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· To manage the forest resource sustainably for the continuous production of forest goods and services and their optimum utilisation, compatible with environmental requirements.

· To increase the supply of forest goods and services through appropriate forestry activities that enhance the quality, productivity and utilisation of the forest resources.

· To further develop appropriate environmentally sound technology for the conservation, management and utilisation of the forest resources.

· To conserve and protect the forests' biological diversity, water and soil, and their sustainable utilisation.

· To increase the quality and efficiency of the forest-based processing mills and enhance higher value downstream activities.

· To strengthen human resources development (HRD) to support the forestry sector.

· To improve public awareness on the environmental and conservational roles of forests through education and dissemination of information.

· To increase the forestry sector's contribution to national income, foreign exchange and employment opportunities.

· to manage and utilize the forest resource for maximum benefits based on the inherent capability of the forest and on comprehensive forest land use and management plans;

· to determine potential yield based on systematic and in-depth appraisals of the forest resource base, its growth potential and other relevant factors;

· to harvest the forest resource conservationally by selective felling and the retention of adequate natural regeneration, consistent with economic harvesting, so as to ensure the sustainability of the forest resource base;

· to apply optimal forest management regimes based on information generated from integrated forest management and operational studies;

· to regenerate the harvested and poor forest in order to yield stock equivalent of 25 trees per hectare, of currently acceptable species, of at least 45 cm diameter at breast height, for the economic production of quality logs; and

· to establish forest plantation of both indigenous and exotic species with emphasis on fast-growing species and to promote multiple-use forestry and environmental conservation.

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