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Annex 2: List of participants

E. Arrhenius

Natural Resources Management Institute University of Stockholm, Sweden

A. Askew

Division of Hydrology World Meteorological Organization Switzerland

M. Falkenmark

Natural Resources Management Institute University of Stockholm, Sweden

N. Hudson

SILSOE Associates Bedford, UK

J. Lundqvist

Department of Water and Environmental Studies University of Linkoping, Sweden

R. Oldernan

International Soil Reference and Information Centre Wageningen, Netherlands

J. Rockström

Natural Resources Management Institute, University of Stockholm, Sweden


A. Angé

Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Service

J. Antoine

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

B. Appelgren

Water Resources Development and Management Service

J.R. Benites

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

R. Brinkman

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

F. Dauphin

Investment Centre

J.M. Faures

Water Resources Development and Management Service

A. Kandiah

Water Resources Development and Management Service

A.P. Koohafkhan

Environment and Sustainable Development Coordinating Centre

A. Mashali

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

F. Ohler

Forest and Wildlands Conservation Branch

P. Pallas

Water Resources Development and Management Service

R.N. Roy

Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Service

D.W. Sanders

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

F. Segala

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

D. Sims

Soil Resources Management and Conservation Service

W.G. Sombroek

Land and Water Development Division

A. Tabet

Investment Centre

D.V. Tran

Crop and Grassland Service



Land and water integration and river basin management, 1995 (E)


Planning for sustainable use of land resources -Towards a new approach, 1995 (E)


Water sector policy review and strategy formulation- A general framework, 1995 (E)

Availability: August 1995
















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In preparation

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

Since water sustains life, water resources must be managed using a holistic approach, linking social and economic development with protection of natural ecosystems. Effective management links land and water resources across the whole of a catchment area or groundwater aquifer. An FAO informal workshop held In Rome from 31 January to 2 February 1993 addressed the broader issues of water management In the context of land use and the environment and within the framework of river basin management. More specifically, the workshop discussed: definition of land and water linkages; development of a conceptual framework to predict land, water and plant nutrient Interaction; establishment of a landscape and river basin approach to integrated management of natural resources; and the drafting of a programme of action including applied research and modelling, education, extension, manuals and field projects aimed at promoting integrated management of natural resources. This publication contains the report and recommendations of the workshop and edited versions of eight papers that were presented and discussed at the workshop.

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