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· Protection Forest for ensuring favourable climatic and physical conditions of the country, the safeguarding of water resources, soil fertility and environmental quality, the conservation of biological diversity and the minimization of damage by floods and erosion to rivers and agricultural lands;

· Production Forest for the supply in perpetuity, at reasonable costs of all forms of forest produce which can be economically produced within the country and are required for agricultural, domestic and industrial purposes, and for export;

· Amenity Forest for the conservation of adequate forest areas for recreation, ecotourism and in enhancing public awareness in forestry; and

· Research and Education Forest for the conduct of research and education.

(i) timber production forest under sustained yield;

(ii) soil protection forest;

(iii) soil reclamation forest;

(iv) flood control forest;

(v) water catchment forest;

(vi) forest sanctuary for wildlife;

(vii) virgin jungle reserved forest;

(viii) amenity forest;

(ix) education forest;

(x) research forest; and

(xi) forest for federal purposes.

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