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Table A: -Limits of territorial seas, fishing zones and exclusive economic zones-

**Angola 12 mi (1992) 200 mi (1980) 200 mi (1992)

Table B: -Licence fees, bilateral agreement or joint venture requirements and nationality criteria-

STATE Licence fees, royalties and others local currency Requirements concerning bilateral framework agreements or joint venture participation Nationality criteria for fishing vessels
Fishing licence fees determined by joint order of the Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Finances, or within relevant international agreements or contracts. (Art. 13)
(Fisheries Law No. 20/92 of 14 August 1992)
Protocol of Agreement with EEC of 3 May 1987 for fishing off the coast of Angola, valid for the period 3 May 1994 to 2 May 1996
-Financial compensation = ECU 13 900 000 payable in 2 equal annual instalments.
-Contribution to scientific and technical programmes = ECU 2 800 000 payable in 2 annual instalments.
-Contribution to cooperation through awards and training = ECU 1 800 000. (Protocol) Fishing fees applicable to trawlers fishing: (i) shrimps = ECU 56/GRT/month, (ii) demersal species = ECU 195/GRT/month; shipowners of shrimp fleet shall contribute ECU 350 000/year for the realisation of scientific studies and campaigns of research
-Fishing fees applicable to tuna vessels and surface longliners: ECU 20/ton caught; licences delivered after payment lump sum of ECU 4 000/year/freezer tuna seiner, and ECU 2 000/year/surface longliner. (Annex)
(Council Regulation No. 3020/94 of 6 December 1994)
-Ministry of Fisheries and Ministry for Foreign Relations shall promote fisheries cooperation, through negotiation of international agreements in particular, with the other regional States. (Art. 9)
-International Access Agreement to Angola's waters to include provisions on: identification number and technical specifications of the vessel; fees payable; periodical communication of catch report, statistical data on catches and other information; dispute settlement; number and conditions of Angolan crew members on board. (Art. 19)
(Fisheries Law No. 20/92 of 14 August 1992)
Local fishing vessel
defined as vessel registered m Angola according to legislation in force on Maritime Registry and Insurance.
Foreign fishing vessel based in Angola is a vessel undertaking its activities in Angola, under special regime in conformity with legislation in force. (Art. 7)
(Fisheries Law No. 20/92 of 14 August 1992)

Table C: -Coastal State requirements for foreign fishing-

STATE Foreign fishing vessel licence conditions
(other than reporting requirements) including observers, bonds, etc.
Logbook, and reporting requirements foreign fishing
-Licence issued for maximum one year.
-Granting of licences to foreign fishing vessels shall comply with provisions of relevant international agreement. (Art. 18)
-In absence of international agreements foreign fishing vessels. Owner shall leave a performance deposit for compliance with Angolan legislation in force. (Art. 20)
-Fishing gear of foreign vessels operating without licence or in unauthorized zones shall be stowed. (Art. 28)
-Provisions concerning fishing activities of foreign vessels in Angola's waters, conditions for licence renewal, boarding of observers, scientists and Angolan seamen, conditions of transhipment and transiting in national waters, conservation and management measures related to minimum mesh size, species size and weight, prohibited seasons and zones, limited or prohibited use of certain gear and methods, to be defined by order. (Art. 10)
(Fisheries Law No. 20/92 of 14 August 1992)
Protocol of Agreement with EEC of 3 May 1987 for fishing off the coast of Angola, valid for the period 3 May 1994 to 2 May 1996
-Number of vessels or GRT allowed in Angola's waters for the 2 year period:
(1) shrimp vessels = 6 550 GRT/month on an annual average, i.e. maximum 22 vessels; (2) trawlers for demersal species = 1 900 GRT/month, annual average;
(3) bottom longliners with fixed gillnet = 900 GRT/month, annual average; (4) freezer tuna seiners = 19 vessels; (5) surface longliners = 5 vessels.
-Licence application to be introduced in a prescribed form, to Angola's Authority through EEC local delegation, by shipowner for each vessel.
-Licence held on board at all times and valid for one year.
-Each vessel shall be represented by agent agreed by Ministry of Fisheries.
-By-catch of shrimp vessels is shipowner's property; by-catch of crabs authorized up to 500 t./year.
-Local landing of tuna by surface longliners, to supply Angola's tuna canning factories can be agreed between Owners and Fisheries Authorities.
-Fishing zones access delimited according to vessel category.
-Each licensed vessel, freezer tuna seiners and surface longliners excepted, shall board at least four Angolan seamen for professional training.
-Scientific observers boarded at the request of the Ministry shall be supplied with all facilities.
-EEC vessels shall allow boarding of Angolan officers in charge of inspection and monitoring of fishing activities.
-Minimum size of meshes: for shrimp fishing = 40 m.m.; for demersal fishing = 60 m.m. for the first year, 110 m.m. for the 2nd. (Annex)
(Council Regulation No. 3020/94 of 6 December 1994)
-Industrial fishing vessels shall transmit statistical data and information on catches, and communicate position when entering and leaving Angola's waters. (Arts. 27 and 28)
(Fisheries Law No. 20/92 of 14 August 1992)

Protocol of Agreement with EEC of 3 May 1987 for fishing off the coast of Angola, valid for the period 3 May 1994 to 2 May 1996
-Shrimp vessels and trawlers for demersal fishing cannot leave fishing zone without previous authorization from the Ministry and control of catch on board, and should communicate:
- at the end of each fishing haul determined catch sheets, to the Fisheries Investigation Centre in Luanda;
- every month, catch report to the Ministry of Fisheries;
- every day, geographical position and previous day catches through Luanda Radio Station or other means.
-Tuna vessels and surface longliners shall communicate:
- through Luanda Radio Station or by other means, position and volume of catch, every 3 days during fishing operations, and when leaving or entering the fishing zone.
- through EC Delegation to the Ministry of Fisheries, the fishing log maintained by Captain of the vessel.
(Council Regulation No. 3020/94 of 6 December 1994)

Table D: -Compliance control and reporting conditions-

- For key to alphabetical code see page preceding this table.
- Numbers represent periodicity of reports(in days / hours) or deadlines For submission of reports; W = weekly; D = daily; M = monthly; R = on request .
% = Reports must be made every 3 days for vessels from Norway, Sweden and Faroes when fishing for herring, weekly when fishing for other species .
O = Logbook to be filled out(radio report to be made) after every fishing operation .
* = Country is a part to the South Pacific FFA arrangement which stipulates that licences will not be issued to foreign fishing vessels unless those vessels are listed in good standing on the FFA - maintained regional register of fishing vessels .


A . Vessel to bear specified identification markings
B . Licence / permit to be carried on board
C . Vessel to board observers as required
D . Vessel to submit fishing plan
E . Vessel to put in for port inspections on entry / departure from zone
F . Vessel to carry specified position fixing equipment / transponders
G . Vessel owners to appoint local legal agents
H . Flag state to appoint national representative
I . Vessel to post performance bond / guarantee / deposit
J . Vessel to carry interpreters
K . Vessel to Seek prior authorization for transhipments
L . Vessel to stow gear while in area where not authorized to fish
M . Requirements concerning local landing / processing of catch
N . Requirements concerning protection of local fisheries / gear
O . Requirements concerning employment / training of coastal state nationals in crew


P . Reporting on or prior to entry into the zone
Q . Reporting on or prior to departure from the zone
R . Reporting on commencement or cessation of fishing operations
S . Reporting on or prior to entry into coastal state ports
T . Timely reporting on position
U . Timely reporting on catch and effort
V . Maintenance of fishing logs .
W . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on request / as required / at specified intervals
X . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on entry into port
Y . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on / after completion of voyage / end of permit
Z . Controls over transitting of zone by unlicensed foreign fishing vessels

ANGOLA X   X           X   X X       X             X      

Table E: -Penalties for unauthorized foreign fishing-

ANGOLA To be defined by regulation NO Gear and catch: Court shall order


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