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Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Oranges, Including Guide for use in Scoring Freezing Injury (Agenda Item 5a)
Proposed Draft Revised Codex Standard for Pineapple (Agenda Item 5b)
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Asparagus (Agenda Item 5c)
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Mexican Limes (Agenda Item 5d)
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits (Agenda Item 5e)
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Longans (Agenda Item 5f)
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Ginger (Agenda Item 5g)

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Oranges, Including Guide for use in Scoring Freezing Injury[9] (Agenda Item 5a)

43. The Committee agreed at its last Session that the proposed draft Codex Standard for Oranges, including the Guide for Use in Freezing Injury, would be returned for additional comment at Step 3 (ALINORM 97/35, paras. 22-30). Comments were requested under CL 1996/7-FFV in April 1996. The Committee also noted the availability of the UNECE Standard for Citrus Fruits (FFV-14).

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Oranges

44. In view of the previous successful Codex/UNECE collaboration in the finalization of Codex Standards for Avocados, Limes, Mangos and Pummelos, the Committee agreed to return the draft Codex Standard for Oranges to Step 2 so that the Codex and UNECE Secretariats could elaborate a harmonized Codex Standard based on the quality provisions of the UNECE Standard for Citrus Fruits. It was agreed that the harmonized proposed draft Codex Standard for Oranges would be circulated for comments at Step 3 prior to the Committee’s eighth Session.

Proposed Draft Revised Codex Standard for Pineapple[10] (Agenda Item 5b)

45. The Committee agreed at its last Session to return the proposed draft revised Codex Standard for Pineapple for additional comment at Step 3 (ALINORM 97/35, paras. 64-71). Comments were requested under CL 1996/7-FFV in April 1996.

46. The Committee agreed to refer to the plural form “pineapples” throughout the text. In Section 2.1 (Minimum Requirements), the Committee agreed to maintain the provision which allowed pineapples to be presented with or without crowns to reflect current marketing practices. The delegations of France and the Ivory Coast, supported by the written comments of Cameroon, Togo and Benin, objected to the marketing of pineapples without crowns. The Committee also added a paragraph at the end of the section concerning the physiological ripeness of the fruit.

47. In Extra Class (2.2.1) and Class I (2.2.2) the Committee agreed to harmonize the length of the crown to be between 50 and 150 percent of the length of the fruit.

48. In view of the wide variation in the colouring of various pineapple varieties and the difficulty in establishing objective criteria, the Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of Section 2.2.4 (Classification by External Colouring).

49. The Committee added new figures to Section 3 (Provisions Concerning Sizing) based on the average weight of pineapples with or without crowns.

Status of the Proposed Draft Revised Codex Standard for Pineapple

50. The Committee advanced the proposed draft Revised Codex Standard for Pineapple (see Appendix VIII) to the 45th Session of the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Asparagus[11] (Agenda Item 5c)

51. The last Session of the Committee agreed that the Codex and UNECE Secretariats would elaborate a harmonized proposed draft Codex Standard for Asparagus based on the quality provisions of the UNECE Standard for circulation and comment prior to the Committee’s current meeting (ALINORM 97/35, paras. 31-34). Comments were requested under document CX/FFV 97/9.

52. The Committee also had the UNECE Standard for Asparagus (FFV-04) and the summary report of the 43rd UNECE Meeting of Experts on Coordination of Standardization of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (May 1997) related to the revision of the UNECE Standard available for its consideration.

53. The Committee agreed to add a paragraph to the end of Section 1 (Definition of Produce) to allow for the standard to apply to asparagus grown under certain climatic conditions with a minimum diameter of 3 mm.

54. In Section 3 (Provisions Concerning Sizing) the Committee agreed to add a provision to allow for the measurement of slender asparagus at the cut end and also noted the following:

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Asparagus

55. In view of the above discussion, the Committee agreed to return the proposed draft Codex Standard for Asparagus (see Appendix XI) to Step 3 for additional comment and consideration at its next meeting. The Committee noted that this would allow for UNECE collaboration in arriving at a completely revised sizing table based on size codes, as opposed to quality grades, which truly reflected all diameters and colour groups of asparagus marketed in international trade.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Mexican Limes[12] (Agenda Item 5d)

56. The Committee at its last Session accepted the offer of Mexico, assisted by Thailand, to prepare a proposed draft Codex Standard for Mexican Limes (ALINORM 97/35, para. 86). The 43rd Session of the Executive Committee approved the elaboration of the Standard as new work. Comments were requested under CX/FFV 97/10.

57. The Committee agreed to delete all percentage figures related to slight defects and defects in Class I (2.2.2) and Class II (2.2.3), and harmonized the text with other Codex standards. The Committee also agreed to revise Section 3 (Provisions Concerning Sizing) to include smaller varieties.

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Mexican Limes

58. The Committee advanced the proposed draft Codex Standard for Mexican Limes (see Appendix VI) to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5/8.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits[13] (Agenda Item 5e)

59. The last Session of the Committee accepted the offer of Cuba, assisted by Argentina, to prepare a proposed draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits (ALINORM 97/35, para. 86). The 43rd session of the Executive Committee approved the elaboration of the Standard as new work, with the understanding that consideration be given to the corresponding UNECE Standard in order to arrive at a harmonized text. Comments were requested under document CX/FFV 97/11. The Committee also had the UNECE Standard for Citrus Fruit (FFV-14) for its consideration.

60. The Committee revised Section 2.1 (Minimum Requirements) on the basis of earlier discussions, and eliminated references to ripeness, shape, odor, flavour and other imperfections as these factors were adequately covered under Section 2.1.1.

61. The Committee created a new section on Maturity Requirements (2.1.2) on the basis of the UNECE text. The section concerning Colouring (2.1.3) was revised to refer to “degreened” produce and to discolouration caused by rust mite, melanose and other blemishes.

62. Additional provisions concerning defects related to discolouration due to rust mite, melanoses and other blemishes were added to Class I (2.2.2) and Class II (2.2.3).

63. The table in the Provisions Concerning Sizing (Section 3) section was revised to refer to diameter only, as the figures based on number of fruit per case was not relevant to current trading practice.

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits

64. The Committee advanced the proposed draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits (see Appendix IX) to the 45th Session of the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Longans[14] (Agenda Item 5f)

65. The Committee at its last Session accepted the offer of Thailand to prepare a proposed draft Codex Standard for Longans (ALINORM 97/35, para. 86). The 42rd Session of the Executive Committee had already approved the elaboration of the Standard as new work. Comments were requested under CX/FFV 97/12.

66. The Committee maintained the reference to the lighter colour of longans skin when treated with sulphur dioxide gas (Section 2.1.1), but deleted the specific reference to the General Standard on Food Additives as it was not finalized to date.

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Longans

67. The Committee advanced the proposed draft Codex Standard for Longans (see Appendix X) to the 45th Session of the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Ginger[15] (Agenda Item 5g)

68. The Committee at its last Session accepted the offer of South Africa to prepare a proposed draft Codex Standard for Ginger (ALINORM 97/35, para. 86). The 43rd Session of the Executive Committee approved the elaboration of the Standard as new work. Comments were requested under CX/FFV 97/13.

69. The Committee agreed to add a table to Section 3 (Provisions Concerning Sizing) base on weight in grams. The Committee also made general changes to the standard based upon it previous discussions.

Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Ginger

70. The Committee advanced the proposed draft Codex Standard for Ginger (see Appendix VII) to the Commission for adoption at Step 5/8.

[9] ALINORM 97/35, Appendices V and VI and comments from Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, Mexico and Spain (CX/FFV 97/7), Argentina (CRD 1), India (CRD 2) and Costa Rica (CRD 3).
[10] ALINORM 97/35, App. X and comments from Cameroon, Czech Republic, Germany, Mexico, Spain and Togo (CX/FFV 97/8), Benin, India, Ivory Coast and Thailand (CRD 2) and Costa Rica (CRD 3).
[11] CX/FFV 97/9 and comments from India, South Africa and the United States (CX/FFV 97/9-Add. 1), Argentina (CRD 1) and Czech Republic and Thailand (CRD 2).
[12] CX/FFV 97/10 and comments from Cuba, India and South Africa (CX/FFV 97/10-Add. 1), Argentina (CRD 1), Egypt (CRD 2) and Costa Rica (CRD 3).
[13] CX/FFV 97/11 and comments from Canada, India, Spain and the United States (CX/FFV 97/11-Add. 1), Argentina (CRD 1) and Czech Republic (CRD 2).
[14] CX/FFV 97/12 and comments from Germany and Singapore (CRD 2). Document CX/FFV 97/12-Add. 1 was not issued.
[15] CX/FFV 97/13 and comments from Canada and India (CX/FFV 97/13-Add. 1), Czech Republic and Thailand (CRD 2) and Costa Rica (CRD 3).

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