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Table A: -Limits of territorial seas, fishing zones and exclusive economic zones-

*Madagascar 12 mi (1985) - 200 mi (1985)

Table B: -Licence fees, bilateral agreement or joint venture requirements and nationality criteria-

STATE Licence fees, royalties and others local currency Requirements concerning bilateral framework agreements or joint venture participation Nationality criteria for fishing vessels
-Granting of licence is submitted to prior payment of fees set by order. (Art.11)
-In case licence is cancelled for purposes of sustainable management of the stocks affected, the remainder of licence fee will be reimbursed. (AH 30)
(Decree No. 94-112 of 18 February 1994. setting general organization of maritime fisheries activities)

Fisheries Agreement between Madagascar and EEC, renewed In 1995 for new 3 year period, valid from 21 May 1995 to 20 May 1998
For tuna fishing: licenses can be granted to 42 seiners and 16 trawlers;
-advance fee prior to licensing = ECU 1 500/ vessels year;
-minimum financial contribution = ECU 450 000/ year for a catch less than or equal to 9 000 tons/year; proportional increase = ECU 50/ton if catch exceeds 9 000 tons;
-financial contribution for scientific program (ECU 375 000) and scholarship (ECU 450 000);
Agreement between Madagascar and foreign companies, valid one year renewable
-Longliners and purseiners authorized to fish within Malagasy EEZ, only beyond the 12 nm of territorial sea, measured from the straight baselines.
-Cost of boarding observers falls entirely on operator.
-Annual licence fee depends on vessel tonnage (GRT) and type of fishing: longliner 700 to 799 GRT = $4 250/vessel/month; purseiner larger than 1 500 GRT = $5 000/vessel/month.

-In absence of agreement, Minister in charge of fisheries and aquaculture can conclude with natural or legal person from foreign State, a protocol of agreement setting conditions of fishing operations. (Art. 20)
-Fishing agreement to mention period of licence validity, catchable species, quotas by species. (Art. 22)
-International agreements may provide for:
-number and characteristics of vessels, fishing zones, methods, gear, and catchable species;
-licensing conditions for the owner or his representant;
-amount of fees and other compensations;
-periodical communication requirements for statistical data on catches;
-flag State obligation to comply with terms and conditions of agreement and legislation in force;
-consistent with development and management fishery plans;
-eventually agreement can also provide for: local landing of ali or part of catches; training of nationals; transfer of technology and construction of infrastructure; boarding of inspectors or observers and others. (Art. 24)
(Decree No. 94-112 of 18 February 1994, setting general organization of maritime fisheries activities)
Foreign fishing vessels defined as fishing vessels which are not:
-vessels owned by Malagasy State, nationals or companies, landing all their catch in Madagascar;
-vessels under charter-party with Malagasy and landing locally all their catch;
-vessels owned by foreigners but based in Madagascar, where all their catches are landed. (Arts. 8 and 9) (Decree No. 94-112 of 18 February 1994. setting general organization of maritime fisheries activities)

Table C: -Coastal State requirements for foreign fishing-

STATE Foreign fishing vessel licence conditions
(other than reporting requirements) including observers, bonds, etc.
Logbook, and reporting requirements foreign fishing
-Industrial and artisanal fishing in waters under Malagasy jurisdiction allowed to foreign vessels by agreement or special fishing licence. (Art. 13)
(Ordinance No. 93-022 of 4 May 1993, setting rules for Fisheries and Aquaculture)
-Fishing of coastal crustaceans and demersal species can not be undertaken by foreign fishing vessels. (Art. 10)
-Fishing vessels in transit in Malagasy waters shall stow their fishing gear. (Art. 21)
-Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture may determine number of vessels flying foreign flag allowed to fish, licences period of validity, catchable species and quota by species. (Art. 22)
-Foreign vessels to report by all communication means, position and entry/departure in/from Malagasy maritime zones. (Art. 23)
-Application form for special fishing licence to mention: vessel name, registration number and port, identification markings, name and address of owner or charterer, GRT, horsepower, signals and radio frequencies, fishing methods, periods, species targeted. (Art. 25)
-Licence delivered for one vessel and original to be kept on board. (Art. 26)
-Licence shall include additional information such as: fishing zones, gear, local landing and transhipment requirements, entry, conditions of supplying and maintenance conditions of vessels, training and employment of Malagasy crew, boarding of observers, amount and payment conditions of fee. (Art. 27)
-Vessel name and call sign to be displayed in prescribed way. (Art. 29) (Decree No. 94-112 of 18 February 1994, setting general organization of maritime fisheries activities)

Fisheries Agreement between Madagascar and EEC, renewed In 1995, for new 3 year period
-Tuna boats to board observers on request of Government; observer not to remain on board longer than time required for making of spot checks on catches.
-Shipowner to be represented by agent in Madagascar.
-If requested by government, vessels fishing for deep-water crustaceans must hire Malagasy scientist capable of analyzing results of exploratory fishing for first 18 months; thereafter, a Malagasy seaman is to take over this role in addition to his normal duties and should be allowed access to places and documents necessary to perform his duties as an observer.
-Shipowners shall meet costs of observer on board (ECU 10 for each observer/day plus return in the country).
-Vessel fishing deep-water crustaceans must employ 1 Malagasy seaman.
-Ocean-going tuna fleet must employ 2 Malagasy seamen.
-EEC vessels can access to fishing zone beyond 2 nautical miles from coast.
-Vessels fishing deep-water crustaceans may not fish in waters less than 200 miles isobath deep.
Protocols of Agreements between Madagascar and foreign fishing companies, valid for 3 years renewable:
-Protocol of Agreement of 30 April 1991, renewed on 20 June 1994 between
Madagascar and Kaigai Gyogyo Kabushiki Kaisha Company, allowing this last to operate in EEZ with 30 tuna trawlers.
-Protocol of Agreement of 22 April 1992, renewed on 20 June 1994, between Madagascar and Hsing Hung Fishery Company, allowing this last to operate in EEZ with 30 tuna trawlers.
-Government and shipowners to set forth conditions regarding use of port facilities.
-Protocol of Agreement of 12 October 1992, renewed on 10 August 1994, between Madagascar and Hung Min Shipping Co. Ltd., allowing this last to operate in EEZ with 30 tuna trawlers.

-Master of foreign fishing vessel shall (daily) maintain and communicate (monthly) to Fisheries Administration, a fishing log reporting on fishing zone, meteorological conditions, fishing gear used, tonnage of catches on board by main species, tonnage of by-catches, etc. (Art. 28)
(Decree No. 94-112 of 18 February 1994. setting general organization of maritime fisheries activities)
Fisheries Agreement between Madagascar and EEC, renewed In 1995, valid 3 years
-Vessels to communicate with Antsiranana radio station every 3 days while engaged in fishing activities in Madagascar fishing zone, giving position and catches.
-Vessels to communicate catch results at end of each trip.
-Twice a year, Government to forward data regarding state of catches to EEC delegate in Madagascar.

Table D: -Compliance control and reporting conditions-

- For key to alphabetical code see page preceding this table.
- Numbers represent periodicity of reports(in days / hours) or deadlines For submission of reports; W = weekly; D = daily; M = monthly; R = on request .
% = Reports must be made every 3 days for vessels from Norway, Sweden and Faroes when fishing for herring, weekly when fishing for other species .
O = Logbook to be filled out(radio report to be made) after every fishing operation .
* = Country is a part to the South Pacific FFA arrangement which stipulates that licences will not be issued to foreign fishing vessels unless those vessels are listed in good standing on the FFA - maintained regional register of fishing vessels .


A . Vessel to bear specified identification markings
B . Licence / permit to be carried on board
C . Vessel to board observers as required
D . Vessel to submit fishing plan
E . Vessel to put in for port inspections on entry / departure from zone
F . Vessel to carry specified position fixing equipment / transponders
G . Vessel owners to appoint local legal agents
H . Flag state to appoint national representative
I . Vessel to post performance bond / guarantee / deposit
J . Vessel to carry interpreters
K . Vessel to Seek prior authorization for transhipments
L . Vessel to stow gear while in area where not authorized to fish
M . Requirements concerning local landing / processing of catch
N . Requirements concerning protection of local fisheries / gear
O . Requirements concerning employment / training of coastal state nationals in crew


P . Reporting on or prior to entry into the zone
Q . Reporting on or prior to departure from the zone
R . Reporting on commencement or cessation of fishing operations
S . Reporting on or prior to entry into coastal state ports
T . Timely reporting on position
U . Timely reporting on catch and effort
V . Maintenance of fishing logs .
W . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on request / as required / at specified intervals
X . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on entry into port
Y . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on / after completion of voyage / end of permit
Z . Controls over transitting of zone by unlicensed foreign fishing vessels

MADAGASCAR X X X   X   X         X X   X X X     X   XD XM      

Table E: -Penalties for unauthorized foreign fishing-

MADAGASCAR From 80 000 to 400 000 of Special Drawing Rights (parity SDR/currency on the day of payment) NO Vessel, gear and catch: confiscated.


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