Recalling that the Council, at its Hundred and Twelfth Session in June 1997, requested, on the basis of the recommendations of the Programme and Finance Committees, that options for an adapted medium-term planning process of FAO's activities be examined,
Noting the recommendations of the Council, at its Hundred and Thirteenth Session in November 1997, based on the joint recommendation of the Programme and Finance Committees at their Joint Meeting of September 1997, that a new medium-term planning process should be introduced in a flexible and step-by-step manner and that, meanwhile, the Conference should authorize the phased implementation of the medium-term planning process on an experimental basis in the course of the 1998-99 biennium,
Noting the recommendation of the Council, at its Hundred and Thirteenth Session in November 1997, that the Basic Texts of the Organization should be amended immediately in order to abolish the outline Programme of Work and Budget and the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committee early in the second year of the biennium to consider that outline,
Realizing that these amendments would be without prejudice to the need for further amendments to be incorporated into the Basic Texts of the Organization, at a subsequent stage and in the light of the outcome of the implementation of a new medium-term planning process on an experimental basis:
Adopts the following amendments to the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) and the Financial Regulations (FR):
a) The word "outline," is deleted before the words "summary and draft Programme of Work and Budget" in the following provisions of the General Rules of the Organization:
i) Rule XXVI, paragraph 7 (a) (ii) (GRO);
ii) Rule XXVIII, paragraph 4 (GRO).
b) Rule XXVIII (GRO) is amended by deleting Paragraph 1 and renumbering the following paragraphs accordingly;
c) Rule XXXVII, paragraph 2 (g) (i) is amended to read as follows:
"(i) in the light of guidance given by the Conference and Council at its previous sessions and by regional and technical conferences, commissions or committees, a summary Programme and Work and Budget for consideration by the Programme and Finance Committees, other appropriate organs of the Organization, and the Council; and ..."
d) Financial Regulation 3.5 is amended to read as follows:
"The Director-General shall arrange for the summary budget to be considered by the Council not less than 90 days before the date fixed for the opening of the regular session of the Conference".
(Adopted on 17 November 1997)
Amendments to financial regulations 6.9 and 7.1.
120. The Conference noted that the proposed amendments had been reviewed by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM), at its Sixty-Seventh Session, and endorsed by the Council at its Hundred and Thirteenth Session (Rome, 4-6 November 1997). The amendments had been prepared in response to the recommendation of the Finance Committee, at its Eighty-Seventh Session, which invited the Secretariat to elaborate detailed proposals for the reformulation of Financial Regulation 6.9 on the Publications Revolving Fund to allow for more flexible utilization of income from the sale of publications and other information materials.
121. The Conference adopted the following Resolution: