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Report by the Secretariat on Matters Referred to the Committee[3] (Agenda Item 3)

Application of Risk Analysis Principles in Codex: Microbiological Hazards
Revision of the Codes of Practice
General Principles of Food Hygiene
Status of General Principles of Food Hygiene

Application of Risk Analysis Principles in Codex: Microbiological Hazards

6. The Committee expressed its strong support for and stressed urgency of the establishment of an expert group to conduct risk assessments on microbiological hazards, as suggested by the 22nd Session of the Commission. Its role would be similar to that of JECFA and JMPR. The Committee noted that consultations were ongoing between FAO and WHO on the establishment of such a body, including the form it would take, and the working procedures and the selection of experts. The Committee noted that some governments might wish to inform FAO and WHO of the availability of potential experts in their countries, while recalling that the final decision on this matter rested with the Directors-General of FAO and WHO.

Revision of the Codes of Practice

7. The Committee noted the recommendations of the Commission concerning the Codes of Practice, and recognizing the urgent need to revise the Codes, agreed to establish an ad hoc working group, chaired by Australia, to discuss priorities. The Committee agreed to consider the proposals for the revision of the codes under Agenda 19 - Other Business and Future Work.

General Principles of Food Hygiene

8. The Committee noted that the Commission, while adopting the General Principles of Food Hygiene, had requested the Committee to consider proposals for the amendment of Sections 4.4.4. Personnel Hygiene Facilities and Toilets and Section 6 - Establishment: Maintenance and Sanitation.

9. With reference to Section 4.4.4., the Committee recognized that it was not always necessary for facilities to include a supply of both hot and cold water, an important issue in developing countries and small businesses. It also confirmed that, according to the current text, hot water was not required in all cases but only "where appropriate", and that it was left to competent authorities to make the relevant decision, based on an assessment of the risk.

Status of General Principles of Food Hygiene

10. The Committee decided to include an amendment at the end of Section 6.1.2 on the need for sufficient rinsing after chemical disinfection. In view of the non-controversial nature of the proposal, the Committee agreed to circulate the Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Principles of Food Hygiene at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee (see Appendix II).

[3] CX/FH 97/2

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