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Information and Communication

A number of GTOS publications were produced during 1997 and are available from the GTOS Secretariat. See annex 3 for the complete list. During the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Convention to Combat Desertification (Rome, October 1997), the Secretariat distributed 400 copies of a document: “GTOS and the Convention on Desertification” - composed of selected parts of the document “GTOS and the Conventions”.

A GTOS brochure has been produced in English and in French. In addition, ICSU is developing a G3OS brochure for the global observing systems, which should be ready early in 1998.

A set of colour overheads which describe the GTOS mission, activities and structure has been prepared by the Secretariat and can be customized according to the audience. It is available to GTOS members by “ftp” or on request in Power Point or Adobe Acrobat format; printed overheads can be made available as needed.

A GTOS list server was established in January 1997 to facilitate the communication and exchange of information between the Secretariat, the Sponsors and the Steering Committee. Approximately 150 messages were posted during the year in the following categories:

The GTOS Secretariat can be contacted directly

using the address indicated below:

Jeff Tschirley, Programme Director a.i.

Anne Aubert, Programme Officer

GTOS Secretariat, c/o FAO, SDRN

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome 00100, Italy

Tel: (+39-6) 5705-3450/2586

Fax: (+39-6) 5705-3369

E-mail: [email protected]


For a Global Vision of the Earth We Share

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