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i. The total export value of timber and timber products (including rattan and wooden furniture) for Malaysia recorded FOB RM 13.1 billion or 7.0% of total export receipt of the country at FOB RM 185.3 billion in 1995. For Peninsular Malaysia alone, the total export value of timber and timber products (excluding rattan and wooden furniture) amounted to FOB RM 2.3 billion, constituting 1.0% of the total gross export receipts of Peninsular Malaysia at FOB RM 175.1 billion for the same year.

ii. Revenue derived from forests in the form of royalties, premium, forest development fund, and others represent a considerable and important proportion of the State Government's total income, while at the Federal level, export levy and income tax are collected. In 1995 the total forest revenue collected by the various state governments in Malaysia amounted to almost RM 2.0 billion.

iii. The forestry sector provided direct and indirect employment for almost 250,000 persons in 1995. In Peninsular Malaysia forestry sector provided employment for at least 87,512 persons, specifically 12,940 persons in the logging industry, 20,075 persons in sawmilling, 16,259 persons in the plywood/veneer industry, 8,591 persons in the moulding sector, 18,000 persons in the furniture mills, match, pencil, wood-wool cement slabs, small scale rattan and bamboo industries, whilst the public sector employed some 5,647 persons. More than RM 500 million were paid out in salaries and wages for workers involved in the forestry sector.

iv. Total investment in the major wood-based industries in Peninsular Malaysia in 1995 was estimated to be RM 2,549 million. Of this total, RM 1,657 million or 65% were in the sawmilling industry, RM 664 million or 26% in the plywood/veneer industry and RM 228 million or 9% in the wood moulding industry.

v. Apart from its monetary value, forest also plays an important protective function such as the maintenance of environmental stability, minimization of damage to rivers and agriculture land by floods and erosion and the safeguarding of water supplies.

1 US$1.00 = RM2.46 as of June 1997.

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