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Annex 1 - GTOS Steering Committee Members

Dr. Michael H. Glantz (Chairman)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - USA

Prof. Christopher H. D. Magadza (Vice-chairman)
University of Zimbabwe - ZIMBABWE

Mr. André Bassolé
Ministère des Infrastructures, de l’Habitat et del’Urbanisme - BURKINA FASO

Dr. Jelila Benzarti (Ms)
National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRAT) - TUNISIA

Dr. Johannes Bouma
University of Wageningen - THE NETHERLANDS

Dr. John R. Busby
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) - UK

Mr. Claudio Caponi
Ministero del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARNR) - VENEZUELA

Dr. Antonio Cendrero
Universidad de Cantabria - SPAIN

Dr. Wolfgang Grabs
Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) - GERMANY

Dr. Michael D. Gwynne
Ret. (Former Assistant Executive Director, UNEP) - KENYA

Dr. Vineeta Hoon (Ms)
M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation - INDIA

Dr. Anthony Janetos

Dr. Peter Jones
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - COLOMBIA

Ms. Gwynneth M. Martin
ORBIS Institute - CANADA

Dr. Shunji Murai
University of Tokyo - JAPAN

Dr. David Norse
University College of London - UK

Dr. Anatoly Z. Shvidenko
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)- AUSTRIA

Prof. Zhao Shidong
Chinese Academy of Sciences - CHINA

Sponsors Representatives:

Dr. Louise O. Fresco
Research, Extension and Training Division (SDR), FAO - ITALY

Dr. Bernard Tinker
ICSU, University of Oxford - UK

Ms. Marion Cheatle
Division of Environmental Information and Assessment (DEIA), UNEP - KENYA

Mr. Badaoui Rouhban
Bureau for Coordination of Environment Programmes, UNESCO FRANCE

Dr. Robert Landis
World Weather Watch Department, WMO - SWITZERLAND

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