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I. Opening of the session and welcoming address

II. Adoption of the Provisional Agenda

III. The role of ACPWP and introduction of members

IV. The State of the Industry - Oral presentations by:

A. Finland
B. New Zealand
C. Poland
D. Brazil

V. Forestry highlights and forest industry:

A. Outcome of the 13th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 1997)
B. FAO's State of the World's Forests
C. Outcome of the First World Conference on Finance and Marketing for the Pulp and Paper Industries, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 7-9 April 1997

VI. The socio-economic role of the forest industry

A. An example from a developed country - Sweden
B. An example from a developing country - Congo
C. Discussions

VII. Update on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and Certification

A. Progress achieved world-wide and FAO's contribution
B. Example from a developed country: Forests and forestry in Canada
C. Example from a developed country: An American approach
D. Example from a developing country - Ghana
E. Discussions

VIII. The Global Fibre Supply Study (GFSS)

Role of ACPWP in the international forest policy dialogue. What mechanisms should be developed for achieving this

IX. XI World Forestry Congress

X. Winding-up and recommendations by the Advisory Committee for the 1997-98 Programme

XI. Date and Place of the 39th Session of ACPWP

XII. Any other business

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