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Nutrition education for the public

FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 59. 1996. Rome. 58 pp. ISBN 92-5-103797-3. Price US$10; 35 percent discount to developing countries (air mail dispatch not included). Available from Distribution and Sales Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

As part of the commitment to improving nutrition in developing countries, FAO sponsored the Expert Consultation on Nutrition Education for the Public in Rome from 18 to 22 September 1995. This meeting of 14 international experts was convened to assist FAO in advising member countries in the implementation of their nutrition education programmes within their National Plans of Action for Nutrition subsequent to the 1992 International Conference on Nutrition, The present publication is the report of the Expert Consultation.

Nutrition education programmes must consider the economic, organizational and environmental factors that can affect dietary habits and should use a participatory approach. Both traditional and new methods are needed to reach large sections of the population, including schoolchildren, youth, men and women in the workplace and home, The experts highlighted the need for collaboration among government, the media, the food industry, universities and non-governmental organizations in the development and implementation of nutrition education activities.

The report presents the recommendations adopted during the consultation for strategies for national and community programme development, training of nutrition educators, evaluation and use of mass media and computer technologies.

Janice Albert
Nutrition Officer/Technical Editor, Food and Nutrition Division

La alimentación y la nutrición en la gestión de programas de alimentación de grupos

Estudio FAO: Alimentación y nutrición, N° 23, Rev. 1. 1995. Roma. 201 págs. ISBN 95-5-303084-4. Precio: $EE.UU. 14; 35 por ciento de descuento a los países en desarrollo (envío por correo aéreo no incluido). Pedidos a: Grupo de Distribución y Ventas, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italia.

Esta edición revisada ofrece directrices a los supervisores de programas. Se ha considerado necesario poner al día el presente estudio adaptándolo a la situación actual, dados los adelantos ocurridos en la gestión de los programas de alimentación de grupos desde la primera edición en 1984. Estos cambios tienen en cuenta el aumento de la ayuda alimentaria en situaciones de emergencia, las nuevas funciones asignadas a ésta y sus efectos disuasivos.

El libro empieza con una visión global de los programas de alimentación de grupos. En los Capítulos 2 y 5 se presentan los conocimientos básicos sobre los alimentos y la nutrición; el Capítulo 3 estudia las características de las raciones que convienen para diferentes grupos de población, mientras que el Capítulo 8 estudia la medición y la preparación conveniente de los alimentos. Los Capítulos 4, 6 y 7 están dedicados a la gestión y al seguimiento de estos programas, Finalmente, el texto pone énfasis en la capacitación del personal y en la educación de la comunidad.

Pierre Baron
Oficial Superior, Servicio de Programas de Nutrición

Gestion des programmes d'alimentation des collectivités

Etude FAO: Alimentation et nutrition n° 23 Rév. 1. 1995. Rome. 216 p. ISBN 92-5-203084-0. Prix: US$ 14; 35 pour cent de réduction pour les pays en développement (envoi par avion non compris). Disponible auprès de: Groupe distribution et ventes, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italie.

Cette version révisée de l'étude intitulée Gestion des programmes d'alimentation des collectivités fournit des directives aux superviseurs desdits programmes. On a jugé nécessaire de la mettre à jour en l'adaptant à la situation actuelle compte tenu des progrès accomplis dans la gestion des programmes d'alimentation des collectivités depuis la première édition de ce texte qui remonte à 1982, Ces changements tiennent compte notamment de l'augmentation de l'aide alimentaire livrée en situations d'urgence, des nouvelles fonctions assignées à celle-ci et de ses effets dissuasifs.

L'ouvrage s'ouvre sur des généralités concernant les programmes d'alimentation des collectivités. Aux chapitres 2 et 5 sont exposées les connaissances fondamentales sur les aliments et la nutrition. Le chapitre 3 étudie les caractéristiques des rations adaptées aux différents groupes de populations, tandis que le chapitre 8 porte sur la mesure et la préparation des aliments, Les Chapitres 4, 6 et 7 sont consacrés à la gestion et au suivi de ces programmes. Enfin, le texte met l'accent sur la formation du personnel et l'éducation de la communauté.

Pierre Baron
Fonctionnaire principal, Service des programmes de nutrition

Food and nutrition in the management of group feeding programmes

FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 23, Rev. 1. 1993. Rome. 195 pp. ISBN 92-5-103084-7. Price US$14; 35 percent discount to developing countries (air mail dispatch not included). Available from Distribution and Sales Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

This revised edition offers guidelines for programme supervisors. An updated edition adapted to the current situation was considered necessary in light of the progress in the management of group feeding programmes since the first edition appeared in 1984, These changes take into account, among other things, the increase in emergency food aid, its new functions and its disincentive effects.

The book opens with an overview of group feeding programmes. Chapters 2 and 5 outline the basic concepts of food and nutrition. Chapter 3 reviews the characteristic rations suitable for different population groups, and Chapter 8 reviews the proper preparation and measurement of food. Chapters 4,6 and 7 cover the management and monitoring of these programmes. Last, the text stresses staff training and community education.

Pierre Baron
Senior Officer, Nutrition Programmes Service

Iodine deficiency disorders (slide set)

Ann Burgess et al. 1995. St Albans, UK, Teaching Aids at Low Cost. TALC, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts. AH 5TX, UK.

"Iodine deficiency is so easy to prevent that it is a crime to let a single child be born mentally handicapped for that reason." This statement, made by H.R. Labouisse of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 1978, is still relevant. At the 1992 FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition, one of the goals adopted in the Plan of Action for Nutrition was the elimination of iodine deficiencies by the year 2000. Assisted by the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) has created a slide set that focuses on iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). This slide presentation is part of a series of low-cost teaching aids about micronutrients and malnutrition produced by TALC to facilitate the elimination of these nutrition problems. The slide set is an updated version of an earlier set. Goitre and cretinism, and includes the most recent views on IDD.

For nutritional educators and trainers, the slide set may be a useful tool for explaining the nature and consequences of micronutrient deficiencies. The audience for such training includes community health workers, nurses, clinical officers and nutritionists. Other community development workers, health planners and managers may benefit from this presentation.

The slide set is accompanied by a user's guide which gives background information for the trainer, including many educational suggestions. In 24 vivid images the set illustrates the causes of iodine deficiency and the different types of disorders and explains their importance and their impact on community life. The control of IDD, the management of control programmes and the role of communication are discussed.

Unfortunately, the TALC slide set is somewhat incomplete. While the consequences of iodine deficiency and the different appearances of IDD are explained extensively, the only preventive measure mentioned is iodization of salt, oil or water, Given the ICN's advocacy of food-based intervention strategies for preventing specific micronutrient deficiencies, the trainer or educator making use of the slide set should add information about other foods that may be available in some regions.

Marion Herens
Associate Professional Officer, Nutrition Programmes Service

Nutri-action analysis: going beyond good people and adequate resources

Suttilak Smitasiri. 1994. Salaya, Thailand, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University. 200 pp. Price to developing countries, first copy free and each additional copy US$24; to developed countries, US$24. Shipping and handling US$10 for all orders. Division of Communication and Behavioural Science, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Salaya, Phutthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand.

Presupposing that nutrition communication is an important strategy (among others) for eradicating malnutrition, especially in societies where people have or soon will have more control over their food supply, this publication aims at making nutrition communication interventions more effective. To this end, the author analyses, interprets, evaluates and explains the nutrition communication process, taking into account the specific data and facts of a case-study as well as the realm of ideas, models and theoretical concepts in the field of communication and behavioural change.

The publication's title, Nutri-action analysis, though not self-explanatory even to an expert readership, is, however, descriptive of the author's strong conviction that scholarship needs to be applied to action, and vice versa, Fully in line with this notion, the centrepiece of the publication, the case-study of the Social Marketing of Vitamin A-Rich Foods project in Thailand, is embedded among relevant theoretical concepts and a thorough evaluation and analysis of the entire nutrition communication process.

The first chapter discusses the rationale for proposing nutri-action analysis as a research strategy, giving its conceptual framework, procedures and usefulness. Chapter 2 reviews the nature of current nutritional problems in the least-developed countries (LDCs) and closes with a brief section on the state of the art of nutrition communication interventions.

Following the presentation and evaluation of the case-study (Chapters 3 and 4), the author analyses the intervention process itself using reflection theory and cognitive mapping, Planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation processes from the case-study are taken apart to provide greater knowledge of the nutrition communication process (Chapters 5 and 6). Chapter 7 presents a critical analysis of several key issues such as the significance of nutrition communication interventions, the feasibility of the social marketing approach and the possibility of intervention sustainability.

Chapter 8 illustrates the strategies heeded at both national and international levels for future nutrition communication interventions in LDCs, while Chapter 9 pinpoints some important issues for future consideration, for instance the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, integration of research and practice, remaining friction within the nutrition communication system and the research activities needed for enhancing future nutrition education and communication work in LDCs.

A number of colourful diagrams and charts summarize the underlying theoretical models of the interventions and their analysis. By making visual the various factors and actors involved in nutrition education and communication work, the charts also illustrate the interventions' complex nature and underline the author's call for a comprehensive and systematic approach when aiming at nutrition behaviour change.

Some repetition of conclusions and recommendations was noted in the five chapters that follow the presentation of the case-study, Further, the emphasis in Chapter 2 should have been placed differently: the description of current malnutrition in the LDCs could have been kept to a minimum, while the second part, a critical presentation of traditional and current forms of nutrition education and communication work, would have benefited from a more elaborate discussion and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and limitations of the various approaches formerly and currently applied. Social marketing is accepted too easily and is presented unchallenged as the only approach that promises to achieve positive behaviour change.

Owing to its thorough, systematic look at the subject and the detailed illustration of its application in a real-world field project, Smitasiri's book undoubtedly makes a significant contribution to the literature on nutrition education and communication, It is questionable, however, whether the publication is especially useful for policy-makers, programme managers or field personnel, as one of the peer reviewers stated. Smitasiri did good groundwork, but in order to become a useful tool, particularly for field personnel, the publication would need to be considerably freed from its theoretical load (e.g. Chapter 5, "Reflection methodology") and would have to be much more practice oriented in concept and presentation.

Peter Glasauer
Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Programmes Service

Manual for social surveys on food habits and consumption in developing countries

A.P. den Hartog, W.A. van Staveren and I.D. Brouwer. 1995. Weikersheim, Germany, Margraf Verlag. 153 pp. ISBN 3-8236-1237-9.

This manual provides information and practical advice for social surveys on food habits. It is primarily intended for the field staff of food and nutrition programmes in developing countries. It is a revised edition of a manual first published in 1983.

The first section of the book gives a short and clear overview of the meaning and function of food in developing countries, as a theoretical background. Beyond the role of supplying nutrients, the authors mention the social, gastronomic and religious or magic beliefs about food. They note that food can be seen as a means of communication, of expressing cultural identity or economic status or of exercising influence and power.

The authors explain how food habits in rural and urban areas are created and changed and the variables that influence these dynamics. For rural areas, the authors consider issues such as the production of cash crops and food crops and the scarcity of fuel for cooking, Because urbanization continues to increase, special attention is paid to the food habits of the urban population, Other important issues such as the distribution of food in the household and infant feeding are discussed. Finally, the authors provide some information about food shortages and the adaptation of food habits.

The second part of the book gives more practical information on how to collect data on food habits and consumption by means of small-scale surveys. Using several surveys as examples, the authors explain the steps that must be undertaken to carry out a survey on food habits and food consumption. Food ethnography, the study of the food culture of a population, may involve surveys of the supply, preservation and storage, preparation, distribution and consumption of food. The authors also describe several methods to measure food consumption and nutrient intakes.

Finally, the authors discuss ways to report data, how to present the results and how to make the final report. The appendixes at the end of the book give very detailed and clear examples of questionnaires and other tools that can be used for the surveys discussed in the previous chapters.

The Manual for social surveys on food habits and consumption in developing countries effectively summarizes the very broad field of food habits and food consumption, pointing out the most important issues that must be considered when a survey is carried out in a developing country.

Manon Bak
Guest researcher, Nutrition Programmes Service


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Food, Nutrition and Agriculture reflects the concerns of the Food and Nutrition Division of FAO, covering topics such as nutrition planning, assessment and evaluation, nutrition programmes, and food quality and safety The review welcomes articles of interest to its readers working in government institutions, universities, research centres, non-governmental organizations, the food industry and the communications media in 169 countries

Articles may be written in English, French or Spanish The style should be clear, concise and easy to understand, avoiding journalistic terms, colloquial expressions and professional jargon Articles may be 2 500 to 5 000 words in length, with no more than six tables and fewer than 35 references Complete references must be provided when factual material and other viewpoints are mentioned References require author name(s), date, title place of publication and publisher (for books), journal title, volume and pages (for articles)

A summary of approximately 350 words and biographical information (35 words or less) about the author(s) should accompany the article The article will be published in the original language and FAO will translate the summary into the other two languages of the review Manuscripts must be typed and double spaced When possible, provision of a word-processing diskette is appreciated Tables, graphics and photographs should be provided on separate sheets with a title and number indicating their place in the text.

Manuscripts are reviewed by the Food and Nutrition Division, and the decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Advisory Board Copyrights and other ownership rights are vested in the Food and Agriculture Organization, which usually grants permission to the author to reproduce the article Authors should clearly state whether material! included in a manuscript has been copyrighted elsewhere and certify that they have permission to use the material When printed, up to 25 copies of the issue containing the article will be sent to the author free of charge.

Correspondence and manuscripts should be addressed to Technical Editor, Food, Nutrition and Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy


Alimentation, nutrition et agriculture traite de domaines dans lesquels s'exercent les activités de la Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition de la FAO - planification, évaluation nutritionnelle, programmes nutritionnels, qualité et innocuité des aliments. La revue accueille avec intérêt des articles pouvant intéresser ses lecteurs qui travaillent dans les institutions gouvernementales, les universités et les centres de recherche, les organisations non gouvernementales, l'industrie alimentaire et les médias de 169 pays.

Les articles peuvent être écrits en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. Ils doivent être rédigés dans un style clair et concis, faciles à comprendre, éviter les termes journalistiques, les expressions familières et le jargon professionnel. Ils doivent avoir une longueur de 2 500 à 5 000 mots, plus un nombre raisonnable de tableaux et de références (pas plus de six et moins de 35 respectivement). Des notes complètes doivent être ajoutées si des références factuelles et d'autres points de vue sont mentionnés. Lorsque des ouvrages sont cités, il faut indiquer le nom du ou des auteurs, la date de parution, le titre complet, l'éditeur et le lieu de publication. Pour les articles cités, donner le nom du ou des auteurs, la date, le titre de l'article, le titre complet de la publication, le volume et les pages.

Un résumé d'environ 350 mots et une notice biographique de 35 mots au maximum doivent accompagner l'article. Il sera publié dans la langue originale et la FAO traduira le résumé dans les deux autres langues de la revue. Les manuscrits doivent être dactylographiés en double interligne. Dans la mesure du possible les auteurs sont priés de fournir une disquette. Les tableaux, graphiques et photographies doivent être fournis sur des feuilles séparées, porter un titre, un numéro et l'indication de l'endroit où ils doivent être insérés dans le texte.

Les manuscrits sont examinés par la Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition, et la décision de les publier est prise par le comité de rédaction. Les droits d'auteur et autres droits relatifs au manuscrit sont dévolus à l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, qui autorise habituellement l'auteur à reproduire son article. L'auteur doit indiquer clairement les parties du manuscrit qui font déjà l'objet de droits d'auteur ou autres droits de propriété et certifier qu'il est autorisé à les utiliser. Lorsque l'article est publié, 25 exemplaires au maximum du numéro en question sont envoyés gratuitement à l'auteur.

La correspondance et les manuscrits sont à adresser à la Rédactrice technique, Alimentation, nutrition et agriculture, Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome (Italie).


La revista Alimentación. Nutrición y Agricultura traía temas de interés para la Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición de la FAO, incluyendo actividades de planificación, apreciación y evaluación relacionadas con la nutrición, programas de nutrición, y calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos. La revista acepta artículos de interés para sus lectores que trabajan en instituciones gubernamentales, universidades y centros de investigación, organizaciones no gubernamentales, así como en la industria alimentaria y en los medios de comunicación de 169 países.

Los manuscritos podrán ser redactados en español, francés o inglés. El estilo deberá ser claro, conciso y fácil de entender, evitando términos periodísticos, expresiones coloquiales y jergas profesionales. Los artículos podrán tener de 2 500 a 5 000 palabras y se recomienda un máximo de seis cuadros y 35 referencias. Deberán facilitarse referencias completas cuando se den datos objetivos o se citen puntos de vista de otros autores; en el caso de libros, se deberá indicar el apellido y la inicial del nombre del autor o autores, el año de publicación, el título completo, el lugar de publicación y la editorial. En el caso de artículos: autor(es), año, título del artículo, título completo de la publicación, volumen y número de las páginas.

El artículo irá acompañado de un resumen de 350 palabras aproximadamente y de una nota biográfica (que no exceda de 35 palabras) sobre el autor. Se publicará en el idioma original y la FAO traducirá el resumen a los otros dos idiomas de la revista. Los manuscritos deberán estar mecanografiados a doble espacio. Se agradecerá el envío, siempre que sea posible, de un disquete que contenga el artículo. Los cuadros, gráficos y fotografías deberán presentarse en hojas aparte, con un título y número, e indicando su lugar en el texto.

Los manuscritos serán revisados por la Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición de la FAO y la decisión concerniente a su publicación la tomará el Comité asesor editorial. Los derechos de propiedad y otros derechos de autor corresponderán a la FAO, que suele conceder permiso al autor para reproducir su artículo. Los autores deberán indicar claramente qué material del manuscrito tiene ya derechos de autor concedidos y certificar que han obtenido el permiso para utilizarlo. Una vez publicado e! artículo, se enviarán gratuitamente al autor 25 ejemplares del número de la revista que lo contiene.

La correspondencia y los manuscritos deberán dirigirse a: Redactara técnica, Alimentación, Nutrición y Agricultura, Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100, Roma, Italia.

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