773 24048 0 24048 778 4 782 574 23266
Cote D'Ivoire 0 0 5696 9727 5353 590 83 21449 0 21449 7131 62 7193 5649 14256
Ethiopia 5270 5730 14427 199 6244 3975 6 35851 0 35851 15246 162 15408 11040 20443
Gabon 0 0 0 5631 6021 3253 250 15155 0 15155 373 0 373 221 14782
Gambia 0 373 0 0 51 232 2 658 0 658 322 12 334 286 324
Ghana 0 640 6136 5325 3050 694 57 15902 0 15902 4868 8 4876 3803 11026
Guinea 0 358 8901 1204 2535 305 20 13323 0 13323 4567 25 4592 3699 8731
Kenya 3145 2187 1858 58 1165 1 109 98 9620 0 9620 4789 52 4841 3027 4779
Lesotho 0 260 374 0 425 0 0 1059 0 1059 341 0 341 282 718
Liberia 0 0 0 2658 1037 1551 186 5432 0 5432 637 2 639 458 4793
Madagascar 3164 5712 13140 4910 7560 3142 225 37853 0 37853 2790 903 3693 4089 34160
Malawi 0 1101 2811 169 1156 746 9 5992 0 5992 2654 20 2674 2426 3318
Mali 9095 9892 2319 0 4055 624 338 26323 0 26323 8113 205 8318 4513 18005
Mauritania 2314 436 0 0 24 290 14 3078 0 3078 1067 12 1079 634 1999
Mauritius 0 0 0 46 16 5 0 67 0 67 88 17 105 101 -38
Mozambique 2929 19066 19879 953 9197 2463 232 54719 0 54719 6168 113 6281 5066 48438
Niger 10920 448 0 0 29 176 140 11713 13 11726 11059 38 11097 3753 629
Nigeria 4651 17746 23240 5904 7803 5153 392 64889 0 64889 31609 865 32474 25891 32415
Rwanda 0 0 266 81 326 76 13 762 0 762 997 4 1001 633 -239
Senegal 2183 8471 913 0 1188 403 56 13214 0 13214 5244 178 5422 4122 7792
Sierra Leone 0 0 434 1 138 1786 521 25 3904 0 3904 1901 30 1931 1255 1973
Somalia 91 0 0 0 0 1462 0 1553 27 1580 1075 58 1133 960 447
Sudan 17136 28784 14983 678 7199 11433 1045 81258 666 81924 13058 1889 14947 9831 66977
Swaziland 158 98 390 11 377 0 0 1034 0 1034 177 56 233 263 801
Tanzania 5726 12671 21475 352 10280 2813 1878 55195 0 55195 10653 148 10801 8817 44394
Togo 0 49 2257 843 701 158 1 4009 0 4009 1991 7 1998 1658 2011
Uganda 456 1466 5113 1283 3702 1215 513 13748 0 13748 5816 9 5825 4820 7923
Zaire 0 0 26206 88587 23797 28202 5678 172470 0 172470 15302 14 15316 12664 157154
Zambia 662 14653 27112 0 6387 9977 463 59254 0 59254 5540 31 5571 5207 53683
Zimbabwe 4745 8138 8281 0 529 1 1 21695 0 21695 3961 218 4179 3880 17516
