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· To dedicate as Permanent Forest Estate (PFE) sufficient areas of land strategically located throughout the country, in accordance with the concept of rational land use.

· To manage the PFE with the objective of maximising social, economic and environmental benefits for the nation and its people in accordance with the principles of sound forest management.

· To pursue a sound programme of forest development through regeneration and rehabilitation operations in accordance with approved silvicultural practices in order to achieve maximum productivity from the PFE.

· To ensure thorough and efficient utilisation of forest resources on land not included in the PFE, prior to the alienation of such land, by means of proper coordinated planning by land development agencies in order to obtain maximum benefits for the people through complete harvesting and processing of such resources, adhering strictly to the optimum need of local processing industries.

· To promote efficient harvesting and utilisation of all forms of forest produce and to stimulate the development of appropriate wood-based industries with determined capacities commensurate with the resource flow in order to achieve maximum resource utilisation, create employment opportunities and earn foreign exchange.

· To ensure the sound development of trade and commerce and to promote the exportation of forest products.

· To promote effective Bumiputera participation in forest and wood-based industries consistent with Government policy.

· To undertake and support an intensive research programme in forest development aimed at achieving maximum yield from PFE, maximum direct and indirect benefits from harvesting and utilisation and above all maximum financial return on investment in forest development activities.

· To undertake and support a comprehensive programme of forestry training at all levels in the public sector in order to ensure an adequate supply of trained manpower to meet the requirements of forestry and the wood-based industries.

· To encourage private sector's involvement in forestry research and training at all levels with a view to accelerate industrial development and enhance the quality of professionalism in forestry and forest industrial practices.

· To foster by education and publicity, a better understanding among the community of the multiple values of forest to them and their descendants.

· To foster close cooperation among all in order to achieve optimum utilisation of the valuable natural resources of the country.

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