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Annex 1: Programme

31 January 1994


Chair: W.G. Sombroek

0900 hrs:

Welcome by W.G. Sombroek, Director, Land and Water Development Division, FAO

0905 hrs:

Background to and Programme of the Workshop. A. Kandiah, Land and Water Development Division, FAO.


Chair: W.G. Sombroek

Discussion papers

0915 hrs:

Defining Land/Water linkages. M. Falkenmark, NRMI, Sweden

1030 hrs:

Development of a conceptual framework for river basin management. W.G. Sombroek, AGL, FAO.

1115 hrs:

Increasing water productivity in biomass production in the dry climate tropics. J. Rockström, NRMI, Sweden.

1200 hrs:

Lunch Break

1400 hrs:

Changing urban/rural relations: a new concept for river basin resources management. J. Lindquist, Linkoping University, Sweden.

1600 hrs:

Harnessing soil, terrain and hydrological conditions in a Geographical Information System. L.R. Oldeman, ISRIC, Netherlands.

1400 hrs:

Plant nutrient management in farming systems: Impact on efficient water use at watershed level. A. Angé, AGL, FAO

1445 hrs:

Summary and conclusions by the Chairperson

1700 hrs:

Close of day 1

1 February 1994


Chair: M. Falkenmark

Discussion papers

0900 hrs:

Runoff, erosion and sedimentation: Prediction and measurements. N. Hudson, FAO Consultant and D. W. Sanders, AGL, FAO

0930 hrs:

Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. R.C. Peralta, FAO Consultant and P. Pallas, AGL, FAO.

1000 hrs:

Summary and conclusions by Chairperson


1015 hrs:

Introduction to Working Groups by A. Kandiah, AGL, FAO

1100 hrs:

Meeting of the Working Groups

1200 hrs:

Lunch Break

1400 hrs:

Meeting of the Working Groups

1600 hrs:

Meeting of the Working Groups

1700 hrs:

Close of day 2

2 February 1994


Chairperson: L. R. Oldeman

0900 hrs:

Reports of the Working Groups to the Plenary

- Applied research and modelling

- Education, extension and manuals

- River basin field projects

1000 hrs:

Recommendations of the Workshop

1030 hrs:

Closure of the Workshop

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